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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » Torn by K.L.Clark (notion reading list .txt) 📖

Book online «Torn by K.L.Clark (notion reading list .txt) 📖». Author K.L.Clark


Slender branches,
dark, thin, long.
Covered in white,
bend against the wind.

Cold, bleak landscape,
the rustle of twigs and dead leaves.
Light breaks the clouds,
A chirrup comes about.

Light, airy, white,
A wonderland.
Smiling faces pressed against glass,
Cries of joy.

Perfect blanket of white,
Covering the ground.
Little feet and wooden sleds,
Tarnish the its fresh crispness.

Snowballs fly through the air.
Sleds are placed,
Then are off zooming down the hill.

Little flakes begin to fall.
Children raise their heads and arms.
Nose’s run,
Ear turn red.

A mother’s call beckons.
Snow is trampled underfoot.
Cocoa and gingerbread by the fire.
Then off to bed.

And again,
It is silent.
A vast, dark landscape,
No movement.

The wind slows.
The trees still.
The leaves rest,
Fall to the ground.

Again, it is a dark Dreamland.

Colors of the Season

Grey sky.
Brown grass.
Yellow sun.

The first white flakes…
The bright, numberless stars.

The green pine trees.
Santa’s red suit.
Silver and Gold presents.

Dark blue night sky,
Ashy clouds blanketing over the moon…

Grass is getting greener,
The sun takes and orange hue.
Blue tints the sky.

Soon the air is filled with orange warmth,
And the trees bloom bright green.

The colors of the season are many.


She crawls,
The quiet tigress.

Through the brush,
Her claws scrape the ground.

She raises her buttocks,
And drags her paws back.

Quiet, ever quiet,
She sneaks over the grass.

Her prey is hiding;
But she knows it’s heartbeat.

Her ears perk up,
She bares her fangs.

She trembles,
Anticipating the catch,
And then she pounces,
And flies through the air with grace.


Onto the carpet.
Blood from your lip,
And beer from your bottle.

Onto the ground.
Body first,
Followed by the glass.

Into my arms.
Tears drip,

And your swaying,
Back, forth,
Back, forth.

A drunken smile,
A tearful curse,
A half-meaning punch.

Can’t take it no more.
It’s like I’m careening down a cliff,
Meant to meet the ground.

Love was but an empty word.
Your soul’s been ripped,
Into two.

For a second.
In less than a second.

Onto the carpet.
Blood from your lip,
Beer from your bottle,
And tears from my eyes.

Love Me

Loving you is the hardest thing I know.
I’m sad and I’m mad,
And your face wipes it away.

And I care to admit I love you.
God I love you.
Can’t seem to make it right with anything.

I can’t feel no happiness.
I can’t make things go right.
I’ll never get you to love me,
Never experience the one thing I truly want.

And it kills me inside,
Every waking moment.
Apart or near,
Happy for once,
Or shedding tears.

Thought of you,
Glimpse of you,
Hear your voice,
I’m in heaven.

Can’t you love me?
What is so wrong?

Am I that horrible?
I attract a few, who aren’t for me.

You’re for me,
But I’m not for you.
And I’m dying inside,
To let you know how much I love you.

If I scream it will you hear it?
If I write it will you read it?
If I could ever hear you say it, would you mean it?

Love me…


I dive,
Bubbles float from my nose.

Everything is light and translucent,
Like another world.

A fish passes by,
Other schools swim beneath me.

I am weightless,
My hair floats in wispy strands.

I pull my legs to my chest,
Then pump them back,
Rushing forward in a spurt of bubbly water.

I float through the water,

A current pulls me,
And I lose myself in the ocean…


Floating high in the stars.

You fill the sky,
A howl calls to you.

Curved and rough,
Achingly beautiful.

A gasp of misty breath,
You’re surrounded by a ring.

You shed light on the frosty wasteland,
The ground crunches underfoot.

Pearly cream-white,



How shameful,
Running like a stray dog,
Tail between your legs.

How low,
Ignoring something so calmly,
You sit and watch.

Am I to put up with this,
Much longer?
To let you sit there without punishment?

Should the word fall beyond you?
Do you have the right to ignore,
To trample the heart?

Ignorance is bliss they say,
My friend,
You are in bliss apparently.

Shameful, low,


Rush my child,
Through the brush.
Blindly stumble over brambles,
Tumbles abrupt.

Stock and sturdy,
A tree trunk lays fallen,
Naked of it’s bark coat.

The wind whispers sweet nothings,
As the trees quiver.
Feet stomp the hard earth,
Grass and mud flecks pock your skin.

On ahead there is water.
It trickles,

High and mighty like a deer.
Are not you tired?
Are not you afraid?

Come now,
It beckons you now,
Calls out your name.

The trees are aching,
The grass is cheering you on.
Go, go, go!

One with the trees as you sail through the air,
The water goes up in a wall around you.

It is over.
Your sweat mingles with the water.
Be happy.


Your soul is so pure,
Full of innocence and humility.

You are kind and brave,
Sweet and honest,
Not a hint of darkness,
Not a smidgeon of sin in your soul.

Your essence of life…
It is amazing…
Your are so energetic,
Full of peace and calmness.

Like a wave,
Charming and graceful,
You affect me,
And the peace washes over me.

I wish my soul was a pure as yours.
The calm and beauty of it…

Your soul… is wonderful…


Publication Date: 02-05-2010

All Rights Reserved

For Valerie: my friend and my crutch, she was there when these poems were reality.

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