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a context of the Eastern tradition it carries out a major sense-developing function. The Eastern sight on the Non-Existence leads to perception of the world given us in experience as a time partial expression of that infinite world of the Non-existence which stands behind it. As it is known, the outlook of a modern western civilization is based on “a scientific picture of the world”. Preferring habitually to think that he worships to God, the western person actually worships “scientific and technical progress” and regulating force of the market. "It is necessary to recognize a hypothesis of existence of external objects as it creates base for the steady uniform belief uniting all people"? That is for a science – so a founder of the American philosophy of Pragmatism Charles Pierce spoke. Nevertheless, the Eastern concepts of the Non-Existence have something in common with some modern scientific representations, for example with the physical theory of the vacuum, which is capable to generate from itself infinite set of the Universes. And vacuum is possible to consider as a kind of experimentally achievable Void. Besides, a one more model of the Non-Existence is present at the Universe in the form of black holes, which are limited by so-called “horizon of events” as narrates Steven Hocking in his book “The short history of Time”. (This every book, besides purely scientific information, contains a great weight of curious philosophical questions, for example: “Why we remember the past and do not remember the future?”). Everything which failed after the horizon of events gets to an area of infinite density where time comes to an end. Thus, the horizon of events reminds an edge of shade of future destruction. A compression of star in conditions of black hole is similar to last stages of a collapse the Universe. Probably, it is something like Christian Hell?
Recently American astronomers have found out great empty space in material Universe in the extent 1 billion light years (for comparison, the distance from the Earth to the Sun consists 8,3 light minutes). Opened by scientists from University of Minnesota the empty space represents huge Nothing in which there are no usual space objects: neither planets, nor galaxies, nor even “black holes”. It is natural that astronomers do not understand value of this Void. The similar phenomena were also met earlier, but the found site in one thousand times surpasses all spheres of emptiness that were earlier known to a science. One of pioneers of Great Nothing, researcher Lawrence Rudnick, has been shaken by the seen. «We not only have found emptiness which has appeared more than others before known - we have found such huge space Void which we could not imagine”, - he has declared. His colleague Lily Williams has commented their discovery on the same way: “That we have found out – abnormally “.
It is known that the Universe is filled by stars, a dust and gas, so its most part is invisible. Scientists know that in a concrete point there is any object when they notice gravitational effect proceeding from so-called “dark matter”. But in the found out Void there are no even latent weights. A reason of occurrence of such huge empty space stays unknown for scientists. However, it is quite clear that in this field of the Universe Absolutely Nothing is present. Probably there is just the same area of Absolute Nothing or pure spirituality from which once all has occurred and which would sometime extend and dissolve so-called shown world? And then there will be a great triumph of the Nothing. Actually, its inevitability already now, in obvious or in latent forms, defines all course of our life, and, in particular, releases mankind from insolvent illusions concerning its own importance. After all, when learning the Absolute Nothing, a person is released from everything, even from necessity to exist in a herd and to glorify his shepherd. And in this question everyone has very small choice (according Kierkegaard, a choice between “or” and “or”) - to leave herd and pass in a spiritual emigration, or to identify itself with herd and, as a result, to become follower and simultaneously slave of the shepherd looking after herd. The Great Emptiness bares emptiness and inconsistency of authority of the shepherd, in spite of the fact that he frightens herd with his long whip. It is quite enough to increase space for the aim to destroy a deceptive visibility of someone's greatness. «If everything is empty - who would glorify and would receive glorifications?” - "Mahayana" rhetorically asks.
“All of us are mad because we accept a deceptive visibility as reality. Everyone living is a madman, and, moreover, a blind man: he does not see illusiveness of the world, instead of that durability and completeness everywhere seems to him. If by a miracle he manages to begin to see clearly and find out that around him only the Void he blossoms. The Void replacing a reality appears more richly, it shows itsуда like firmness and fragility, like basis and light, and, at last, like an essence of life overturned in a chasm. But, unfortunately, we perceive in it only absence of everything, which leads to our fears and failures. For us the Void is only a transparent deadlock, a tangible hell”, - confirms Emil Cioran.

Having overcome an illusion of material world, a person becomes involved into releasing Truth of the Void. And this familiarizing is the unique real value which one is capable to find throughout ones life. The value connected with formation of a form and its dissolution, with infinity of restriction and with limitation of boundless.

5) The Final Future.

“How can I state the final?” – The Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein has written down. –“But this just latest also is not necessary to state, after all - it is an end to which we come, a wall against which everybody rest». It is accepted to represent various creeds on this wall”.
Such concepts as: “the Non-Existence”, “the Nothing” and “the Void” are independent and simultaneously form unity. Each of these concepts has definite features. However, for the purpose of designation of a fundamental principle of life, concept "the Nothing" looks more comprehensible, because it, besides a designation of a pure absence, confirms a presence of independent, self-sufficient, through also uncertain, essence. Such interpretation of The Nothing is similar to the ideas, which are presented in the works of the ancient European theists.
The Absolute Nothing – or the infinite Void – represents itself as an independent ideal essence. The physical world is a casual abnormal condition of the Nothing. Mankind provided with collective consciousness personifies a higher step of development physical world by means of which the Nothing can realize itself. As a result, ontological function of the Universe becomes settled.
The history of the Universe and the history of mankind is a circulation of the Nothing and final returning to completeness of absoluteness. A life of every person is a small model of universal circulation which comes to an end on the terms of its connection with the Nothing. Mankind aspires to strengthen its positions in physical world, developing artful environment of material and pseudo-spiritual culture. It does not notice illusiveness of progress – this artful unsteady soil is inevitably feels under its feet, and each new generation returns again to a zero for the purpose to give way to following one. Therefore, it is a time to mankind to recollect basic ontological mission, which is concluded in comprehension of Absolute Nothing. In such terms, to will the Nothing - means to saddle death, to realize its sense-creating function and to transform it from inevitable definitive accident into basic means of the intrinsic self-realization. The will to death means possibility not to submit, but to rule over it, and to become the master itself. Come in the stead of the Overman, which just has lost in a pursuit of consumption his Will to the Power, our new hero, the Overnoumen (it is a term of Russian philosopher AZsacra Zarathustra) – wills death, which means to will Nothing to him.
The Overman («Übermensch ») – is a concept, invented by Friedrich Nietzsche, which outdated central in his book named «Thus spoke Zarathustra». It was his attempt to replace «become outdated and sputtered out» an image of Christian person, by new person, more modern and conceptually compatible to the nietzschean ideas concerning ideal person of future. Certainly, formation of nietzschean image of the Overman was affected by darvinism. As from a monkey there became a man so from a man there should be the Overman, which overcomes three stages during his formation: a camel, a lion (critic) and a baby (a creative beginning). Contrary to popular interpretations, the Overman is not a soldier and not a leader (such as a first in a herd), but he is a genius. But in the modern world, nietzschean Overman has turned to a being which tries to seize a planet and space because considers them as a place for residing and survival means. Now the Overman has run into total dependence from all his creations. In effect, he is spiritually dead for a long time already, as could not sustain a temptation by consumption. Thus has occurred because the system (a shepherd and a herd) has learnt to use for its purposes even such things that are objectively resisting to it.
Unlike the Overman, the Overnoumen, showing Absolute Nothing, thinks by categories of destruction, which at the same time means to him some kind of spiritual creation. He does not stay «on that party of good and harm», because there are no parties, moral and other values and, especially, appraisers to him. The only value for the Nothing, in spite of its relative character - is the Nothing itself.
The Overnoumen, being inseparable with the Nothing, daily overtakes death, but, like Buddha, definitively comes back to itself only after performance of this main ontological function: to dissolve existence in the Void. After all, the consciousness of Spirit is not a banal biological death, but steady will to death, denying everything, and, in its final result – denying death too. A total character of nihilism leads to that the meeting with the Absolute demands scale victims. At final step of its grate expansion, the Nothing denies itself, including its inner world. There will be a disappearance of the disappearance. Therefore, “definitive future is an excess of all rates of death” (Azsacra Zarathustra), or a Spiritual horizontal of the Nothing.


"Having opened the anthology of religious texts, I was attacked by the saying of Buddha: "Any subject is not necessary to wish ". I have immediately closed the book for what to read after that?"
(Emil Cioran)

To fill own life with a sense - gradually it becomes basic attitude and outlook. The everyday life is left on the second plan.
What occurs around us is not surprising, but that from what all undertakes and where disappears. A person, being a part of the world programmed on self-destruction, is steadily directed together with it in the Nothing. The objective maintenance of all processes occurring in the material Universe consists of annihilation and returning to initial zero. How is possible with the account of this to construct a new spiritual line connecting a person with the Nothing? To answer this sense-creative question, it is necessary to address again to existential decisions offered by the Russian philosopher Arseny Chanyshev. Thus, in the very end of his apology of the Non-existence he comes to following conclusions:
“1. The Non-existence is initial and absolute.
2. The Non-existence is boundless in every aspect.
3. In the boundlessness the Non-existence is its own non-existence.
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