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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » Thoughts of a Poet by Amanda Shelton (best black authors TXT) 📖

Book online «Thoughts of a Poet by Amanda Shelton (best black authors TXT) 📖». Author Amanda Shelton

<font;20pt>>The Place is you

You are my friend, my love, my forever Valentine. Love develops deep with in you, it grows and is constantly changing. For all the times I never saw the things I should have, I thank you for all the times you understood. Our deepest feelings never taken away, for they live in words unspoken, in some long ago time softly and from afar I loved you and yet you never knew. Some meetings are fashioned by chance ours was a gift of just. There is a place I run to when I'm scared or lonely, I wonder if you know that place is you? Thank you for sharing my hopes and hurts. I wish you love to hold when you feel empty and about to cry. When you are afraid and need someone to hold, I wish you love to hold and love forever.

Life is like Wine

Life is like wine you take it from the vine. It tastes so sweet so fine. It gets better with time.

That like a Seed

The human soul is that like a seed, it struggles until it gets the bit of light it needs to grow and blossom.

Feel in silence

It’s easier to think out loud then to feel in silence, when you feel inside, people close to you feel for you. Thinking out loud is easier because your use to your feelings being silent for so long that saying what you feel hurts more then keeping silent.

Your Fingertips

Your name is on my lips the soft touch of your fingertips like the sweetest tasting wine. Your hands are big but so soft to the touch. You gently touch my lips with your soft fingertips. And I fall into bliss.

Loves Footprints

Love leaves footprints in the sand. Love makes the seasons of your heart change. Love is soft and quiet, like dew on the grass, and trees. Love is like the wind you can't see it but you can feel it.

The way you understood

For all the times I never saw the things I should have. I thank you for all the times you understood. Our deepest feelings never taken away for they live in words unspoken. In some long ago time softly and from afar I loved you and you never knew. Some meetings are fashioned by chance ours was a gift of just. Thank you for sharing my hopes and hurts. Thank you for all of the kind words that touched my heart.


Each time I look at something I’ve loved knowing the difference that love makes to our hearts. I know then how lucky I am to have you in my life. I remember the little things and times we’ve shared that made me happy. Thank you for each and every moment you gave me.

Art is in the Artist's Hands.

Art is in the Artist’s hands, turning color in to art of the promise land. We all wish we had these hands, but it’s a gift that can't be taken in by any hands. They need to be Artists hands. All different colors even have a flow or tone but look at the beautiful promises they have for me and you...


Red lips, soft fingertips, the breath of beauty in her eyes. You can see cloudy days are on their way. Once there was rain falling on her vows soaking in words that have no meaning. But yet she goes on with her wedding.

Time Will Pass

Time will pass, these feelings won't last. The day wont last for ever, we have until never, until we fade into the past.

Taking All Of Me

My hand, take my hand, my life, take my life, my heart, take my heart, my breath, take my breath, my eyes, take my eyes, by taking all of me I know that you love me.

Little Things

Who knows of little things? The poor, the sick, the dying. Do the angels know of little things? The poor have the streets, the sick have their beds, the rich have their money, and the angels have God. So are you rich, poor, or sick? Or are you one of Gods angels? The little things in life are the most important in life’s journey to bigger things.


The sun silently ran through the darkness and slowly became the sunrise. And the silence was broken by the sound of the birds greeting the morning light.

In Silence I love you

In silence I loved you, but you never knew. From afar I watched you imagining me and you together forever.

The Path of life

The path is straight but long and narrow. The birds sing their summer song of peace. The children laugh and play. The sun forever shines. The thorns rip and tare at my clothing and hair. I try to push them away but they still scratch and tare. I have been walking it seems forever down a path that never ends. But one day when I am tired I will reach the end of my path and start a new.

Where I Belong

The wide open spaces where the sun rises to the sound of the wind through the dead grass, Where no trees grow. The fields of grain flow through the land far as the eye can see. Where the sunsets on the chill of the night. Where the owl sets on a dead tree stump. Where the rocks rise and casting a never ending shadow on anything in its path. Towering over the land. This is were I belong.

Sun of Hope and Greed

The sun will set.
The sun will rise.
Tomorrow will be another day.
The sun will set.
The sun will rise.
But only in Gods eyes.
He hears our cries, our prayers of Hope and greed.
But we know when the sun sets, it will rise
to greet another day

Take Me

Take my hands,
these little hands,
take my life, this simple
life, take me there where
you are, take me home
away from war, take
me there where you are.


My love is forever yours
My love is blind
My love is a river
My love is a runaway child
My love is a warm embrace from my mother
My love is kind
My love knows no time
When you say these words to your self it will show you that love comes in many forms and it lasts forever


Don't fall in love with me.
Don't look at me like that.
Don't kiss me like that.
Don't whisper in my ear.
Don't hold my hand.
I know it’s hard to understand, but my heart belongs to another man.

Love is to Me

Love is to me as warm as a burning candle. Love is to me as bright as a sunny day.
Love is to me as a cool breeze through the trees. Love is to me, a smile that brightens up the cloudiest days. Love is to me like a boat drifting on a summer breeze. Love is to me all of these wonderful things. Love is more to me then any cool summer breeze.

Mother Earth

Mother earth sighs as she opens her eyes behind the blue of the sky were the stars shine as she opens her hands to reveal the moon she keeps the planets all in tune.

See Through the Eyes

Come see through the eyes of the stars. Come listen through the ears of the falling rain. Come drift through the softness of the clouds. Come frolic through the grass with the deer.
Can you feel how God is near?


Publication Date: 04-18-2010

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