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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » Spirals of Life by Kelly Baker (red novels TXT) 📖

Book online «Spirals of Life by Kelly Baker (red novels TXT) 📖». Author Kelly Baker

Summer 2007

The best things in life are free

We laid on our backs watching the clouds, just you and me   

I saw an elephant, you saw a shark   

You saw a swordfish that had a cannon ready to leave a mark   

The cannon exploded and out from it sprang a giraffe   

That evening we had such a laugh   

Soon the show was over and the stars began to dance    

You turned on the music and we had a little romance


You went beyond where I can't follow

And you left me here so lonely and hollow


I think of you every day

And sometimes I still wonder why you couldn't stay


Because of you, I learned true love's might

Because of you, my dreams take flight


I hold your love now in my heart

And when I close my eyes we're no longer apart


Your gentle, sweet voice was like laughter in the summer rain

My loss was truly Heaven's gain

The Encounter

A twilight looms intoxicating forbidden moments

Beneath the luminescent moon are deep shadows

Serene music refrains in a mesmerizing end

A final embrace and the haunting love departs

A tranquil longing hidden in restless murmuring remains

Relinquishing an illusion that only awakened a cry to a quiet desire

Emphemeral Times

The tender moment is shared

Embraced, rejoiced, to know

Love is clear

And will always be

So rejoice as it echoes

The wind carried it

Let it run for you to know what it is

The message is we are all mortals brave inside

Until death, we have not lived

Time is unwilling to stay

The Place You Will Always Hold in my Heart

You have been gone so long

Yet I cannot tell the days apart


You are so far away

But you're closer than ever to me


I see you coming towards me

I will not break that gaze


I will instead embrace you

As you disappear


"It was all a dream", I tell myself

Until someone mentions you again


There was something wonderful about it

She couldn't understand why

But she felt it in her heart

She felt every breath, every emotion

Every fabric of his devotion welling up in her soul

Now We Are Free

There is peace that lies in one I saw true hope

There is peace that lives in the name of giver of life

We will meet together in the meadow of light on that day

The day that will make us free

The day that will give us peace

He goes into the dark of night to bring the sun to the world

Death was defeated

Can you feel his love?

There is peace that is in the one I saw true hope

We are free and we belong to him

Can you hear his love calling?

Don't hide

Live in hope


It was the way you held me that night

It was the way our hands fit together just right

It was the way you teased me in sweet play

It was the way I wanted us to stay


Darlin' you strummed the strings of my heart without a care

When you left me, all I could think was "Man! This isn't fair!"

What I wonder is do you ever look back on what can never be?

Do you remember when there was almost you and me?


It is the season of renewal

It is the season of beginnings


Dreary winter snows melt into the earth

An old blanket of autumn leaves spreads for the new green shoots


Hope begins anew

Sorrows drown in spring rain


Trees honor the long-awaited return of the sun

Flowers blossom in joyous colors for all to see


The birds sing their praises all day long

The bees hum a happy worktime tune


The time to bear young 

The time to try again




Text: Kelly Baker
Publication Date: 04-24-2018

All Rights Reserved

For my guardian angel William. Always. And to my parents Mike and Dawn.

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