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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

There are poets whose work, without exaggeration, belongs to the treasures of human thought and rightly is a world heritage. In our electronic library you will find a wide variety of poetry.
Opening a new collection of poems, the reader thus discovers a new world, a new thought, a new form. Rereading the classics, a person receives a magnificent aesthetic pleasure, which doesn’t disappear with the slamming of the book, but accompanies him for a very long time like a Muse. And it isn’t at all necessary to be a poet in order for the Muse to visit you. It is enough to pick up a volume, inside of which is Poetry. Be with us on our website.

Read books online » Poetry » That awful sound by Elena Scully (best books to read for knowledge .txt) 📖

Book online «That awful sound by Elena Scully (best books to read for knowledge .txt) 📖». Author Elena Scully

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Red balloons

ERed balloons

Seem harmless enough

But to some 

It is death



Bang bang

The go as 

That pop 


To some the Toy 


That they fought 

Like soldiers

But died like children




Red balloons 

Seem harmless enough

But to some 

It's death 


To some 

A simple toy

This simple toy

Can remind them that

The life of child 

Who was treated 

Like a dog 


Bang bang

The go as 

That pop




Red balloons 

Seem harmless 


But to some 

It means 




For the medic who had

To see the red 

Allover the place

An accident scene



Bang bang

The go as 

That pop 


Red balloons

Seems  simple to some

But means death

To others 


Red balloons 

Reminds a vet

Of the macabre 


Of blood and war 


How is this toy 



Bang bang

The go as 

That pop



Bang bang

The go as 

That pop 



Brings people

Back to 

The not so good times 


Bang bang

The go as 

That pop



Let's send it in the

Blue balloons

So calming 

Yet pretty

Let's use blue




Don't be afraid of 

Those different 


Or different 


For they 

Are more normal 



Goth punks

And and unique




Just a bunch a 


That I would 


For I have had


Of normal 

Looks and Behavior

Act like idiots



Goth punks

And and unique




We odd to be trusted 


For we are just that 


Who think and care




It's the normal ones you should 

Look out for

Not the disabled,

Pierced or tattoos

We are Taboo



The on Taboo

Is how you receive 




Goth punks

And and unique



For we are 

Actually normal

Human beings



The normal look 

Watch out for on 


Not us....  


Goth punks

And and unique




For we don't always

Spray shopping malls

Or school

Strangle our loved ones

Out of 

Sheer fear

Or killer a series of people




Give us some




Goth punks

And and unique


The normals


We talk about the end 

Of the world 

As if 

We're it breakfast 

It annoys me 


That people think they

Are slaves

To money

An that the apocalypse is

A just



For we are Notfor we are not 

For we are Not

For we are Not



Don't talk conspiracy 

To me 

If you want 

To fight

Fight causes fright 


For we are Not for we are not

For we are Not for we are not



Crazy normal people

Talking conspiracy 


And slavery 

Who is really 



As I tell you this 

Beware of the normals

Beware of the normals

Beware of the normals

For the are the crazies 

The zombies 

Of insane thoughts

Brought by the news



Beware of the normals

Be ware of the normals

Beware of the normals



Such crazy talk

Before breakfast 

As It talking about the weather

Please stop the doomsday 



Beware of the normals

Beware of the normals

Beware of the normals



The normals

A living breathing zombie

That has not died yet




Beware of the normals 

Be ware of the normals

Beware of the normals




Please Please

That magical night



How I love it 

It's an escape 

From the bore 

And the norm 


Halloween Halloween 





What a magical night

Of the year 

How can you deny 


For its Halloween



Halloween Halloween 

Halloween Halloween 




When the dipper hangs low in the sky

You the night is a coming




Halloween Halloween 

Halloween Halloween 


The time when gore and guts 

Are fake

A you best know it

And the pumpkins fire

Burn inside 


It's truly 


For kids and adults like



Halloween Halloween

Halloween Halloween 



A time to face our fears

A time to face our demons

Please don't let this night 




Halloween Halloween 

Halloween Halloween

Letting go


Letting go what a strange 


Of the mind

How can I 

Let go 

Of this past 

When it

Is both comfort and pain



Letting go 

Letting go

Letting go

Letting go 


What a strange 

Concept of the mind

When the trauma

Is so freaking 


That I cannot let got 



It's strange in this world to not be normal

To let go 

It's not human 

To let go so quickly




In the stills of the night

Is the only 



Let go 


Butcher is the body Letting go

Not the mind 


Letting go 

Letting go Letting go 

What strange 



I cannot let it go

The flame


The little flame that could

Furn for nights

On end 

So tiny yet brilliant

And bright



The little flame that could 

Produce a lot of heat


A windigo winter 


How tough this 

Flame is 

How thought this 

Flame is 

How tough this 

Flame is 


So small

But packs a big punch 

Big things 

Come in small



Ad this tiny candle


Will show us it 

Both brilliant bright

And can be destructive 

If left uncontrolled 


Like a child or needs to bee watched



How tough this 

Flame is 

How thought this 

Flame is 

How tough this 

Flame is






Shine bright 

Like the 


Don't let 

Anyone snuff 

You out



How tough this 

Flame is 

How thought this 

Flame is 

How tough this 

Flame is





Be like me 

And don't give up



How tough this 

Flame is 

How thought this 

Flame is 

How tough this 

Flame is




It will not 

Burn out 

It will be burning 

For ever

Let it burn 

For ever




This tiny little flame

Stopping the human brain


My  brain just 


When I hear that 

The Chinese are committed genocide 

On the Tibetan and uighur people 

For they are only 





Oh oh 

Uh oh 

Uh oh 

Uh oh



Oh my brain just stopped

When people 

In chechnya

Will not use their


To fight freedom




Oh my brain just stopped 

As I hear of Bosnia 

And rawanda 

That shit 

That went 

Or goes on 




Uh oh

Uh oh 

Uh oh

Uh oh



My brain just stopped 

When I hear about guantanamo bay 

And the atrocities 



It's so much easier to 

Get along

But yet

The lesson will repeat




Uh oh 

Uh oh 

Uh oh 

Uh oh 


My brain stops 

At every thought 

Or site of a terrorist 

So idiotic and dumb



My brain stopped 

After 9/11 

For the fact that it

Killed so many innocent 




As I said why can we

Get along 

And live



Uh oh



Uh oh

Don’t be


Don't be afraid of being 

Who you are

Who you are 

Of Who you are

Because bullying

Is only

An annoyance 


You ignore it



Don't be afraid 

Don't be afraid 

Don't be afraid

Don't be afraid

Don't be



Keep to your guns and

Fight for your

Dreams and aspirations 

Dreams and aspirations 

Dreams and aspirations 

It's just a road block

Not the end of the world




Don't be afraid 

Don't be afraid 

Don't be afraid 

Don't  be afraid 



Fight to 

Enjoy the 

Life that you have 


Talk to some one





Don't be afraid 

Don't be afraid 

Don't be afraid

Don't be afraid 


If you need to be scared

Be scared of 

The nightmares

But they to are 

Not the end of the world

Dear pen pal


Don't be afraid of being 

Who you are

Who you are 

Of Who you are

Because bullying

Is only

An annoyance 


You ignore it



Don't be afraid 

Don't be afraid 

Don't be afraid

Don't be afraid

Don't be



Keep to your guns and

Fight for your

Dreams and aspirations 

Dreams and aspirations 

Dreams and aspirations 

It's just a road block

Not the end of the world




Don't be afraid 

Don't be afraid 

Don't be afraid 

Don't  be afraid 



Fight to 

Enjoy the 

Life that you have 


Talk to some one





Don't be afraid 

Don't be afraid 

Don't be afraid

Don't be afraid 


If you need to be scared

Be scared of 

The nightmares

But they to are 

Not the end of the world

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