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universe and its needlepoint precision organization, the human brain seems to stand up as an apt one, am I right?

It is beautifully amazing. All questions of humanity, all fears, all insecurities and perplexing conundrums of life and living are work of the collective actions inside a three-pound organ composed of over one trillion brain cells and 100 billion of them neurons with vast ensembles of neural circuits numbering in the hundreds of millions, intricate wide-area networks crisscrossing the brain and a large number of strangely shaped sub-cortical structures housed just beneath the cerebral cortex; all working together to develop an astounding catalogue of huge range of phenomenal and unique human capabilities! That’s why to understand life, living and all its immense shades, one should most necessarily be aware of these important brain facts. I do consider myself very lucky that my stupidity could understand this very early in my youth days. I thank life, milieus, may be also you, for providing me with people, pains and paranoia from whose collective and cumulative stupidities, I learnt my lessons.

But then, god dear, you know that I know, how it is your conspiracy that wisdom does not come easy. I too had to toil a lot, which then sounded futile but stood me in good stead later. Therefore, I read all books of traditional wisdoms, religious texts of all religions, books written by philosophers and intellectuals of all ages and even classical literatures. Somehow, like most people, I got confused reading them all. Only later, I realized that despite so much practical wisdom contained in them, there always was an undercurrent of confusion and conflict ingrained in them and I am sure that had to happen. As the age, time and space; when they were written or documented as well as the prevalent and endemic knowledge was so partial with so much scope of anti-thesis that the wisdom they meant to reflect always sounded contradictory and too much reliant on subjective revelations, which would always get confused readings.

But, god dear, you know that I know that all these repositories of wisdom had a strange but very pleasing commonality. They all are actually beautiful “scripts of minds” and the minds standing in different stages of evolutionary developments.

Well, the common refrain of the traditional wisdom was that “Life is ephemeral but not unreal, life is real and existence, though short-lived, never illusory and false”. All wisdom said, “Life is all about organizing and management of what is actual, through conflicting and often with uncontrolled energies”. The most amazing common wisdom all shared is that to have a near perfect “organization and management” of life and living, one always have to be in “ultimate consciousness”.

Dear god, only later, I could come across something which was also growing, maturing and evolving towards objective standing and it was the humanity’s scientific and objective knowledge of human brain and its functioning which became possible with the advancement of superb scientific tools and technological devices. Now, we humans can know in 20 minutes what earlier we could not learn in 20 years. The latest scientific and objective knowledge of the brain and mind mechanisms made me unravel many things from the traditional wisdom that I had learnt but were still shrouded in confusion.

Ancient wisdom also said what latest scientific researches of brains say. Isn’t it very interesting dear god that ancient wisdom said that every human being is naturally designed to live in a state of sub-consciousness and unconsciousness and that leads him or her to conflict, pains and miseries? And to avoid it, every human-being must live his or her entire life in ‘higher consciousness’, which they referred to as an idea best described by the word ‘sat-chit-anand’ (ultimate existence-ultimate consciousness-ultimate bliss). Strangely enough, modern psychological wisdom also has same prescriptions.

Dear god, how interesting it is. Ancient wisdoms maintain that whatever wisdom are contained in ancient scriptures, were actually your words, which descended to humanity through their mind consciousness. Now that modern science has commonality with the core ideas of ancient wisdom, it is a reality that even thousands of years back, you had the scientific approach to all things. You naturally qualify to be the first scientists ever. How come that people who follow you and your words, actually abhor science and have antagonism with it. They feel to see the commonality and singular intent.

The modern science of brains says the same what ancient wisdom said. It is also true and accepted that your words descended on earth through mind consciousness of those who believed in you. Then what and where is the trouble? Why the same mind consciousnesses see dualism in science and spiritualism? The trouble is in how to attain this state of ‘higher consciousness’. What are the ways and mechanisms of attaining ‘organization and management’?

What the classical and traditional wisdom prescribes unleashes the confusion primarily because most prescriptions are in the forms of ‘metaphors’, which are always open to conflicting interpretations by common humans. Even intellectuals can vary in their opinions about them. Moreover, there is such huge multiplicity of management techniques that average person gets confused and defocused. Many of these techniques are also not foolproof and in so many years, lots of impure and highly ritualistic techniques became part of the actual wisdom, making things more conflicting. The cunning charlatans sneaked into this classical wisdom very smartly for personal suitability.

That’s why dear god, you too have become such a complex, conflicting and confusing idea and entity to average people that now even you have become so confused as to who you actually are! The modern and contemporary knowledge of brains and the mind consciousness has offered the best and singular technique and management prudence to make our brains perform the task of making us a truly conscious being, capable of skillfully managing all our contradictions and answering all our questions with one singular and objective set of answers.

Now god dear, I come to the point. I now wish to tell you as why I had to write an open letter to you. Thanks for patiently listening to all the preface that I had to resort to, to come to my point. God dear, after over 4 million years of evolution, our minds are now very mature, very powerful and as I said in my opening lines, human brain is the best organized, most flexible, and highest functioning object in the known universe. Over one trillion brain cells of our dear mind is an infinite potential. It is capable of all solutions and very soon, some of the remaining questions may also be answered.

But dear god, it is such a sad and pathetic reality that 98% of humans are leading their lives with a brain and mind that is still at least 100-150 years behind times. The brains have evolved and the knowledge to understand our brains and mind has evolved to a new high in the last 10-15 years but still, most people refuse to update their brain-mind positioning. We now have the scientifically objective techniques and management mechanisms to attain a mind consciousness, which our ancestors so painfully toiled to attain. Now is the time to relook every idea and reality of human life and living through the contemporary knowledge and wisdom about brains and mind consciousness. But, it is so painful that most people still live a life depending on the wisdom of their 150 year old brains.

Dear god, you are the ultimate compassion of the cosmos. You are the ultimate being. Kindly do something to unleash a society that is driven by modern and scientific knowledge of brains and mind. It is so tragic that our kids still learn through an education system, which was created by a collective mind 150 years old and not a young brain of today. It is so pathetic that education content is designed and prescribed by as definitive stupids like politicians!

You know that I know that this shall happen one day, may be it shall take hundreds of years but at least do something for all your devotees and faithful, who think you are something external to their brains and mental being, at least make them aware that your ‘your cosmic abode’ is nowhere else but in the human brains and minds.

Dear god, as a friend, I believe you are quite like me. That is why I truly feel, you would feel the same compassion that I feel, when I see people in pain, in dismay, conflict and confusion. I know and wish that they could do away with it if they could know and accept themselves as a beautiful and very potent brain.

I hope you do the needful….

All best.

Yours stupid friend ….


You Ordain What Your God Shall

A person once said to me, “Whichever way and whatever you, or for that matter anyone else, ask me to understand is like a meaningless lecture to me. I shall understand only when my God shall wish me to. Till then, all wisdom is like wastage of words to me and this is also true for others.’

I am truly curious. I feel and believe, god is my own intrinsic nature, my natural emotions, my instinctive me, and as I am a constantly evolving potential, so my god is also in incessant evolution.

Therefore, what that person said to me was probably a reminder to the fact that when my god shall evolve to accept itself as nothing but me, I shall be in a position to understand. In other words, when I shall evolve to such a stage where I shall realize that what I am is what my god is, then only shall I accept all that I need to.

It sounds strange. We always say, things shall happen when God shall ordain. Things do happen at some stage of time and circumstances and we all think of God-hand in them. We thank God for making that happen. However, isn’t it that that happened because in time, we evolved ourselves to such a point where it actually had to happen. destinies seem to happen as they somehow become inevitable – there happens an optionlessness and destinies follow in.

It is like, I do think that I should be ideal for the position of being the President of USA but, it is not happening for me. So I say, it shall happen when god shall wish. Years pass and as I have this in my mind that I must one day be the president of USA; I am actually gradually moving towards that end with an evolution mechanism, which even I cannot visualize as happening. Destinies brew and evolve with time-space elements in the subconscious mind and in ambient milieus. In reality, I am actually inching slowly and unconsciously towards that end and one day, I do become the president of USA. Then, I thank god to make it possible for me.

In reality, it is my own potential that I unconsciously chased, and finally it happened. What made it happen is truly my intrinsic nature which worked for me in silence, in sub-conscious and in innate me.

If one thinks deeply about the causality of destinies, it shall become very evident that nothing can fall outside the domain of the cyclicality of consciousness and milieu. The consciousness cannot imagine anything outside the milieus and the milieus in turn cannot have anything, which the consciousness cannot observe and imagine. Therefore, destinies are a probabilistic template of situations, comprising of both tangible and intangible elements from the consciousness, in constant and cyclic functional relationship with the milieus.

Therefore, if I have interest in music, I aspire to be like Mozart. My elements shape up my destinies as these elements decide the framework of my aspirations. I surely would not think of being an astronaut and land on Mars. However, if I have wrongly calculated my interest in music and in reality, I have had a hidden element of adventure and curiosity in my subconscious mind, I shall unconsciously inch towards

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