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help to try and identify this mystery man as they continue to investigate the incident.


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Teenager Sentenced After Shooting Friend, Sending It Through Snapchat



Maxwell Morton, from Jeannette, Pennsylvania, was sentenced to 15-30 years in prison for killing a 16-year-old and posting a selfie on Snapchat, according to WPXI Pittsburgh.


Morton, 18, testified that he was playing with a handgun and did not think it was loaded when he pointed it at Ryan Mangan and pulled the trigger. Another teenager testified that he bragged about the killing while they played an online video game together. Morton allegedly said that he “got his first body.”


At first, the other teen thought that Morton was joking. Then Morton sent the teen a link to a news article about Mangan’s death and a selfie of him and Mangan’s body shortly after the incident via Snapchat.


Morton was apologetic about the killing, which happened in 2015. He said that it was “messed up” and added, “Sometimes sorry isn’t enough for people, but that’s all I have to give.” Morton said that he took the selfie to document the incident and had originally planned to kill himself. When asked why he was smiling the photograph, he said that he was "psychological" and “nervous."


During the trial, Assistant District Attorney Tom Grace pursued the maximum sentence of up to 40 years. Morton has previous convictions on his record for assault and a separate violent incident. Defence attorney Pat Thomassey argued that the incident was a tragic accident and an instance of “two kids fooling around with guns.”



Judge Meagan Bilik-DeFazio said that the Snapchat message significantly altered the case. A forensic pathologist testified that Mangan did not die immediately after being shot, and he may have survived if he had received emergency medical attention.

“The reality is this case would be very different if not for that photograph,” Judge Bilik-DeFazio said. “No one will understand the thought process of taking that photo.”






Science - Chapter 4

 What's happening around science?

Graphene membranes can make nuclear industry greener

 May 9, 2017



Graphene membranes can make nuclear industry greenerCredit: University of Manchester


Graphene could help reduce the energy cost of producing heavy water and decontamination in nuclear power plants by over one hundred times compared with current technologies, University of Manchester research indicates.

The new development could lead to the reduction of CO2 emissions associated with heavy water production by up to a million tonnes each year.


Writing in Nature Communications, a team from the University of Manchester led by Dr. Marcelo Lozada-Hidalgo demonstrated fully scalable prototypes of graphene membranes capable of producing heavy water.

The research shows that graphene-based membranes could make the production of heavy water more efficient, leading to greener and cheaper nuclear power.


Producing heavy water which needed by the nuclear industry to generate clean-energy is an expensive process. Because of graphene's unique material properties it has the potential to effectively separate sub-atomic particles making this process more efficient and cost-effective.


Separating hydrogen isotopes is a huge task for nuclear fission and future fusion plants. Thousands of tons of isotopic mixtures are processed every year. Yet, producing just 1 kg of heavy water consumes enough energy to power an average American household for an entire year.


Dr. Lozada-Hidalgo, University of Manchester research fellow said: "This is a crucial milestone in the path to taking this revolutionary technology to industrial application.


"The potential gains are high enough to justify its introduction even in the highly conservative nuclear industry."

Only last year, the same group of researchers found that graphene can efficiently sieve hydrogen isotopes. But the industrial opportunities of this discovery were not analysed because there were no membranes or fabrication methods suitable for scalable manufacturing at the time.


Now, the Manchester group developed fully scalable prototype membranes and demonstrated the isotope separation in pilot scale studies. They found that the high efficiency of the separation would allow for a significant reduction of the input amount of raw isotope mixtures that needs to be processed. This reduces both the capital costs and the energy requirements.


They estimated over one hundred times less energy to produce heavy water would be required compared to competing technologies – even larger energy savings are anticipated for tritium decontamination.


Sir Andre Geim, added: "Tritium discharged both from nuclear power plants and as a result of environmental disasters is a major global concern.


"We believe this technology can economically transform the environmental footprint of future nuclear plants."

Provided by: University of Manchester

Other Stories - Chapter 5

 Stories from various authors



You wake up to find yourself lying flat in an unfamiliar and utterly filthy room. Your head pounds as you sit up and survey your surroundings.

“Ohhhhww. . . What hit me?”

You notice the room is dimly lit by a hanging bulb that threatens to flicker out any moment. Large piles of debris are scattered about the small room, and there are no windows.

“Hey, who said that? Where am I?”

To your left, right and straight ahead of you there are sinister looking doors. You do not fully comprehend your situation, but you must choose one of these doors. One door-

“Hey! Are you ignoring me?”

-Leads to salvation. One leads to an endless maze of halls and passages that will trap you forever, and the third leads to eternal damnation. You must-

“Wait, what? Are you serious?”


“Why? The exit’s right there.”

In the cold, frightened core of your heart, you know that there is no escape from the desolate predicament you now find yourself in.

“Dude, the doors right there. It even says so. See? ‘Exit’, right on the front. Big letters too.”

After a moments struggle, you come to realize the futility of resistance and return once more to the crossroads of passages. There is no way out.

“Only because some bastard locked up the exit-”

You grumble to yourself as you contemplate-

“It was you wasn’t it? Jerk.”


“Fine, fine. Eenie, meenie, miney. . . That one.”

-You say to yourself as you chose the door to your left. Unbeknownst to you is that that particular door leads only to misery, death, and the destruction of your very soul.

“What? Oh HELL no!”

A sudden burst of intuitive clarity causes you to leap away back before the door closes behind you, sealing your fate.

“It wasn’t intuition, you just said-”

You must make your choice between the remaining two doors.


With a sigh, you go towards the one in the middle.

“I know what I’m doing-”

You mutter-

“-I don’t need you telling me. Prick.”

You take hold of the doorknob to the passage that will lead you to wander the maze for all eternity, oblivious to the fate that will soon befall you. Deathless, mindless and hopeless, your rotting corpse will still walk on long after-


-You cry as you once again leap back from your choice of passage.


“Don’t get snappy with me. So, one door left? Salvation, ho.”

-You say as you head towards the final door and grasp the handle. The path you have chosen will be long and frought with peril. You will face unsurmountable, blood thirsty foes and travel farther than the simple realms you think of as ‘life and death’. Should you fail, your tattered soul will serve as one of the tortures spectral servants of the lord of the underworld, Gwyn ap Nudd. Should-

“Wait a minute. . . ”

-You succeed, you will have all the unimaginable pleasures of this world and the next, though you will be doomed to remain in the underworld as Gwyn’s right hand man-

“HOLD UP YOU OMNISCIENT LYING PACK OF DOG CRAP! You said one of the doors would get me out of here! Salvation, remember? How is being trapped in the underworld salvation? Get me out!”

There is no escape-

“Don’t give me that! There’s always a way out.”

There is no- What are you doing? Where did you get that pipe?


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