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Book online «Deep Legend by DeYtH Banger (reading rainbow books TXT) 📖». Author DeYtH Banger

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 Credit to Paramedic433



I woke up in the middle of a long hallway. It's concrete walls, a concrete floor, and a tile ceiling. There are bar lights spaced evenly down both ends of the hallway. I had no recollection of how I got there or what I was supposed to be doing. I picked a direction and started walking.


As I walked I could hear whispers, feel breathing on my neck. I kept walking, feeling the wind pull me in the direction I was traveling. As I walked I realized there were no doors or windows on either side.


I noticed as I walked that there was a dark area further down the hall. I didn't know if the light had died or if it was the end, so I kept going. As I got closer I saw a bed against the wall, a desk in the center of the hallway, and a toilet on the far right side.

Then I saw the man. My brow furrowed and I stopped, realizing he was trapped in this room at the end of the hall by a thick pane of glass. He was staring at me.


This man immediately seemed strange. One minute his face was all hard angles and facial hair, and the next he had a gentle face and was clean shaven. His face wouldn't shift in front of me, but only when I blinked or looked away.

Two things remained constant. The first was his smile, and the second were his eyes.

His eyes were dark as night, like coal burning in a fireplace or obsidian against ivory. He was a very handsome man, regardless of the face he wore. I looked to the placard on the wall. It said "Worthless."

"Ah, it's about time. I've been waiting for you," he said pleasantly. His voice was velvet. I stopped, looking at him with my head tilted curiously.


"What do you mean? I just got here." He smiled, shaking his head.

"No, child, I've been waiting for you for quite some time. You're here to set me free." I stopped, letting silence fill the space between us.


"I have no idea who you are. Why am I supposed to let you go? What did you do to get here?" His smile was radiant. It was hard to keep on task.


"Child, I am here because I have earned it. I have lied to many, many people. I have hurt many men, killed many more. I was put here as punishment, but no longer. You are here to set me free." I couldn't help the nervous laugh that came from me.

"You've done all of these awful things and I'm supposed to just let you go? Why? Who am I to be the one to let you out? If you're as bad as you say you are, why on earth would I even consider it?" A chuckle left the man's throat, but there was no humor in it.

"It is simple. You will release me because you have no choice." My heart hammered in my throat. I found it hard to breathe for just a moment. His tone was even, light, but his words were hard. Being frightened quickly turned to irritation. I didn't like being scared. "I don't have a choice? I could just walk away, right now. You can't make me do anything." His eyes were bright.

"Little one, I don't have to do anything. You will do it, whether you wish to or not. Wouldn't it be best to remain in my favor and do it when I ask?" I shook my head, narrowing my eyes at him. I did not trust this man.


"Your placard, why does it say 'Worthless'? Who are you?" His face, which had been pleasant to look at before, was now gaunt. His eyes burned with a nearly feverish light.


"Who am I? You know who I am. Your destiny is tied with me. You are meant to set me free." I looked back at his placard and it said "Liar." My brow furrowed in confusion.


"What do you mean? I'm not... I don't even know who you are. No. I am not going to free you." He smirked.


"So you still haven't grasped who I am. I've been here for a very long time. I've been here for centuries, millennia. You will set me free because you are chosen. You have no choice. It will be done by your hand. I will reign destruction upon this world again and you are powerless to stop me." Realization washed over me and I took a step back, gasping for breath.


Belial. The Father of Lies. I was supposed to release the demon back upon the earth.


"No. No! I do not serve you! I will not free you!" My voice was shrill with fear. I could hear it, and the demon smiled. His eyes were now completely black. I trembled, my knees nearly buckling.


"Don't you understand, young one? I'm destined to be released. It is meant to be. Your words mean nothing. You were sent here to free me. You humans believe everything happens for a reason, yes? War, crime, death, it is all for a reason. Your purpose for being born, it was to free me! It even says in your precious Bible that I am to be released at the end of times. That time is now.

"Stop your shaking. You have a task at hand. Free me, of your own will or not. I care not either way. I am going to be set free, and you will be the one to do it." I balled up my fists, finding my fury.


"No! I will not free you. I deny you, Father of Lies. You will stay here in Hell for as long as the Lord deems it." Belial laughed, throwing his head back.


"You foolish little girl, you do not grasp it. Your precious lord is using you to release me! I can feel my bonds being broken as we speak." My heart raced and I glared, hard, leaning forward toward the glass.

"I will not. I am not going to be responsible for you being freed back into the world." He smiled then, his face smooth and pure.

"Why, Alison, you already have." A familiar alarm went off, the sound coming from seemingly everywhere. Belial smirked. For the first time I saw fire, actual fire, in his eyes. "I'll see you soon."


I woke up with a gasp, covering my face to muffle my scream. I was home. Safe. I reached over, shutting off my alarm clock. It was just a dream.


I got up and went through the motions of my day, getting ready for work, going to work, and coming home. The dream didn't fade from my memory, even after several hours. It was as fresh and real as the waking world.


"I'll see you soon" echoed in my head over and over and over. People seemed to say it more, over the phone or to their friends or family. The phrase haunted me until I got home, where it echoed in the previously quiet spaces.


I had been on edge all day, and by some time around midnight I finally found myself drifting back off to sleep with a Bible under my pillow.


I woke up in the same hallway and I felt my heart sink. I knew it was just a dream, but I didn't know if I had the heart to face this demon again. I clenched my fists, deciding that I couldn't hide from him forever. It had to be done, and I had to refuse him again. And I would refuse, again and again. I would do it as many times as it took.


This time the hallway was silent. There was no wind to pull me in, no voices to keep me company, no breath on the back of my throat.


The only sounds at all were my frantic heartbeats, my breathing, and my footsteps. With my head lifted and my fists clenched I walked in the same direction I had the night before.


As I reached the end of the hallway my courage began to flag. I was afraid. I surely couldn't face him again, not as frightened as I was. Still, I had to. There was no escaping it.


I saw the darkened end of the hall first, then the bed, the desk, and the toilet. My confusion was quickly overtaken by the darkest dread I have ever felt, even to this day. Belial was gone.

The glass was broken from the outside.

Out-of-Body Scare and Demon Call




The following incidents took place in Michigan in the summers of 2009 and 2010. I've dealt with sleep paralysis for years, so much so that my body is now accustomed to the sensations that are a precursor to the terrible experience and I am able to wake up before it fully takes hold of me. One thing that I've always found to be truly bizarre about it is that I had never experienced it in my life until my ex told me about how it used to happen to her when she was younger.


That night it happened to me and hasn't stopped, though it has become rarer and rarer.


I had two experiences that leave me at a loss because I've never experienced anything like them and am not sure if they were just really intense episodes of sleep paralysis or if they were out-of-body experiences... or something else. I do not know.


The first experience I had was in 2009. I was lying in bed, watching television and I fell asleep. Suddenly, I felt myself wake up and realized that I hadn't been sleeping long because the show that I had been watching was still on. I could only see half of the television because my blanket was pulled up, partially covering my face and it was making me sweat and making it difficult to breathe.


I reached up to pull the blanket down, and that's when I learned that something wasn't quite right, because no matter how hard I tried, I wasn't able to pull the blanket from my face because my hand would just pass through it.


Terrified, I jumped out of bed and was overcome by this strange, dizzy, and numb feeling in my head and throughout my entire body. I thought that maybe I was having a stroke or something, so I ran to my door to get my parents to take me to the hospital.

I reached for the door handle and, just like with the blanket, my hand passed right through it!


I tried to grab it several times and got the same result each time -- my hand passed through it! I then tried to beat on the door really hard in hopes that the noise would wake someone in the house and that they would come check on me, but again, my hand passed right through the door!


I then started to really freak out because I thought that I was dead and I began to hyperventilate and cried out to God. All of a sudden, it felt like there was a zap and I was back lying in my bed with the blanket over my face,

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