Reflections by Koyel Mitra (ebook reader ink .TXT) 📖

- Author: Koyel Mitra
Book online «Reflections by Koyel Mitra (ebook reader ink .TXT) 📖». Author Koyel Mitra
Winter( Double Ethere)
has come with
cold gusty winds.
All covered in snow,
everything is dry and dull,
wilted buds and withered boughs,
seems as if Nature stops laughing.
Denuded of the beauty of Nature
the bare winter is never appealing.
Into a barren island is turned the
whole landscape and the children's playground.
At day soft sunrays caress us,
relief from the scorching heat
though cold winters are biting.
Trees,animals and man
shiver with cold.
It calls the
new spring
Harsh Winter
Morn sky caked with smog
Sun concealed in misty lair
Foggy thoughts in mind.
Landscape draped with snow
Rose petals stripped of beauty
Chilly thougths rain hard.
Santa lost his way
I was dreaming of a land faraway,
Mellow sunshine flooding the sky at day.
Scampering children laughing in delight,
Hollies and roses in bloom, red and white.
Dulcet notes of the blue tit vibrating,
In hope of gifts tiny hearts pulsating.
Gales of the blizzard rattling the pine cones,
Cold shivers running down my spine and bones.
I wake up to find the empty Yule tree,
For a moment I was feeling gloomy.
Then a quick thought came to my mind, you know,
Perhaps Santa lost his way in the snow.
Caught in a traffic jam,
He hurriedly boards a helicopter,
Refuses to take his reindeer,
Inspite of being implored by it,
Sees his watch repeatedly,
Time ticking by fast,
Many presents he has to deliver,
Anxious to reach in time,
Santa finally reaches town.
The Song of Life ( in strict iambic pentameter)
When cherry flowers spread their pink array,
Then spring comes with its charming, lovely grace.
A zephyr fondles the lush green display
And gently holds them in a tight embrace.
A respite from the chilly winter snow,
Its pleasant, cheerful nature welcomes all.
The golden sun shines with a mellow glow,
With beauty tulips blossom; large and small.
Lambs frisk about while shepherds pipe sweet songs,
The dulcet tunes of cuckoos reach my ears,
The happy bell of my heart booms and dongs,
Resounds through air that dries my glassy tears.
My gloom effaced with fast approach of spring,
Heart full of glee, the song of life I sing.
I wake up in the morning to see the
sky bathed in the salmon sunlight.
Myriad birds flutter in the sky
caressed by the amber light, their golden
plumage representing its brilliance.
Enticed by its beauty I mill about
the streets watching light playing on the
tresses of the school girls scurrying away.
Mandarin sun floods its light,
activities pick up amongst the
din and bustle of the busy city,
honking cars and obese people
plodding along to cut their calories.
The munificent sun showers
love rays over all and sundry.
As I saunter along the sun glare on
a window dazzles my eyes and it reads
"outpatient chemo", which I shudder at.
The glint on the glass betrays my sight
and overpowers me with panic.
I now loathe the stingy and wicked sun,
its rays bereft of love and affection.
Sea of Gloom
Alone I stand, against the sea of gloom.
Rebellious feelings lashing down my mind,
I muse on past mistakes that so consume.
I cannot help myself but be repined.
Plaintive notes strike my heart, shattering it.
As I watch swirling waves, begin to roar,
My mind retraces back to the beach, where,
We had left footprints of love on the sand.
Alas! the vacant yearning of my heart
I find my sorrow as my only friend.
Distress, the only price of loving you.
Alone I stand, against the sea of gloom
The Voice of my Soul
Lord, I ask thee,
to chastise me in your
holy scaffold. For I
have a cross to bear
to have murdered his
guileless soul by
spurning his pure love.
I unbosom before thee
my compunction
and want you to
exonerate me.
I call his name,
only to hear the
echo of my guilty soul.
I wish I could wipe off
the inexorable darkness
of my soul with the
light of your forgiveness.
Roller Coaster
High and low,
victory and defeat,
happiness and sorrow always come
together tumbling as we ride up on life's wheel.
Life is a rollercoaster on which
we go up and go down.
and cheerfulness go hand
in hand like the somersaults of life.
When in despair, we should never break down but keep
in mind that laughter will follow us
again and we'll once more
be happy.
Soft sun rays trickle down purple skies,
Comes autumn in a new guise.
Colorful leaves fall,
Large and small.
As Nature spreads her yellow carpet,
Coats with shades from her palette.
Colorful leaves fall,
Large and small.
She declares the advent of winter,
Chilly days and nights after.
Colorful leaves fall,
Large and small.
Embellished with exquisite, nice bouquets;
The wedding hall invites us near and far.
Their passion glimmers like a twinkling star.
Of flames love set their hungry hearts ablaze.
Her ruddy face, abashed with lowered gaze;
When hubby strums with love her heart's guitar.
Emotions, love, they cherish and unbar,
Alike the swirling waves their ardor sways.
Festoons and garlands brighten and allure.
A gateau, yummy, honors their success.
Refreshing drinks enliven saggy minds.
Entwined souls look toward new hope for sure.
With trembling heart she yearns his touch, caress.
A kingdom of delight at last she finds.
Magic of Love
She lives in the world of acute despair,
Encompassed by the darkness of her mind.
The phantoms of her dreary past ensnare.
Her tender feelings, easy prey they find.
A slave of them, her freedom is confined.
With razor sharp claws, they gnaw at her heart
Til ample bleeding, makes them more unkind
And being happy, quickly they depart.
Relieved at last, she finds a way to start,
Her life again, filled with contentment, fun.
Remembrance of the past she tears apart.
Her darkness wiped out, joy and mirth forerun.
Her loving sweetheart adds to her delight,
A bright ray of hope, he removes her plight.
Snow stirs doleful feelings 'til today.
My mind retraces back to my childhood
Of cavorting in the snow together.
Tears roll down my eyes thinking of those days,
When I muse upon your purported love,
That once illuminated my darkness.
I am engulfed completely by darkness,
Finding no shoulder to cry on today.
My heart wrenched, dreams shattered, by your sham love.
I am deceived by my love of childhood.
In unbearable sorrow, pass my days.
Christmas has come without us together.
I sigh when I see couples together,
I am enveloped with total darkness.
Darker than nights are my nigrescent days.
Memories, my only dear friend, today.
Grown up as an orphan since my childhood,
I wanted to find solace in your love.
You used to lob snowballs at me with love.
Lots of fun we used to have together.
You promised to marry your friend of childhood,
Ample joy you gave, erasing my darkness.
All my colorful dreams turn pale today,
Haunt me, my remembrances of those days.
In sheer delight, ecstasy passed those days.
Slowly grew between us a bond of love.
Who knew you would abandon me today
And with that sly minx spend time together?
I am plunged in the abyss of darkness.
Revert to me my joyous days of childhood.
Your treachery crushed my dreams of childhood.
Oh, how I pine for those sweet, golden days!
Oh, how I crave for light in my darkness!
Oh, how I want your affection and love!
Oh, how I wish that we were together!
Alas! a pall of gloom shrouds me today.
Since childhood I have never found true love.
Those days I want back, our being together.
My darkness not effaced, shrouds me today.
Ogres of my mind
Diabolic demons debilitating,
Marauding to meddle with my mind's mirth.
Frenzied feelings, frustration fulminating.
Unrelenting unhappiness upsetting.
Excruciating emotions egressing.
Exuberant elation evolving.
Vile villains vanishing, verve arriving.
Egregious enemies again emerging.
Oomph and otiosity oscillating,
Despondence and delight dangling in my soul.
Irksome insanity imprisoning,
Bipolar disorder beleaguering.
Love's Sunset
Memories of him make me upset,
His love I cannot forget.
With autumn's onset,
Love's sunset.
Yonder stands the bench where we first met,
Warm kisses made our lips wet.
With autumn's onset,
Love's sunset.
He fled away with that sly coquette.
With sorrow I am beset.
With autumn's onset,
Love's sunset.
Beads of sweat form on my forehead,
As I cling to my bygone days.
Your love I ponder on with dread.
I look at the dark clouds overhead
Your memories haunt me and faze.
Beads of sweat form on my forehead.
Sunny thoughts allure me ahead
When I mull over vindictive ways.
Your love I ponder on with dread.
My emotions for you are dead.
I curse my purblind love and craze.
Beads of sweat form on my forehead.
A raging storm rises with words unsaid.
No gentle breeze fondles me with gentle sways.
Your love I ponder on with dread.
The light ray hides behind clouds widespread.
Deep agony on my face splays.
Beads of sweat form on my forehead.
Your love I ponder on with dread.
Glorious Moon
Oh! bright, robust sun.
Your scorching rays aloft char
my soft, tender skin.
Misfortune shall fall upon
You soon and cause You sorrow.
When night will arrive
with twinkling stars and the Moon
will come as a boon,
You will hide Yourself from the
scintillating, silver shine.
The Encounter
He weeps unstoppably, pining for her,
as he looks at her photo longingly.
His heart yearning for that special day to
arrive when he would meet her once again.
Tears drop on to her coffin, arousing
her from her peaceful slumber, making
her heart ache with an unbearable pain.
Slowly she wakes up and steps to the ground.
As the moon wanes in the engulfing clouds
and a pall of blackness enshrouds the sky,
she comes and sits by the placid lake, which
had witnessed their first date and marks of love.
Her wan face is lovely though her lips are
blue like forget-me-nots, eyes red like wine.
Her melancholic visage speaks of an
agony untold, she awaits her love.
It's Christmas Time(Alliteration)
Sun shining
Snow scurrying
Skis sliding
Sleighs skidding.
Simnel cakes sold
Sherry supped
Sandwiches swallowed
Santa smiles!
Christmas Presents(A double cinquain)
kids frolick and rollick
hope to get lots of pretty gifts
loves and pleases children
stacks splendid presents in stockings
Christmas Gift?(A Japanese Sedoka)
It's Christmas again
Santa set to bestow gifts
on all,rich and poor.
Santa's gift to me
will be gaining my lost love
wonder if he could do it !
Snow Queen
The Snow Queen
reigns supreme in her
beauty, charm.
Red-hot sun
rays fondle her, make
love to her.
She begins
to thaw and is born
plain water.
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