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by: E.C.Nemeth


To claim that this work is a creation is exactly the opposite of its intent. The delusion that grips our senses and overwhelms our society must be destroyed. Yet how do you destroy something that isn’t real? To create another set of symbolic artifacts would only introduce a new line of clothing for the same old king. The king must be defrocked and dethroned… not dressed in another and the latest fad, to look all shiny and new again.
It would be nice to create a wonderful set of words to sweep the ignorance of countless generations away forever. But the creation would necessarily assume the faulty construction of the original design, when nothing could be further from the truth. It is not what’s real that is the problem, but what we perceive as real. The reality that surrounds us, that we consider real, is nothing more than fragments of the true reality. Immersed as we are in the Great Lie, the truth is barely perceivable.
So, where do we begin? How do we proceed? Who is to blame? What is reality? When will it end?
The truth, as we have it set up, cannot even be imagined. If we believe in the many things then the One will not exist. Its definition will be bereft of meaning. If we lend credence to suffering and misery, then abundance and health have no bearing. If we give death serious consideration then life cannot flourish. If what does not exist, exists, then what exists, does not. Faith in the figments of our imaginations requires an equal disbelief in truth.
The only possible chance of success is to be thrown a lifeline - a thin little rope of hope. The recommendation is that this line be grasped with all one’s strength. Don’t be worried that the rope is so insubstantial. It can only snap if it first goes taut, and there’s plenty of slack in it. Just reach hand over hand along it. Its other end holds your salvation. For the lifeline is attached to a life raft. It will offer you succor and protection from the elements – long enough to get you back to solid ground again.
The place where we diverged from the truth is of no concern. For since time is irrelevant, where and when hold no meaning. Why is equally inconsequential because dynamics (all explanations of anything, are dynamics) rely on time as well, and time is a deception.
The only ones left to answer of the five famous W’s is what and who. We are already over half the way back to the truth!
What? Love and Life!
Who? God and you!
And that’s All. Because All just is.
So, where do we begin? Here. How do we proceed? With love for all of life. Who is to blame? Blame assumes guilt and all are always guilt free. What is reality? Love, life, us and God, these are real. When will it end? Beginnings, endings, they’re meaningless. There is only Now, the greatest present ever bestowed on us by the Divine.

This work then, is to be considered more a tearing asunder, a destruction, than a putting right, a creation. The half-truths that have been patched and cobbled together and called reality are anything but truth. Like darkness, the lie cannot exist in the light of the truth. When what you see is reality as it truly is, what lie would you fabricate to cover it up with? Such would be the choice of a deranged mind, an insane mind. Yet that is what society has chosen…
Because society is insane.
We are crazy for the details, the why-for’s and how to’s. We place our trust in the material, mundane world of the five senses. We want more, better, improved things. We wish for tidy little dream world fantasies, simplified packages of those things that make us feel better. And when we have them we discard them and pine for more, better, improved things…
Where is God, we wail!
But God can’t be found anywhere, there is no tangible evidence of the Divine whatsoever – unless of course, the entire picture is considered, the whole enchilada. Of course the big picture has no bearing on our present world. Our plight is what it is, and that’s it. There’s simply not enough to go around so it’s survival of the fittest. It’s do or die.
The above is the premise of our world today. The nation states are all clamoring at the same time and chaos prevails. Oblivion is being held at bay by a single, solitary bastion of freedom, of democracy: the capitalist free market system. Beneath the slick advertisement, between the lines of its subliminal messages aimed at coercing and behind veiled half truths the underlying philosophy is that God does not exist and that comfort, security and even love can be supplied on demand by corporations and individuals.
So how do we reorient our senses to perceive the true reality? How do we take the blinders off of our eyes, the filters that have dimmed the blazing colors of life? Here, and only here, will it be shown to you in the order that it occurred. For from this point on the journey will proceed in a linear fashion, starting from our present contemporary beliefs and moving backwards through the levels of the illusion that we have together fashioned. Here then are the seven steps of creation that gave rise to the grand illusion we see around us today. They are the creation of:
Good and Evil: The basis of dimensionality, the foundation, the bedrock. The idea that love can have an opposite is a remarkable concept. It opened a Pandora’s box of pleasures and pains, joys and sufferings, and with it all things were then equally possible. The realm of the many, of experience, is primarily an attention grabber designed to distract our awareness from the obvious fact that love can have no opposite because love is all there is in sum total. What would its opposite be? Love is true power. Love matters.
Positive and Negative: The concept of the mid-point, the nexus, the transition. The halfway point between rival impossibilities. First dimensional cross of Energy.
Past and Future: The vaunted cause and effect relationship, or law of karma. Home of rationality and the linearity of events. Second dimensional cross of Time.
Zero and Infinity: The end caps or limits of rationality. The finite realm, home of tribal power, raw experience and knowledge. Third dimensional cross of Matter.
Present and Paradox: Home of the limitless now, the only relevant moment. The present, the other, intuition, reality, truth. Level of infinite possibilities, miracles, prophets and teachers of God. The universal container. Forth dimensional cross of Space.
Monopole and Nopole: The unknown and unknowable, the inferred or intuited. All that is and all that is not. The first cause, intelligent design, divine desire, spirituality and the soul. The cross section of All contained within the universe. Home of the final and only reference point, the unity of All, angels, faith. Fifth dimensional cross of Life.
All: No words, no definition. Approximation may (or may not) be: An infinite, homogenous, amorphous cloud.
Reference is made in the bible to the tree of the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. With its consumption, mankind began the descent into materiality. That there could be levels of love immediately created mistrust between Creator and created. With that one misguided step we stood in judgement of reality and found it lacking. We then compounded the original mistake with yet another by fabricating a world of our own design. And we continue to believe in the false gods of our senses even when the evidence points irrefutably askew of that benchmark.
All love is One however, so love cannot be withdrawn or squandered or abused. Only love matters, and all is love. Love is not given or taken but simply shared. There’s always enough love because love is All there is.
The next six creations are of secondary consideration. They collapse if the first creation is disassembled.
There is no lack and no need because love is all there is. If this truth is fully embraced the other creations of the Great Lie have no leg to stand on. What is dimensionality as a concept if love is the only thing that’s real? Once love has conquered (to use contemporary language) ignorance and notions of superiority, the rest of the lie becomes inconsequential. The question of whether the other constructions truly exist wouldn’t even reach our awareness.
The only other possible point of contention, taken from our present context, would be why we have been allowed to delude ourselves to such a miserable degree.
The answer to that question is not one of semantics, as might at first be considered the case. We haven’t been allowed anything – it was so preconceived. It is the will of our Creator that spawned the world. It is only our misconceived perception of that creation, and that Creator, that holds truth at bay. Let go of your need to understand and knowledge will flow into you.
Comprehension is an act of the Holy Spirit, which is another way of saying God is Love. The only way you can be made to remember what in essence you have always known is to tear down the walls of your ill constructed understandings. Take back the power from the anti-christ, your ego. Admit that you understand nothing. Then pray to God to be shown the truth. The simple statement that follows (coined by another teacher) can summarize this: Let go and let God!
Letting go is a process, a daily exercise. The deconstruction of your knowledge must proceed through stages. Each stage undoes a specific level of ignorance and replaces it with truth. It is not until the process nears completion that comprehension sets in. In order to alter your perceptions your understandings must be undone. Only then can the most important step be undertaken. Only then can you begin to align yourself with the truth. Because what you sow you reap, what you believe you see.
It is our collective beliefs that supports the illusion of this world. We are being held hostage by our ignorance. It is time to set aside the toys of childhood and take up the work of adults. We must decide what’s useful and discard the rest. We must separate the chaff from the wheat.
We must widen our perspective…
We must come from love.

We shall begin simply. After all, the longest journey still starts with a single step.
The usefulness of the following story is in its cryptic nature. It fosters the creation of a space in the mind capable of sustaining suspended belief. It is eventually but inevitably from that space that comprehension will dawn on the mind.
We have to employ fairy tales because while our childish perceptions persist it is the perfect way to introduce a new possibility. It is a possibility so far-fetched that it’s message is overlooked at a rational level. It is considered an impossible possibility and dismissed out of hand.
Safely distanced from contemporary logic, the paradox is free to burrow deep into the subconscious mind. From there it subtly influences further understandings. Slowly, the impossibility gnaws away at the edges of the illusion until it becomes the truth that is impossible to deny. It is then that the transformation occurs. It is then that beliefs change. It is only then

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