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Today I let go of all discord
And seek to not seek my way.
I let that which is inside of me
Raise it’s Kingdom in my day.

Right and wrong, good and bad
They are but labels to a cause.
Of seeing things as we want to,
And being caught within that flaw.

Many years have gone by
And many times I have condemned.
But not just others…I am selfish enough
To beat up that which is within.

The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of You
Are one and exactly the same.
When all is quiet and we let ourselves be,
Then we see the real God religion tried to bring.

There is no such thing as dis-harmony.
There is no such thing as dis-ease.
Dis is because there is no Dis,
There is only harmony with the greatest of ease.

Rodeo Clown

“You shouldn’t want to do that”
“This you shouldn’t be”
Says all of the people
Wanting me to not be like me

Hidden behind every condemnation
Kept secret within every changing word
Are people wanting me to conform
To that which they have always heard

Their own inability to be
Their own fear to become
Makes them attempt to conform me
Into their only begotten son

I don’t believe in their reality
I don’t believe in their saint
I believe in that which I know
And I know that which I aint’

You can have your worldly wisdom
You can keep it like a pearl
But I will simply tell you what I think
But leave me alone if you don’t concur

I’m not here to dance your dance
I don’t care for the steps you know
I accept you as you are
But I am not a clown in your rodeo

The Terds On My Shoe

Walking in my back yard
Just the other day
Squish went the ground
And the smell blew me away

I took off my shoe
I ran to the hose
I sprayed and sprayed
To make the terd no more

I took a stick and broke a tree’s heart
To pry away the smelly stuff on my shoe
But the crevices filled of terd are still there
Sweating my way to get rid of the pooh

I dug the shoes in the dirt
Smothering them in the red clay
To cover up the terd with mother earth
But it just got my shoes dirty in a new way

I poured Clorox on the bottom
And did kill much grass
And discolored those shoes
But still there is terd from my dog’s ass

I threw away my shoes in the trash
And did buy a new pair
Shiny, new, smelling great
I was smiling again, fresh new air

Walking in the my back yard
On that same day
Squish went the ground
And the smell blew me away

I now accept the terds on my shoe
I drag them along with a grin
For the time spent getting rid of terds
Has been lost, never to be lived again

I don’t look for terds
To wallow in like my dog
But I don’t get rid of my pooch
This love bucket of canine smiles and logs

I accept all the terds handed to me by my life
As they are required if one is to live
I gladly walk into any store with them on my shoe,
They are me, mine, and yours and this is all I can give.

Trailer Park

The man said he was grateful
And accepted his lot in life
It was truly a lot, a small one
In a trailer park where he lived with his wife

He explained how he learned to accept
God’s will for his aging life
“I like that there cinder block floor
“And that there cinder block of a wife”

He got up each morning
And put on the same flannel shirt
He was content, peaceful almost
As he stared at his little patch of dirt

His grandson came to visit him one day
And his little mind formed these thoughts
“It’s ok to be happy with less
“Riches and extravagance must really be a loss”

So, day by day and week by week
This man trained others to believe
You can be happy with next to nothing
It’s only a matter of what you see

Interestingly enough the happy homeless man
Has the same approach to his day
But very few accept it as truth
Due to a labeling exercise mistake

Anytime someone is happy in lack
Anytime anyone enjoys the pain
I think they are members of a queer cult
And are destined to hurt the human brain

Faith and acceptance are not the same
As faith implies a plan
Acceptance is more about quitting
And not letting God be a Man.

And when the day comes that I face my last breath
I can only hope I didn’t mislead another
Why accept the least in life
When you can just as easily have the other?

Women Assembly Line

I walk into the manufacturing plant
Part by part I see the mystery
Blond, brunettes, redheads
Hair as far as the eye can see

Arms whisk past me
Some pale, some tan, some black
Each fingernail stamped with the perfect color
At the cosmetology polishing rack

The legs of beauty roll past next
Short and long, slender and thick
Each one shaved and curved at 45 degree angles
Promising a firm rub and a smooth lick

From darkened to porcelain skin
The face machine sculpts the curves on each complexion
Eyebrows are smoothed, lips are applied
Their sparkling eyes look in my direction

The breast machine works its magic
Sparks flying at me from everywhere
Perky breasts get fewer sparks
Larger ones singe my hair

The shoulders are lifted high from the ground
As they move parallel to the breasts
They are sealed into the fabled wall
Between the tight abdomen and the finished neck

The fanny station moves the slowest
Much time is taken to perfect
The vertical line from top to bottom
The curve where it will meet the legs

The most private part of all
Isn’t produced or hidden in shame
It has it’s own building with a glass wall
No two privates are produced the same

And then when the body is finally assembled
And it lies there naked and complete
A quiet man puts in the final part
The heart and soul that makes a woman unique

And I guess my watchful eye
Will succumb to the reality of Natures way
How can a man want only one woman
When they keep making new ones every day?

Suicide Prevention

A long long time ago
A colony in America was formed
And men were sent to til the land
And start a new life far ashore

Riches and God
Laughs and Love
This was a venture
Guided from Up Above

But as the years rolled by
And as the Others started to see
This was more like the work of the Devil
Than that of God’s colony

Fights and Drink
Hates and Envy
Started the dividing
Of the colony

The Others tried to tame the men
They sent them all the things one could want
But for every need met
There was yet another thing to hunt

Judges were sought
The Law was read
“How does one tame the beast”
“Of man alone within their head?”

And then in a dream from far away
Came the answer as if spoken from God
“Only the love of a woman”
“Can ever tame a wild man’s heart.”

And as the sun set one day
And as a warm hug was given to the King
The answer was delivered
And shipped first thing in the morning

The men rumbled and tumbled
They fought and fought
To keep the answer away from the question
Yet their heart sought and sought

And so it was by the 3’rd year
Did the works of God show up in this new land
Churches, steeples, and warm fuzzy feelings
Were given and taken freely without demand

Self-less love
Ooey and Gooey emotion
Hugs across the bar
And no scars in the morning

It wasn’t til I almost ruined my life
Did the wisdom from those Virginians
Start to seep into this cold heart of mine….
“The love of a woman is suicide prevention”

My Beloved

“Your past life is full of sex”
“And you need to straighten your ways”
Said the New Age counselor
As he spoke of his own days

“I spent 6 years as a celibate monk”
“I have found my own sacred beloved”
Said the New Age counselor
As he spoke within his own cover

“You gotta take the Hawaiin dive of faith”
“You gotta risk it all”
Said the New Age counselor
As he spoke of love, a love so tall

“You need to hit rock bottom”
“In order to find love”
Said the New Age counselor
From his pedestal up above

As I walked from this mans office
As I pondered the look on his face
I came to see that he is me
Only I am just misplaced

I don’t belong, I don’t comprehend
What society has to say
I just know that I love women
And it’s with all women my love will stay.

The Crossed up Cross

I heard an old old story
Written down by men who saw the caper
Well, not all of them
Just the ones with imagination, pen and paper

About a man who rose to heaven
And came down the same
Anointed, holy, perfect
To show us humans that we are lame

They say he died to take away the stuff
That keeps us from knowing God
Stuff we didn’t ask for in the first place
But yet, we have to live in Adam and Eve’s Kharmic Fog

God is here, man is there
And there must be a bridge
For us sons of bitches
Who are born in the earthen ditches

God is perfect and man is a sinner
We should tremble in disgust
As we are told our Creator did a bad job
Of making man from the dust

And when I consider the powerlessness of man
And difficulty of living in some ones’ moral way
And my own desperation to get it right
I don’t much believe in what the cross has to say

It says Jesus died to bring us to God
And if it’s true God lives on a Moral mound
It seems more to me that Jesus died for God, not mankind.
I think the Christians have it the wrong way around.

God Lay Dying

A word I speak to condemn
A thought I have of hate
Brings the inevitable one step closer
Sealing God’s future fate

I was born not knowing
I was brought up to know less
Don’t touch, don’t look, don’t believe
God’s not there, your life is your mess

When I let religion put God in a box
And tie the bow on top
I let a ball go that won’t stop
Til God’s insides are twisted into knots

The magic of the medicine man
Must be converted to my own
Selfishness has shot one

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