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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » Poems by Winter Nyala (best books to read for beginners .txt) 📖

Book online «Poems by Winter Nyala (best books to read for beginners .txt) 📖». Author Winter Nyala

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love is when you fall down, and i bend to pick you up
love is when your down the drain, and i run the water... to keep you clean
love is when your stuck on something, and i pull you out
love is when your afraid of heights, and i climb up, to stand by your side
until all your worries are washed away, and climb down... together

love is when you cry, and there by your side, i'm crying with you
love is when you laugh so hard, it hurts, because of me
love is when you need help, but say nothing, so i help anyway
love is when you make me cry, and try so hard to fix it... until its all over






I sit here, a mind blank
Staring at nothing
But understanding all

No movement, no sounds
Nothing in the room...
Nothing through the window

All doors are closed to me,
Locked from the out side
I'm trapped in space

The blackness of my home
Trapped for many years
I have always been Here.

Seeing blackness but Knowing
all there is to know
Watching life, come and go



You have left me
alone and crying
in the cold darkness

I may have gave my love
But you had a different thought
You stole away my innocence

We were an item
But I saw the crack
You gave in, and fell

The crack grew and you...
didn't use yourself
to stitch the wound you made

You have left me
alone and crying
in the cold darkness






Day after day, I
try to understand
why you would
walk right pass
Not even look
toward the one,
You Hurt
So Long Ago


As you are walking,
Down a Dark path,
Your eyes shut.
Not seeing me, as I
Walk beside you

I try to make you
turn down a road,
Oh so bright.
Yet you always try,
to Run away

What ever happened,
to your sweet smile,
that shone so
Brightly in
Your eyes


the Path, Long and narrow
the Trees, Dancing in the wind
the People, stop to Listen
As the trees start to

They speak of wisdom...
They speak of destruction...
They speak of life when...
the world, starts
to crumble

As the fire start, to
make the land strong
The rain comes to
flood the valleys
Another Ocean

The water goes back,
Pass the new shore
As new life is born
now from anew,
from the seedlings

As the roots
spread through the ground
Knowledge is earned
for the new
Guardians of Life


I sit here, wondering...
About all that rain

these bars, holding
me, from freedom
Shut tight

Sealing me Away,
trapped in the Dark,

The rain flies free,
falling from the sky,


The wind
blowing around
Speaking to me
As I whisper Back

Love and Greed
Sadness and hugs
tears and screaming
We're together now

and flying
with each other...
Blowing Away


Falling Away,
Spreading my wings,
to Fly very far...

Away from this place,
to find my way home
the place where you are

Away... Falling Away
Spreading my wings
to Fly very far...


To believe, or to see,
to find, or to search
to love, or to hate,
to laugh, or to cry
one time, to another,
for a girl, or a guy
to light, or the dark
to gold, or to silver
to brother, or to sister
to stranger, to partner
to man, or woman
for the wind, or the stone
for the water, to the fire
to god, and the goddess
another love, another charm


theres a chance
on a world
far different
from ours

theres a person
with that move
toward the love
i share with you

my soul binds
and spirit too
for the love
i give to you

for a time
or another
past and present
or the future

we shall share
love again
through the time
all so different

for a chance
on a world
far different
from ours

and our souls
bind and twist
as we travel
from afar

time to go
another time
more again


poem by- Raizel Pearle Clements

I have black wings of night,

I have piercing eyes that stare

Into the deadly, dark sky,

Looking for an answer.

I look into his handsome

brown eyes as he takes my

neck into his gentle hands

and drinks all the sweet, red

nectar from my veins.

He begins to kiss my lips

waiting for me to become into

his one and only love for all of


I finally found what I was

looking for someone who will

be with me for the rest of eternity

and won't leave me, ever.


It was the first time
Every time
When you smiled
and laughed
that seductive
laugh of yours
every time it makes me
Fall to my knees

In Pain
In Joy
But always
For you

Every time,
I will fall
to my knees
Every time,
I hear that laugh
or see that smile

And when I leave
No matter how far
No matter How long
I may be
When I Return
I promise...

When I fall to my knees
I promise...

I will hug you,
I will embrace you,
And I promise...

I will never let go


I can't stand it sometimes, it feels as if my soul is bursting out of me, seeping through my limbs. I breathe it in, and out, and in again, mixed with the scent you leave on my pillow- and I feel as if I'm a bomb, ticking away, seconds away from exploding. It's amazing, and quite horrifying. Knowing that a person can do such things to another of it's kind. I lay here, and the moonlight shines down on me, illuminating my eyes so that I know they are almost glowing. It feels so heavy tonight, as if every beam is pinning me down here, steeping in all of these emotions that I once thought were long deceased in my stomach, the ones that I was so sure- so positive- that they were buried under pounds and pounds of cast off memories. I don't fully understand this metamorphasis yet. I can't even describe these feelings. All I feel, deep in my bones, is difference, pounding, throbbing like my heart muscle, slowly. Painfully. But the euphoria is kicking in too, so I'm laying here, tripping on you like a man would trip on a drug- bursting out in a cold sweat and slowly closing my eyes to experience the whole story, unfolding under my skin. My mind, the traitor- whispers to me softly, questioning your return. 'Where is he?' 'We crave!' 'We ache!' He's exactly like a drug. If I don't get any more of him, I know that the crash will leave me shaky and weak on the floor, clutching a bottle of whiskey, praying to a god that might not exsist. I smile softly to myself. I know exactly what might happen to me, and still- my soul rages on and on, like a tsunami, battering me into oblivion. Humans are such fickle creatures! I laugh at myself, for falling into this so quickly. Something I promised that I'd never do, right away, my mind changed when I saw him. Isn't it ridiculous? I wonder... quietly, I wonder to myself, lying in the moonlight, if I will live through this. And then, behold! The door creaks, ever so silently. He prowls in, like a cat, his tawny eyes glinting with the moon, and I forget all of my doubts. My drug, once more, roars through my blood, and I am gone once more.


My heart beats once when i see you
My heart beats twice when i hear you
My heart beats three times when i touch you
My heart beats four times when i kiss you
Idk what i would do if i had you forever



No where to go
No place to see
No soul to have
No spirit to keep

Pain through my heart
Pain through my body
Pain through my spirit

No one

Shall I go
Shall I Swim away
Shall I walk away
Shall I fly away
or... Shall I die away

No one
The Pain
The Blood
The Blackness
of my home
in Space

There was time
When the world had

And yet there was
But a single

That tried
and Failed
And tried

There must be
The place of
And hope

Yet that place
Has been taken
From that

And of the Thread
Became the Land
That spoke and Sang
For none the Less

For me to see or die...

Don't come to me,
From across the distant ocean.
Don't cry to me,
From across the distant ways.

I give up,
On the life who promised.
I give up,
On the world we sought

Can we try?
As yet we already failed.
Can we talk?
A yet we lost our voices.
Can we love?
As yet to find another?

What and why are two different things...

a time when things are not what they seem
when the darkness seems to take over
and love is scarce with in the souls walls

is there a reason for this hate?
is there a reason why i'm here?
will there ever be a reason why?

they seem they are not what it needs to be
not what it should be for a reason of course
a reason why escapes my lips as I travel through out

why would it be, to give me life
why should I try, if only to fail
what would I do, if i had a reason why?

Just another Pain for Days

Shall i look away, like a small child
shall i run away, scared one more
shall i spread my wings, and fly to new heights

What shall, i do with me, myself and I
What shall i do?

The pain that comes every month,
the sorrow or the tenderness
with i cry or will i yell at this,
i do not know, i do not know

What will come of time itself,
past present or the future?

What shall, i do with me, myself and I
What shall i do?

Here are some couplets that came up with, about water.


There is thy water of thee Time,
to make yet form for thy Rhyme.

It comes again, covering with Bright Blue,
Giving the clearness of thy soul a perfect Hue.

Adding color to a white background, once more,
giving thy the choice of wetness galore.

Let it go up, to the sky and back down,
let it run and sink into the solid ground.

Let it pour out of the earth,

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