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Book online «AGITATE by James Bernard Myers (good books to read for teens TXT) 📖». Author James Bernard Myers

To give motion, to move with irregular or violent action, to excite the mind, to discuss, arouse public feelings
Now I want to talk about being in the state of being agitated. Some think that this word is of a negative state of mind? But we must no always see things in a manner of negativity at all times. This is the one thing that will hold all people back and that is being negative. We have to start looking at things for what they are meant for to be looked at if that makes sense. Now to know what it is to be agitated is to first, give motion and to move with an irregular action that might lead to violence. But we are not gonna see this as violence at any time but as a heads up. What does violence mean to you as we speak. Violence is merely not always in the way that we may think. Violence is a state to where we may use force for the good and not always for the bad. Once again we still look at this word to mean what it says and it merely is not all of that of being in a manner or hate or the force that it tells us that it has. Force is the only way that we can get things done in this world and if we have to use violence to get it done then so be it. But let’s not take it out of context to the point that we forget what text that we are using it. This has been the problem for so many years when it comes to reading and studying the bible. We often take things out of context and not really know to what context we speak. We all speak on impulses and with the notion not always knowing what the hell we are talking about. So let’s start to use words for what they are meant for and not for what we want them to stand for. We have to learn how to decipher the difference betwixt what is real and what is not. Now I ask you have you ever been in a state to be agitated to the point where you use violence to help or to hurt. I know that it may not make sense to you to but you can be honest with yourself then you can see a whole new and big picture of new understanding. Now to understand is to know the truth and to know the truth is to know thyself and to know thyself is to know god and to know god is to know that he is the first and the last, the beginning and the ending and alpha and omega. I do not want to always use god to get a point across cause I am not the one to try to preach and to make you feel uncomfortable at any time. I just have to use the wisdom that I have that was granted to me by the man and if I choose not to use this then I deny god of his immense power. And we must stop trying to deny god his rightful power to use us in any way that he can. We have to learn to stand up and face the truth of who god is and who we are in him. I know that some of you may not believe in the higher power or you may believe in another power. But what ever power that you believe in know that he is the maker of all and all he makes. Now we all have those feelings inside that we want to eventually get out and display them in a manner that people will know that we are serious and that we mean no harm to hurt or mane. I know that some of us are blue collar workers and some of us are white collar workers. But at the same time we can still express ourselves in a manner with agitation when things do not go write. It is all how you display this agitation that you have found now. Now how do you express your frustration and agitation? How do you go to you r superior with wants and needs of the day or even in your home. Some of us may not know to what extinct to take this new found agitation that you have now. Some of us are really threatened by it and we do not know how to handle it. So what do you do? Do you still go and display this rage that you have now or do you take a back seat and think about what you are about to do. I feel that this is the thing that we most do not know what we do cause of the adrenaline that goes up and down in through our veins. I feel that we do not take the time to sit back and think about what we do, we just do it and then it is to late. Is it a point that we area trying to make at the appointed time or is it just that we have something to prove to the other party as far as that we are not gonna sit back and take this shit anymore? I do not know the answer to that one, but I can tell you that we all have something to prove and we want to get respect at the same time too. So all that I have to say is that when you fell that things are not gonna be right and you feel that you are not being treated fairly, then yes you have every reason to fell agitated. But it is in all how you handle it afterward. Now I will tell you how that you can go about with your agitation without letting it rule you and take you over to the point of getting yourself into a lot of trouble. Yes! You can get into trouble with this thing that we call agitation. First of all we have to know that what is going on in our lives and we have to know that we have to know what we are now in the eyes of others. Now know that you represent a god that created you and you have to know that he got agitated too and he did not let it get him to the point of rage to hurt or to mane. But god is god and he can do what he wants and we know that what he does it betters the lives of us all. And this is what we have to look at and see how he did things and how he handled things like he did. You may not be in a position to get the props that god got and the results that he got but ultimately you get the respect of your peers and your superiors as well. So look at how god did things and look at what ultimatums he gave us all. You can do the same things and you can get the same results if you just learn how to apply it to your every day life and walk. Stop being afraid to go out on the limb and stop being afraid to take the bull by the horns. Cause if you do not tackle this now then someone else will and that person will get the results that you thought that you would have got. And to know that god has your back if he knows that you are in line with his word and, and his teachings. You know that we are all pregnant with immeasurable possibilities. We can go so far if we just learn to take god for what he is worth and for what he has given us to do. And that is to revamp, refurbish, replenish this earth that he has made. Stop playing and get on the good foot and take aim and aim high. Straighten up and fly right.



Publication Date: 12-27-2010

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