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Read books online » Poetry » Wildlife Poems by E. George Strasser (shoe dog free ebook TXT) 📖

Book online «Wildlife Poems by E. George Strasser (shoe dog free ebook TXT) 📖». Author E. George Strasser

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My Wildlife Poems


The pterodactyl was a bird or a reptile it might be
It lived so long ago, never seen by you or me.

If it perched upon a branch that was over your head,
and then had to relieve itself, you surely would be dead

You could never park your car, where they roost overnight.
For when you looked next morning, the car would be all white.

Should there be an injury, and it headed for the Center.
It would then be up to Ed, to see if it could enter.

A huge flight cage with bars of steel, the critter would have need.
At four PM all folks would watch, the time for it to feed.

We'd surely give this guy a name, perhaps we'd call it Sam.
We try to watch the critter, but find out it ate the cam.

When time to feather check this guy and also time to weigh
Amanda would need gloves of steel to catch him on that day.

The moderators Congo Wings Shoebutton, MVK
Would probably be all silent, as just what could they say?

What could this creature be of use, to eat it you would sicken,
Even though as you chewed, you'd say it taste like chicken.

So you see my friend, this critter has no use,
Lets just open up the doors, and let the darn thing loose.

Ed Clark's camping trip

Once upon a time there was a man who went camping
Way up a hill he started his tramping

The weather was poor and it started to rain
but he wouldn't give in or even complain

The rain turned to sleet and the wind it did blow
and before long it started to snow

But he still kept on going and put up his tent
A gust of wind came and away the thing went

He finally gave up and then went away
He would come back the very next day

The tent he would get from the rocks far below
So he then proceeded to brush off the snow

It was then he discovered the tent had a tare
and under the flap was a huge grizzly bear.

He ran down the hill with the bear close behind
then he stopped and said, "Mr bear do you mind?"

"I'm Ed Clark and I care for your kind
Your chasing me now puts me in quite a bind"

The bear decided this man was a friend
and soon he went and was gone round the bend

Ed had a shot of his Ole Eagle Rare
Content all was well, so then he left there.

Why An Eagle?

I have a picture in my mind, from very long ago.
I see our founding fathers, while outside falls the snow.

They gather round a Franklin stove, to enjoy the radiant heat
They smoke their pipes, or quaff the ale, as each one finds a seat,

"The reason we have gathered here" The leader starts to say.
"We must select a symbol, for our nation, here today."

"I might suggest a little bird, that's colorful and perky"
Franklin sternly interjects,"May I suggest the turkey"?

Than above the murmur, another voice is heard.
"I believe the eagle, would be the perfect bird."

This symbol will be used, on papers, seals so legal
This said, then I must ask you friend, the question, Why an eagle?

The eagle's head is snowy white, just like a mountain peak.
It looks so strong and powerful with talons and sharp beak

It soars high in the skies, on massive wings so wide
like a strong protector of the whole countryside

This is a bird that seems to be, a symbol of perfection
So this is why I have to make, the eagle my selection.

This is the bird that seems to be, a symbol oh so regal
and thus there is the answer, to the question "Why an Eagle"?

The Last one Left today

I look into the large flight cage, which seems so empty now
I will not feel the sadness, to this I do avow.

I'll think about the happy times, and good friends I have met
and all the hours, I have watched, I surely won't forget

The kids are gone, and won't be back, the last one left today.
and yet a tear does leave my eyes, in spite of what I say.

I should be glad, that they are gone, and soaring high above.
but it is kinda heartfelt, to miss the ones you love.

They're where they do belong its true, and feeling wild and free.
So so long eaglets, you'll,be missed , so please remember me.

I'm happy now, that I know, you're where you do belong.
To scream above the treetops, your wondrous eagle song.

To dive into the water, and come up with a fish.
your happiness and freedom, to you I truly wish.

I know that Ed will utter, these words, I have no doubt
"Now they know they're wild and free, that's what I'm talking 'bout"

An Eagle Letter to home

They took me to an old plantation,
gathered there was the eagle nation.

They waited there for a real large bird,
release was the only cry I heard.

Where is this bird, I tried to see,
Oh my gosh, maybe it's me.

They tossed me way up in the air,
I felt perhaps they did not care.

T'was then I heard a rousing cheer,
It was for me, they gathered here.

Now I'm out here, and all alone,
I guess it's true, I'm on my own.

I want to go back to Wildlife care,
because I felt so happy there.

I called them up for an explanation
but they just said, "Ed's on vacation"

So I will try to fend my way,
and see what I can do today.

Hey there's an osprey with a fish,
Aha, I got it with one swish.

It's kinda nice to be this active.
Better than just being captive.

No one cares about my weight
They don't draw blood and that's just great.

So eagle friends, I'm fine out here,
and to you folks I give a cheer.

T'was The Night Before Release

Twas the night before release, and all through the cage
only a fish, was on center stage.

The eagles were nestled all snug on their perch
as they dreamed they were flying, over a church.

Way high above, the lofty old steeple
Far, far away, from all kinds of people

But while they slept, alone in the dark
a person appeared, why look, it's Ed Clark

He and his staff of great dedication
without them there would be, no Eagle Nation

They deserve all our thanks, for all that they do
all kinds of animals, What, no kangaroo?

The dawn soon will break, and all will arise
they'll gather together, perhaps tears in their eyes

The birds will be readied, to go on their trip
and things will be done, with nary a slip

Then at the plantation, there arose such a clatter
The eagles want out, or the cage they will shatter

Then what to my wondering eyes should appear
but Ed Clark in slippers, so nothing to fear

The birds were released, and flew out of sight
Thousands cheered, As I thought they might

But I must exclaim, in my own kinda way
Thanks mods and staff, for you caused this day.

The Leaf

There was a little maple leaf, within the eagles den.
It would peek in to see them, and then was gone again.

It became so familiar, as eagles gave it fame.
some folks who watched the eagle cam, would give this leaf a name.

It won't be long before, the eagles go away.
The leaf will then be lonely, because it has to stay.

My Eagle sendoff

Dear eagles 3 your road of life, is coming to a bend
your time at Wildlife center, is coming to an end

Your medicare and medicaid, is coming to a close
For care like this, you really would, be paying through the nose

No longer will you get, your breakfast served in bed
You'll have to find your own, if your going to be fed

So go back home and pack, up your own valise
The time will soon be here, when you'll earn a quick release

Take your favorite fishing gear, and lucky rodent trap
You have your eagle GSP, so you don't need a map

I hear you will be going to, the old Berkeley Plantation
your trip is free and you don't even need, to make a reservation

A pack of humans will be there, to send you on your way
the tears will flow, this I know, upon this joyful day

Within 5 years, there will be cause, for some more jubilation
white feathers will adorn your head, You'll be a symbol of our nation

A Pair of Eagles In The Sky

A pair of eagles soared across the Virginia sky so blue.
They nested in a lofty pine like eagles often do.

A camera was put in place to record their daily plight
As millions of us watched them it was an awesome sight.

We watched as eggs were laid in this nest in a depression
We watched the parents bring the food it was quite a procession

When time was right we all observed the banding of the chicks
When the men were done they placed them back in this lofty nest of sticks

Children in the schools watched this with their teachers
Church folks at church could watch it with their preachers.

every thing was fine until one fateful day
Mama eagle had been killed thus taken far away

We saw the news and prayed it wasn't her at all
but in time we knew she had answered to God's call

The eaglets we all wondered who would feed them now
their care would be by humans but where, when and how

The wildlife center rescued them and removed them from the nest
For the tiny eaglets we all felt that this was for the best

The saddest thing we had to see happened on the next day
The father eagle with a fish came to the nest to stay.

There were no eagles in the nest they all had gone away
He stood there staring into space there was nothing to say

We watched this sad pathetic scene as teardrops filled our eyes
Majestic Mama eagle no longer flew the skies.

He dropped the fish upon the nest and then he flew away
I guess he hoped his family would be back there the next day

He did return again where his family once had been
He took the fish as if to say so long to all his kin

with heavy hearts we watched this eagle fly away
and hoped with a new partner he would be back one day

The moderators helped us through these trying days
They really were terrific with their wondrous ways

The eaglets will soon be released and then they will be free
but they have

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