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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » My Lullaby by jazzy8762 (motivational books for men .TXT) 📖

Book online «My Lullaby by jazzy8762 (motivational books for men .TXT) 📖». Author jazzy8762

my lullaby

By: Jasmine Baez P3 11/28/12
My mother sings to me with the passion of an artist who strives for perfection
I breathe as softly as a butterfly
Waiting to hear the next lyric of her song
The song feels so humble so right
I don’t want this beautiful pool of lyrics to end
The seconds tick by as fast as the speed of light
Not wanting this moment to end
I believe in her to hold me tight
In this blissful moment of a perfect night
The song sounds so loving so right

I apologize for not singing you to sleep in this nightly hour
Oh how your words hold so much power
Your words strengthen me like a cat who claws at a tree
I feel so free so right
As I fall asleep
I hear you say “I love you like no other”
What a beautiful thing to say as I close my eyes
And dream of you forever


By: Jasmine Baez P3 11/28/12

Jealousy can tear you apart
Jealousy isn’t very smart
Jealousy eats at you like a tart
Jealousy has no heart

Jealousy is a pain
Jealousy cannot be contained
Jealousy comes in a pool of rain
Jealousy feels no shame

Jealousy can’t be trusted
Jealousy always gets busted
Jealousy is always disgusted
Jealousy is always mistrusted

Jealousy is a very good hider
Jealousy crawls like a spider
Jealousy is a divider
Jealousy can never be a guider

baby bony

By: Jasmine Baez P3 11/29/12

A baby broke bob by bating bats because baby bob became bony
Bony bent backwards beneath brother Bay backing banana bonnets
By babysitting Babe Broth
Bony became a bad baby by crying bubbly tears
Bony Bay betrayed Babe by breaking bones from butterflies
Babe backfired Bony by barfing on a book Bony Brags about
Bay bumped Bony because she was being bad
Bony became a banana giving up babysitting Babe
Because bananas became Bony’s favorite bonnet snack

love winter

The snow danced across my skin as it feel upon me
Oh how I love the feeling of winter
The feeling of the cold creeping upon my skin
The cloudy winter days spent making snowmen
With those whom I love
The snowballs we throw through the air with the call of battle
One by one striking each other out

Snow the color of the moon which shines so bright above us
The hot coco which waits for us inside
The fire which dances to the call of nature radiating its warmth
The warmth which wraps its arms around us like a blanket
A blanket which frees us from frostbite

I love the snowy blanket on the ground
The wonderland of different tracks from animals
Oh how I’ll never get used to this feeling
I love winter forever and always

i am a book

By: Jasmine Baez P3 11/19/12

Books hold the key to suspense and drama
The words on a single page have a power
A power to change life as we know it
A single word can put a spell on you
A spell of which has no undoing
A spell that can only captivate you
A spell that makes people want to move
Move to a bookstore and buy them out
Buy them out for all they have
A spell that takes control of you
And lets you wonder free on your own
A book can make you see all in the eye of the beholder
The beauty of nature or of hell
The song of the wind or of a fairy tale
I can make you cry or even scream
But just remember
We have feelings to
You take us for granted and throw us away
But what happens if we did the same
The same to you in which would not happen
We are too kind so give us your attention
We share our stories to help you see
There’s more to life than just you and me
We make up a world
A world of love
In which prospers of doves
Next time you look at me
Please don’t judge
For I hold all the secrets of life
In just



an update will be soon


Publication Date: 12-07-2012

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