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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

There are poets whose work, without exaggeration, belongs to the treasures of human thought and rightly is a world heritage. In our electronic library you will find a wide variety of poetry.
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Read books online » Poetry » depths of heart by hima (best story books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «depths of heart by hima (best story books to read .txt) 📖». Author hima


Left in the dark lands of despair
nth to survive or befriend with
Buried hope
Growing discontent
Nasty thoughts
Clueless future
All mind made nasty games
Still there is a tiny part saying
"Let's face it,nth comes without expense."
A mirage of hope
fuel it with desires and turn the world to you

*********Exotic Dreams*******

Prince charming
Fairy wedding
Dream castle
Serene life
Candle light dinners
Moon light walks
Warm hugs
cozy kisses
Farm house
just both of us
hand in hand
keen to leave
dreams never fail


He is meant to hurt
Though she deserves not
They thought to marry
Though not a perfect pair
They wish to depart
Though not fair
They feel happy
Though not heartily
They have learned
Though not taught
They wish to unite
For that is love

********Eternal Love*********

My heart sinks at the loss of you
Love of my life has ended
Waves of despair broke me up
Eyes sought you everywhere
Darkness loomed over grasping you
I ran to hold on to you
but you ended as a mirage
I groped through the memories
It felt like your with me again
Bitter memories were swapped with good one's
Heart swiveled into parts
Scattering all the memories
Neither you nor my heart
I felt soulless
Ruthless god
I wish
My body dissolved
Heart ripped apart
Bones turned turned ashes
still here i am
Leading life horribly
Ready to die any sec
And then unite with you
In the eternal world

*******life a game*****

Life is a game
play it all the same
Win or lose
Always something to gain
Every move you make
One short step to success
Choose a path
right or wrong
You may fall
keep on trying
Move higher and higher
you'll reach the stars
Find it all the same
for humble people are always winners
Life is a game
play it fair

**********Tell me why?*********

Tell me why?
eyes shine when i see you
Tell me why?
stammer words when i talk to you
Tell me.. tell me
It's a bubbling
volcano of passion
It rips my heart
to see you in pain
Nothing pleases me
than your smile
walk me to the hell
I find heaven there
Tell me why?
If this is what we call love
I wanted to say something to you
I love you............

*******my mama***********

Petals of lotus
somber gold
Warm and radiant smile
cozy and inviting arms
Young at heart
Deep at thought
August appearance
picker of hearts
heap of jasmines
stream-let of hopes
My inspiration
My motivation
My happiness
My sadness
My strength
My weakness
My own talisman
My cherished boon
My life........

*******Rainy day*****

The dark hound is chasing me
I ran away from it
It's roaring now...
I increased my pace
It struck a lightening
I missed it
It sent it's first soldier
It chilled my senses
Then it's total army
I stood there in trance.
The first drizzle of the season
The damp earth smelled so good
Sun is masked in the black clouds
the hot air was lost to the cold winds
It's like after every worse
there is something better awaiting for you'

Listen to my heart
It’s been beating for u so long
It’s singing a melody can’t u hear??
Racing along when it sees u smile
Look at me staring
So you won’t vanish in a blink
My vain attempt to smile
Turned into a blush!
Three words to say
Muddled up in my mouth
Time stood still and so am I
Waiting for one gesture of love

Darkness is creeping
The chill in the wind gave a pleasant anticipation
The chords of lightning Illuminating the sky
Brought joy to many young hearts
The very first drop rising all our hopes
As we look at the sky greedily wanting more
Finally the day has come
Our soils lay wet and we drenched in
The pleasant rain hoping!!!

Don’t get us parted
After all we are siblings of one mother
The push and pull of you
Left cracks in our relationship
We own same language, same land and same bonds
Yet we fight for our freedom that
Rests in our hearts all the while
Unity is strength is our motto since the times of our freedom struggle
Divide and conquer is a borrowed motto
Let our own ideas guide but not borrowed ones

Our mother earth trembled as a child of its is troubled
Blood tears ran through her cheeks as her children lay in blood
The horrendous boom continued each time stopping her heart
Her heart is torn apart as she sees the crippled bodies torn apart
“Where was the humanity in this all?” she sobs
Let the word human mean something more like heartless or cruel
She stands helpless as some of her children are tearing apart
And others using the situation


Publication Date: 08-26-2010

All Rights Reserved

To my friends and family for their love and support. cover art and images are from some amazing artists which I found online, thanks to them.

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