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indeterminate future. To The One it occurred instantly, for what The Source creates remains immersed within it, existing as extensions of Itself. The One cannot leave The Source - ever - for there is nowhere else to go. There is nothing else.
Now consider that this universe is so immediate and tangible and so obviously real to us - Why? Let us for a moment suspend disbelief and accept the above, that there is nowhere else, no other reality, than God. How did we get caught up in this insanity? This unreality somehow turned real to us. Why? This is the mystery.
Because we are used to duality there are two streams of logic that must be examined. The more natural one, the one that is easily observable with the right mindset, is the power of creation that we all possess. We are all master creators. We create our realities every moment of our lives. We create our many lives. The other, the realization of the unity of all things, is also possible to experience with the proper beliefs. It taps the unlimited resources of The Source. Ultimately, it leads to the personal realization of Godhood. Actually, both ultimately lead there since that is the only reality in truth.
So that unimaginably tiny, infinitesimally insignificant moment became the universe, our reality. The mechanics of it are very simple: it requires a focus of attention so meticulous as to be absolutely perfect. No moments will ever contradict the edicts of this mental organization. And being based upon an incorrect premise it reports of a world that is not there in truth. It is a sort of punctuated projection: it emphasizes the proofs of its premise whenever contradictory experience enters awareness. That is, for example, a viewing of an angel is quickly interrupted by the phone ringing or thoughts of worry or fear suddenly, and for no apparent reason, jump to the forefront and demand attention. Projection is always the externalization of personal guilt or other unwanted traits and attributes. Punctuated projection keeps the individual turned away from the truth by means of distraction. And the distractions are designed to coincide with moments of profundity - whenever the truth draws near a suddenly very important issue jumps out of the blue and demands attention.
It is possible to assume the position of a mental observer and watch this dynamic in action. It takes some training but even a little vigilance only from time to time will pay dividends. Punctuated projection is blatant, it is we who have allowed this process to continue by pushing the awareness of this trait, this habit, this treachery, into the subconscious. This way we could deny the whole thing and pretend we had no idea.
Unfortunately, there are serious repercussions to polluting the subconscious with repressed knowings. Understand that it is these subconscious pollutants that are the projections that compose the universe. They are the unwanted parts of the self. And it is those parts that speak of the truth that must be avoided at all costs.
That is why it is true to say that the truth is in you. It is the part you deny and externalize. In other words, the universe is yours.
It’s about time
We must backtrack a bit.
The proper perspective must be maintained when considering the creation of The One. There is, was, and always will be All. And that is all, nothing else. God did not pull out a hunk of godstuff and proceed to mold that into The One. For if that were the truth, there would have to be a medium, a space, a universal field that surrounds both God and The One. That would mean that there is something larger than God. There is not. It is a logical flaw of those immersed within physicality that allows the mind to picture God in totality while giving birth to The One. The picture of God in totality is The One. This is because God has no outside or inside, those are just symbols and all symbols are signs of separation. The One exists within the Mind of God in what could be considered an existential reality based purely on the psychological, with no physical aspect to it at all.
This is the moment of choice. The moment of the creation of the universe is the choice to separate from God. It is the moment The One decided to set up a reality on its own, without God. The One without God is but a tiny helpless being in a gigantic and chaotic universe. And so it came to be, just as The One had wished for and dreamed of. This is the moment the universe of unity turned inside out, from the perspective of The One. In a flash the universe burst upon the awareness of The One, shattering the Peace of God that is The One's birthright.
What is a mind without love but a mere shadow of its potential. The Source is Love. Without The love of The Source The One is nothing. That is what the universe represents. It represents the relationship between God and The One, where The One sees itself without love.
Such a mind is not whole. It must fragment. It must compartmentalize experience to stay sane, to make sense of a senseless situation. Each compartment must become a seeming whole unto itself, isolated and alone. And each compartment must continue to compartmentalize experience. Thus fragmentation of the one mind must continue, accelerating over time. Yet what is one, united and whole, cannot be fragmented. Only to the delusional do illusions seem real. Mind not tempered by love is unstable and petty - and small.
In this moment of choice The One separated itself from truth and became That Which Is Not. This separation caused an expansion of reality, what science calls the inflation of the universe. It is a time when the laws of the modern universe were momentarily suspended and energy hurtled away from The Source faster than the speed of light. How this could occur is not understood by science but the evidence that it did occur is overwhelming.
This expansion is the gap The One imposed between itself and The Creator. This gap, this seeming distance or separation between Creator and Created, is the precursor to the concept of time and consequently of space, the two fundamentals of scientific theory and the accepted common ground for all experience. The gap is the symbol of ignorance, a testimony to self-abuse. The gap is the illusion made real. But to wish for That Which Is Not to be That Which Is, does not make it so. The One made the gap and, while still frozen in the act of forgetting the truth and substituting the lie in its place, God gave an answer perfectly suited to correct The One’s mistake. Incidentally, God’s answer is simply the experience of that which The One has forgotten.
Experience seems to take time to accomplish and so with the answer given the universe is free to manifest. The next chapter will cover what the consequences of that freedom require of the fledgling universe. But it is very important to understand that this is the moment that we have always and are still now reliving, moment after moment. The One fell into a dream and fragmented its knowings into an uncountable number of individual understandings, each isolated from the others. That this fragmentation happened instantly is the key. Nothing since that moment has ever changed, in terms of being any more or less real - they have all been and continue to be an illusion.
In God's world there are no concepts because totality is contextual. Concepts are portions of truth and that is a contradiction because truth is whole, it is comprehensive and complete. It is for the very reason that concepts are incomplete that there are so many of them. Concepts are an extremely effective method of denial and this modern world especially, is obsessed with concepts. We are lost in a sea of concepts, without any sight of land - a solid trustworthy context upon which to build a firm foundation. We have invented evidence that is twice removed from reality and call it real. Contemporary thought considers contexts as specifically applicable to various sets of concepts. So it would seem that there are many contexts, depending upon the focus of the individual, and the subject at hand. Yet that is not contextual at all, instead it only groups similar concepts together to the exclusion of all conflicting concepts. That is in fact another form of denial because we are all one is the only context, no matter what the intellect might advance as more plausible. In other words, there are no concepts because concepts always conflict at one level or another and reality cannot conflict, by definition.
How this intellectual mumbo-jumbo applies to day to day life is yet to be discussed in concrete terms. But, awareness of this denial at work in daily life should already or soon will be experienced just by having been exposed to the idea of it. Anyone still slogging through this quagmire of esoteric and almost alien streams of logic will have experiences contrary to usual expectations. They will increase in direct proportion to the effort the individual exerts toward the manifestation of that goal. The truth comes to those who remain open to its possibility.
Earlier, it was stated that The One imposed a seeming gap between itself and The Creator. This gap is the universe and the universe contains the truth in the form of God's answer to The One's confusion. In fact, it is the gap, the space between words, the silence between thoughts, the action not taken, that is reality and what is uttered, thought or acted out is the illusion. This is the first foray into an area of consideration not yet mentioned, for without first-hand experience of the gap it will not make intellectual sense.
Concepts imply ignorance, that is why there are so many of them. But ignorance must be total or it cannot make sense. How can there be partial ignorance? Where would the line be drawn? If ignorance could be partial then there would be a point where ignorance would suddenly and miraculously transform itself into knowledge. Yet complete ignorance cannot be aware of anything and complete knowing cannot be not aware of anything, both of which is not our experience. And partial knowing is impossible because to know at all requires complete understanding. It would seem as though there is no logical stance that can explain the way something so obviously not real can be accepted as reality by virtually everyone. But, don't worry, things are not as they seem because it is not logic that leads the way forward from here. It is heart.
In fact society at large is partially ignorant, even though that state is ultimately untenable and must inevitably lead to complete knowing. Can it be assimilated to ignore all in the last sentence but the last part: partial ignorance must inevitably lead to complete knowing? And here's the topper, partial ignorance is a contrivance designed to keep from becoming aware of the inherent knowingness that lies within all things, all beings and all selves. Partial ignorance always suddenly and miraculously transforms itself into simple knowing and steadfast certainty. So be of good cheer, your time is coming, as sure as the summer rain and the winter snow. Everyone is equally qualified to the miracle of transformation; there are no prerequisites, except for those imposed by the individuals themselves. More will be said of this later, for now it is imperative to understand that logic itself leads to the conclusion above, despite it being the truth. There are reasons why our logic was twisted
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