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“I do not teach a primitive replacement of one human rule by another, which could be even more human, but the most severe capture of absolute superiority through Nothing to Power and the statement of total prevalence through Emptiness to Supremacy. That means: one having ears... finds them already cut off” (Azsacra Zarathustra “Nothing to Power and Emptiness to Supremacy”)

If the nuclear bomb could philosophize, it would certainly claim that its philosophy is for anybody to embrace, but it is also a fact that its deadly wisdom just belongs to everybody. Thus the modern philosopher, poet-mystic Azsacra Zarathustra, the severe founder of the legendary and entirely empty “Bible of Nothing, Bible of Emptiness” says. This Book of Books (1000 pages) represents something which Mircea Eliade termed as “ierofania”, a manifestation of the sacred in ordinary things, a concentration of the power of Absolute Emptiness.
Mystical intuitions are often difficult to perceive only because stupid and indisputable ideas are quite understandable. This article is based on statements by Azsacra and represents some kind of prolegomena to his philosophy of Nothing to Power (“Das Nichts zur Macht”) and Emptiness to Supremacy (“Die Leere zur Herrschaft”). Azsacra says that his philosophy should “create an effect of a Definitive Absence of the weakness” which, in turn, will lead to the annihilation of all human-created systems of universality based upon the concept of the “same” Weight of Spirit (der Geist der Schwere).
At midday when a mystical dialogue occurring in absolute silence stopped, the Snake suddenly bit Zarathustra on his lips. Zarathustra, having stroked it, laughed and instantly overtook Death. The Eagle, who had brought honey in its beak to Zarathustra, found only his corpse. “I am the murderer of Zarathustra!” — the creeping Snake hissed. The Eagle seized the snake with its claws and tore it into pieces. Then the shouting Eagle soared up into the sky with its curly black thunderclouds, and was in a flash incinerated by the lightning, which had struck therein. But the lightning, which was the Overman, perished, too. The decline of Zarathustra ended with the last and the brightest flash of lightning. The great ring of returning has become isolated with a Death in Death, for only a most Cruel Destruction contains the secret of the main transition.
The Nietzschean Overman (Übermensch) has died and will not return any more, even if he found a new, still unknown, “Will to Power” (Der Wille zur Macht). Together with the Death of the Overman, the Devil, the secret of the Evil unsolved by anybody, disappears too. So it is impossible either to think of, or to design Absolute Evil today. There is only a “permanent person” in the world, who is doomed to come back eternally to himself realising his pitiful and cowardly “human, too human” state. But then at the moment of the triumph of the “ordinary person”, on that side of all “on-those-sides”, from the Death of the Overman, the Overnoumen (Übernoumen) is born. It is Nothing (Nichts) itself which just like every “top” violently aspires to the only one: to overtake Death!
“Two resuscitations, severe poisonings, necrosis, extensive burns, deep chipped and cutting wounds, open crises, ruptures of muscles on the stomach from blows, a strong blood poisoning, the loss of the right eye. But that's not enough. Once, after being hit with a sledge hammer in my heart, I asked, what is it, a war or a butcher's shop? The crash of a dragonfly on fire, I was answered” (Azsacra Zarathustra “Nothing and Nothing to Power”)
The pure hollow wisdom of Overnoumen is a kind of the most terrible wisdom. It proclaims four basic imperatives:
1) Not to be born; 2) Not to exist; 3) To be Nothing; 4) And hence to overtake Death as soon as possible.
The Overnoumen-Nothing destroys all conceivable and inconceivable limits of rationalism and irrationalism. It is not necessary to overestimate all values for the aim of showing Nothing to Power: to eliminate all values and all judges of these values, including Nothing is enough. The Overnoumen`s Will to Power (Der Wille zur Macht) unlike human will to live is only an infinite excess of all Rates of Death. It proclaims entirely another world — “The World as Will and Destruction”. To strengthen the power of all living means to strengthen the force of all dead. The birth of Nothing from the Spirit of Nietzsche means a birth of extreme violence of life from the Spirit of Nothing. Such is an empty fighting strategy of overcoming traditional “nihilism” by means of anti-philosophy of Great Midday. Such is the empty kingdom of Zarathustra confirmed as a projection of the Nietzschean Will to Power through Nothing to Power and Emptiness to Supremacy.
The thinking thinks and the Will demands a hidden and secret place in the field of Death. Only here is thinking without fear possible. It is necessary to remember that any second which is lived or thought contains fear. Therefore Dragons of Horror should devour dragons of fear. Every philosophical support just help to keep our fear, and therefore they must be brutally exterminated. Here comes a time to strike all philosophy with a finishing blow. This would be the final wound exacted by the sword of absence, piercing the neck of the won presence. It is necessary to cleanse it with the madness of Nietzsche … exposing the madness of all philosophy as total cowardice of thinking. There is nothing better for a man than to think as Nietzsche thought and to die as Mishima died. The medieval Japanese Samuray (Spirit which always was ready to Rupture!) would tell so: it is necessary to trust only to the voices of dead heroes. It is impossible to believe those who have escaped. Every original thinker is dangerous, only danger gives birth to truth. To think dangerously means to think with extreme Excesses of Death. Do not recede even if someone is going to shoot with a revolver at your head. Only in the Void Emptiness is quite Empty.
The mind is capable of becoming God, but your body will be cut into pieces all the same. Besides, the body should be ready for the most terrifying truth — the Absolute Rupture of Spirit! It is necessary to rise up to the Highest Tops of Death where the relentless Spirit breaks away from“everybody”, as being “too human”. Every kind of rupture and destruction is always more perfect than inspiration and enlightenment. The defeat would be too easy an outcome for men and consequently the ordinary person will not receive it. Everything will be much more terrible. He who is afraid to be lost as the dog, or to be crushed as the ant, will be killed in a manner that is hundred times worse — as a person. “If you can't teach anybody to fall, you will transform him into a carrion!” — Thus spoke Azsacra Zarathustra.
Unlike men all animals always overtake their Death with redundancy and advantage. This is the greatest kind of happiness — to live far from people, among predatory eagles and venomous snakes. Azsacra says that the tiniest crushed worm becomes — in its Death — more powerful than God himself. For example, it is usually thought that the concepts of “hen” and “heroism” are contradictory to one another. Meanwhile, every hen is capable of the most extreme display of its will — “of the effect of the chopped head”. At the point of Death every hen is more perfect than any tiger. We can express this thought even more distinctly — the dying hen, whether we like it or not, exceeds even Mishima. This means that not a person, not even God, but only Death has the required courage to finish with this thinking up until the very end. We need to obtain courage to think like Death. This is a kind of an inexorably murderous attack against all. Each concrete and absolute law should be violated and killed with Nothing to Power and Emptiness to Supremacy. This requires a continuous and “voiding/elusive will” of the most sparkling Death. The highest experience of the released annihilation underlines scantiness and wretchedness of any human board of the force, in comparison with Spiritual Power of Rupture. We should operate outside of the purpose, outside of the justification and outside of the senses, showing only the luxury of the maximum Aggression of Spirit. We do not have to live as a kind of substantial “person”, but we rather have to battle incessantly with the most extreme surplus of the “Over”! The powerful and Absolute Nothing to Power is impossible to be stopped because it is quite useless. There are neither many, nor the only thing in this Nothing. Only magnificent Overnoumen in Luxurious Aggression can exert its advantage from Emptiness to Supremacy.
“I teach to exterminate pupils. The original school of struggle is a temple without believers. I am an extreme danger of Emptiness and all who go on in my traces, without having seen them, will disappear” (Azsacra Zarathustra “Nothing and Nothing to Power”)
The true Non-existence includes the destruction of funerals, funeral ceremonies and a funereal cowardice of thinking. A funeral is a cowardly and shameful flight of “all-human” from the terrifying courage of a corpse. There is Nothing in everything, which was brutally murdered and this Nothing will always revenge the world and (as Nothing to Power) will necessarily jump. This is Nothing to Power, as a simultaneous destruction of the top and the bottom, domination and anarchy, order and chaos. And Emptiness to Supremacy always follows Nothing to Power — as a final destruction of all the rest. To kill the world as a weakness means to overcome it not by force, but by absence, and to force a life to live only as a Non-existence. “Persons of no character quail before pure enthusiasm, they cannot suffer heat of its fire”, — thus Alfred de Vigny wrote. In this manner, exercises in active mastering of Death are always directed not against sacral principles of life, but only against ordinary ways of “dying”. Thus — these “exercises in Death”, violent “throws in destruction” prepare the Overman for the subsequent battles in Absolute Nothing. The Overman indefatigably practices so that his Pure Über/ “Over” could surpass the partial and small-biased “man”, the tower of the vision of universal Non-existence. And this way is always one: from the Overman (Übermensch) — through his destruction — to Over Without “man” (Überohnemensch); and then and further away — to Overnoumen (Übernoumen). What for? Even one atom of Death is more valuable than a million parts of rescue and preservation, the Corpse is more courageous than the Spirit. The Corpse is a great mastering of Spirit in its unexpected cowardice. It is impossible to live without the project of own Death. And not only without projects of Death itself, but also without plans concerning further actions with a Corpse. This means that it is necessary to continue to amaze and to terrify the world with the help of our “exterminated body” — even after our own annihilation. We suppose those who should participate this would not tremble. But this is possible to manage even without them.
To go over the bones of Confucius as a laughing lion.
Emptiness is more ruthless than fight and revolution.
While Tao softly squeezes its fist —
Nobody overtakes Nothing — without dying in any

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