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neither is it stationary; the sky is not a dome, the sun does not move, the stars are not small
specks of light, and matter which was once supposed to be fixed has been found to be in a
state of perpetual flux.
29. Try to realize that the day is fast approaching -- its dawn is now at hand -- when modes of
thought and action must be adjusted to rapidly increasing knowledge of the operation of
eternal principles.
"Silent thought, is, after all, the mightiest agent in human affairs." - Channing

PART NINETEEN Study Questions with Answers

181. How are extremes placed in contrast? They are designated by distinctive names, such
as inside and outside, top and bottom, light and dark, good and bad.
182. Are these separate entities? No, they are parts or aspects of one Whole.
183. What is the one creative Principle in the physical, mental and spiritual world? The
Universal Mind, or the Eternal Energy from which all things proceed.
184. How are we related to this creative Principle? By our ability to think.
185. How does this creative Principle become operative? Thought is the seed, which results
in action and action results in form.
186. Upon what does form depend? Upon the rate of vibration.
187. How may the rate of vibration be changed? By mental action.
188. Upon what does mental action depend? Upon polarity, action and reaction, between the
individual and the Universal.
189. Does the creative energy originate in the individual or the Universal? In the Universal,
but the Universal can manifest only through the individual.
190. Why is the individual necessary? Because the Universal is static, and requires energy to
start it in motion. This is furnished by food which is converted into energy, which in turn
enables the individual to think. When the individual stops eating he stops thinking; then he no
longer acts upon the Universal; there is consequently no longer any action or reaction; the
Universal is then only pure mind in static form -- mind at rest.


For many years there has been an endless discussion as to the origin of evil. Theologians
have told us that God is Love, and that God is Omnipresent. If this be true, there is no place
where God is not. Where, then, is Evil, Satan and Hell? Let us see:
God is Spirit.
Spirit is the Creative Principle of the Universe.
Man is made in the image and likeness of God.
Man is therefore a spiritual being.
The only activity which spirit possesses is the power to think.
Thinking is therefore a creative process.
All form is therefore the result of the thinking process.
The destruction of form must also be a result of the thinking process.
Fictitious representations of form are the result of the creative power of thought, as in
Apparent representation of form are the result of the creative power of thought, as in
Invention, organization and constructive work of all kinds are the result of the creative power
of thought, as in concentration.
When the creative power of thought is manifested for the benefit of humanity, we call the
result good.
When the creative power of thought is manifested in a destructive or evil manner, we call the
result evil.
This indicates the origin of booth good and evil; they are simply words which have been
coined in order to indicate the nature of the result of the thinking or creative process.
Thought necessarily precedes and predetermines action; action precedes and predetermines
Part Twenty will throw more light upon this important subject.
1. The spirit of a thing is that thing; it is necessarily fixed, changeless and eternal. The spirit
of you is -- you; without the spirit you would be nothing. It becomes active through your
recognition of it and its possibilities.
2. You may have all the wealth in Christendom, but unless you recognize it and make use of
it, it will have no value; so with your spiritual wealth: unless you recognize it and use it, it will
have no value. The one and only condition of spiritual power is use or recognition.
3. All great things come through recognition; the scepter of power is consciousness, and
thought is its messenger, and this messenger is constantly molding the realities of the
invisible world into the conditions and environments of your objective world.
4. Thinking is the true business of life, power is the result. You are at all times dealing with
the magical power of thought and consciousness. What results can you expect so long as
you remain oblivious to the power which has been placed within your control?
5. So long as you do this you limit yourself to superficial conditions, and make of yourself a
beast of burden for those who think; those who recognize their power; those who know that
unless we are willing to think we shall have to work, and the less we think the more we shall
have to work, and the less we shall get for our work.
6. The secret of power is a perfect understanding of the principles, forces, methods and
combinations of Mind, and a perfect understanding of our relationship to the Universal Mind.
It is well to remember that this principle is unchangeable; if this were not so, it would not be
reliable; all principles are changeless.
7. This stability is your opportunity; you are its active attribute, the channel for its activity; the
Universal can act only through the individual.
8. When you begin to perceive that the essence of the Universal is within yourself -- is you --
you begin to do things; you begin to feel your power; it is the fuel which fires the imagination;
which lights the torch of inspiration; which gives vitality to thought; which enables you to
connect with all the invisible forces of the Universe. It is this power which will enable you to
plan fearlessly, to execute masterfully.
9. But perception will come only in the Silence; this seems to be the condition required for all
great purposes. You are a visualizing entity. Imagination is your workshop. It is here that your
ideal is to be visualized.
10. As a perfect understanding of the nature of this power is a primary condition for its
manifestation, visualize the entire method over and over again, so that you may use it
whenever occasion requires. The infinity of wisdom is to follow the method whereby we may
have the inspiration of the omnipotent Universal Mind on demand at any time.
11. We can fail to recognize this world within, and so exclude it from our consciousness, but
it will still be the basic fact of all existence; and when we learn to recognize it, not only in
ourselves, but in all persons, events, things and circumstances we shall have found the
"Kingdom of heaven" which we are told is "within" us.
12. Our failures are a result of the operation of exactly the same principle; the principle is
unchangeable; its operation is exact, there is no deviation; if we think lack, limitation, discord,
we shall find their fruits on every hand; if we think poverty, unhappiness or disease, the
thought messengers will carry the summons as readily as any other kind of thought and the
result will be just as certain. If we fear a coming calamity, we shall be able to say with Job, "the thing I feared has come upon me"; if we think unkindly or ignorantly we shall thus attract
to ourselves the results of our ignorance.
13. This power of thought, if understood and correctly used, is the greatest labor-saving
device ever dreamed of, but if not understood or improperly used, the result will in all
probability be disastrous, as we have already seen; by the help of this power you can
confidently undertake things that are seemingly impossible, because this power is the secret
of all inspiration, all genius.
14. To become inspired means to get out of the beaten path, out of the rut, because
extraordinary results require extraordinary means. When we come into a recognition of the
Unity of all things and that the source of all power is within, we tap the source of inspiration.
15. Inspiration is the art of imbibing, the art of self-realization; the art of adjusting the
individual mind to that of the Universal Mind; the art of attaching the proper mechanism to the
source of all power; the art of differentiating the formless into form; the art of becoming a
channel for the flow of Infinite Wisdom; the art of visualizing perfection; the art of realizing the
omnipresence of Omnipotence.
16. An understanding and appreciation of the fact that the infinite power is omnipresent and
is therefore in the infinitely small as well as the infinitely large will enable us to absorb its
essence; a further understanding of the fact that this power is spirit and therefore indivisible
will enable us to appreciate its present at all points at the same time.
17. An understanding of these facts, first intellectually and then emotionally, will enable us to
drink deeply from this ocean of infinite power. An intellectual understanding will be of no
assistance; the emotions must be brought into action; thought without feeling is cold. The
required combination is thought and feeling.
18. Inspiration is from within. The Silence is necessary, the senses must be stilled, the
muscles relaxed, repose cultivated. When you have thus come into possession of a sense of
poise and power you will be ready to receive the information or inspiration or wisdom which
may be necessary for the development of your purpose.
19. Do not confuse these methods with those of the clairvoyant; they have nothing in
common. Inspiration is the art of receiving and makes for all that is best in life; your business
in life is to understand and command these invisible forces instead of letting them command
and rule you. Power implies service; inspiration implies power; to understand and apply the
method of inspiration is to become a superman.
20. We can live more abundantly every time we breathe, if we consciously breathe with that
intention. The IF is a very important condition in this case, as the intention governs the
attention, and without the attention you can secure only the results which every one else
secures. That is, a supply equal to the demand.
21. In order to secure the larger supply your demand must be increased, and as you
consciously increase the demand the supply will follow, you will find yourself coming into a
larger and larger supply of life, energy and vitality.
22. The reason for this is not difficult to understand, but it is another of the vital mysteries of
life which does not seem to be generally appreciated. If you make it your own, you will find it
one of the great realities of life.
23. We are told that "In Him we live and move and have our being," and we are told that "He"
is a Spirit, and again that "He" is Love, so that every time we breathe, we breathe this life,
love, and spirit. This is Pranic Energy, or Pranic Ether, we could not exist a moment without
it. It is the Cosmic Energy; it is the Life of the Solar Plexus.
24. Every time we breathe we fill our lungs with air and at the same time vitalize our body
with this Pranic Ether which is Life itself, so that we have the opportunity of making a
conscious connection with All Life, All Intelligence and All Substance.
25. A knowledge of your relation and oneness with this Principle that governs the Universe
and the simple method whereby you can consciously identify yourself with it gives you a
scientific understanding of a law whereby you may free yourself from

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