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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » What Does Not Stay Hidden by Frances Ayers (most motivational books TXT) 📖

Book online «What Does Not Stay Hidden by Frances Ayers (most motivational books TXT) 📖». Author Frances Ayers

A Night With The Succubus

Preys on mens lust

Seduces and corrupts

Appears suddenly

Born from depths of hell

Destroys the soul and body

Is very cunning

Drawn to married men

Difficult to resist

Run the other way!

Vampire Lover

Bedroom curtains separate

As a cold breeze rushes in

A grandfather clock chimes eight

Standing before her,they begin

Full lips kiss her tender shoulder

Sharp teeth graze her fragile skin

He grasps her hand,but she is bolder

A moan escapes him,then he grins

Piece by piece,he unwraps his gifts

Mouths collide,a moonlight kiss

Fingers searching,he slowly lifts

His mortal lover,his soul and bliss

Upon the bed the bodies churn

Melting,mounting, awash with lust

As blood desire awaits its'turn

Fangs retract as it knows it must

Bodies writhing,a fevered end

Blood flows like wine,a tender bite

A living force she'll gladly lend

As both cry out,two soul unite

Ship Wrecked Ghosts

Forgotten souls trapped

A ship destined for nowhere

Is long forgotten

Surrounded by fog

Seen by passing ships at night

Screams echo through water

Centuries ago

Murderous pirates plundered

Sailors left for dead

Blood stains the water

Souls cry out for justice

The sea is deaf

Zombies In New York

Confusion,delusion as cannibals arrive

Flooding busy streets,Will we survive

Edgy and wearing their cut off jeans

Drooling from mouths,they survey the scenes

Mayhem descends in an upscale shop

As the ladies that lunch knock over a prop

Faces fill with horror,screams deafen ears

As copious blood and limbs fly through the air

On one barely lit narrow side street

Lies a passed out drunken man in cleats

Awakened by two women eating his chest

Two more ghouls descend and eat the rest

Up and down again to the Lower East side

Flooding the subways,they go for a ride

Passengers thrown on to the floor

Are eaten,while others escape through a door

The City: A large canvas painted in red

Once vibrant, is now filled with the dead

Screams are gone and silence fills the air

As groups of lone survivors wipe away a tear

The Misanthropic Vamp

Among the hidden,destitute and darker elements

Patiently awaiting her next blood meal

A creature scorned for centuries by the light..

Dares not love those that she needs to survive

She needs no distractions from her nightly hunt

Her bitterness oozing like a festering open sore

For all mankind and their social maladies manifested

In their hatred,greed,disgust,prejudice and sickness

As she draws their life blood into her very being

She renders her justice upon the snivering hords

That fall into her grasp,slowly sipping their life force

And therefore ridding the world of one less evil

Stalker Of The Night

Reviled through time,he stalks the land
Where unseen creatures hide from sight
Among the unsuspecting hoards...
Lingering,searching for one more bite
Blood lust grows stronger with each kill
The night shields him from detection
Little he cares for their cries and screams
To him,their cattle,there's no affection
He Knows his kind is a dying breed
Centuries have passed like grains of sand
Waiting for someone to set him free
To banish his soul by their avenging hand

A Scary Night

Before all souls day,the ghouls arrive
Hiding in shadows,Can they survive?
They detest the sunshine and love the night
Scaring the wary,who run with fright

On All Hallows Eve,the curtain falls
The dead wander along the halls
Seeking refuge from lonely graves
Until heaven calls,they are but slaves

Readers of these words please beware
Do not get caught by the nights lair
Stay securely tucked in your own bed
Or tomorrow you'll run into the dead

The Demon Within

A sudden feeling
Possession takes control
Victim is unhinged

Strange occurrences
Without any warnings
No explanation

Unexplained outbursts
Baffle victims' family
Tension ensues

Violence escalates
Family feels threatened
Exorcist is called

What Does Not Stay Hidden

All Hallows Eve begins again

As hands of restless souls

Reach beyond the dampened earth

A chance to break immortal chains

And join the spirits of the air

Witches cast the freedom spell

Loosening ties between us all

Walking dead roam streets again

Bemoaning a quick and tragic end

Man and wolf who merge as one

Appear beneath the glistening moon

Hunt and roam through fields and street

And feast on unsuspecting prey

Soon night departs, taking back its'dead

Hiding creatures behind the darkened veil


Publication Date: 10-30-2011

All Rights Reserved

To My Many Gifted Poet Friends On Facebook,Who Never Cease To Inspire Me.

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