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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » Reflections by TINA V (great book club books TXT) 📖

Book online «Reflections by TINA V (great book club books TXT) 📖». Author TINA V

Copyright ©2010 by Tina V

All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, used or transmitted in any forms or manner, electronic, graphic, recording, or mechanical such as printing, photocopying, or stored in any systems without prior written permission from the author.

This book is a work of faith and a product of the author’s beliefs in life. Any resemblance is entirely coincidental.

This is a collection of poetry about reflections in our life. Three of these poems were also published in http:/ website. Read through and get inspired to move on in your life’s journey.

What Should We Be Thankful Of?

We complain about our parents
We complain about our spouses
We complain about our kids
We complain about our in-laws
But thank God we still have a FAMILY


We complain about our chores
We complain about the broken windows
We complain about cleaning the house
We complain about fixing the doors
But thank God we still have a HOME


We complain about our work load
We complain about our boss
We complain about our co-worker
We complain about going home late
But thank God we still have a JOB


We complain about our Society
We complain about the Representatives
We complain about our Senate
We complain about the President
But thank God we still have LEADERS


We complain about our stress
We complain about our pains
We complain about our hardships
We complain about our trials
But thank God we are given OPPORTUNITIES


We complain about food
We complain about obesity
We complain about dieting
We complain about exercising
But thank God we are still ALIVE


We complain about our past
We complain about our future
We complain about so many things
We complain about so many people
We complain about so many mistakes
We complain and worry too much
But we should thank God for our LIFE


If . . . but He Stills

If we are weak, He gives us strength
If we are weary, He carries us
If we are sad, He gives us joy
If we have fears, He gives us peace
If we feel alone, He stands by us

If we are confused, He guides us through
If we are lost, He leads us to His plan
If we are in darkness, He lights our direction
If we are mystified, He enlightens us
If we are in turmoil, He provides us solemnity

If we need to work, He bequeaths us skills
If we are hungry, He provides us food
If we are sick and mournful, He comforts us
If we are hurt and in pain, He heals us with His love

If we cannot decide, He grants us wisdom
If we stumble and fall, He lifts us up to be strong again
If we turn our back against Him, He will remain loving us
If we left Him, He is always waiting for us to come home
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us

If we want to help others, He offers the means
If we ask for something good, He makes it happen
If we use our given talent, He bestows us more
If we do something gracious for Him, He rewards us

If we seek His words, He provides the answer
If we knock for His mercy, He grants us grace
If we believe in His wonders, He performs miracle
If we follow His words, He shows us the way
If we submit ourselves to Him, He makes us His instrument
If we are His instruments, He use us to proclaim His words
If we sing praises to Him, He gives us the voice
If we live for His glory, He shares with us His riches in heaven.

If we even gather our entire IF’s, He still loves us unconditionally.

I Thought I am Strong

I felt like I can fly high
With wings like an eagle
I can soar up above the sky;
The power just like a leader
With all of my followers
So I thought I am strong.

I used my mind over emotions
When others cry . . .
I never felt any affection;
With justification, it was them who failed
Being punished for their wrongdoing
Selfishly, I thought I am strong.

Living a comfortable life
I get everything that I want
Money could do it for me
Just as I thought, money talks
Well, I thought I am strong.

I thought I have family and friends
That always pleased me;
They stood by me
To my every tantrums;
They gave in to all my wants
Just as I thought I am strong.

Others see me as I am tough
I let them all believe
I’ve never shown any vulnerability
Because I thought I am strong.

But then I ponder within myself
My life seems so empty
It still seems so pointless;
I am looking for something
Something I didn’t even know
Something that I couldn’t explain;
I just let myself believed
That I thought I am strong.

I knew I thought I am strong
But when troubles struck me
I suddenly found Him at my sight
It was only then I came to realize
That my thoughts of being strong
Reflected my inner dimness
For without Him, I am nothing.

Now I never thought that I would be this strong
For my strength comes from above
To surpass my battle in life
And still learn to share His blessings;
His love and grace changed my being
He filled my life with meaning
And He made it complete;
At this time, I believe that I am strong
I am and I will be in a different way
Because my strength now comes from Him
It comes from our one and only
. . . the strength of our beloved Redeemer.

Life’s Reflection (Excerpt)

There are times in our life that we don’t understand
We often wonder “Why does it need to happen?”
To lose something that we love and cherish
To lose an opportunity that is so good and true
To lose somebody who is young and bright
To lose the riches that means everything to us

Stabbed at the back by a friend and co-worker
Suddenly fired by an unreasonable boss
Crashed in a car accident by a drunkard man
Murdered a family by a psychopath from nowhere
Robbed out by a whole irresponsible gangster
Left all alone in turmoil and misery

We felt so much pain and anger in our hearts
We felt so alone grieving for the lost
The lost of something so important to us;
We felt so many burdens in our shoulder
We felt betrayed, anguished and unsafe
Feeling shaky that it might happen again

We sometimes hear ourselves asking God
“Why such tragedy happens to good people?”
“Why gave us trials that are too heavy?”
“Why do we feel so alone?”
“Why does it have to happen to us?”
“What have we done to deserve this?”

Now before He answers us with our doubtful questions
He then asked us “Why should I not give you these trials?”
“Why didn’t you cast your burden upon me?”
“Don’t you believe in me?” Where is now your trust?
“Why do you feel alone? Don’t you have faith in me?”
“Why not you, my child and why it should be given to others?”
“Haven’t you thought that others may have their own, too?”

As we listened slowly and reflected to all His words
We came to realize our unworthiness in His sight
We regretted for being one of those doubtful Thomas
We felt the shame of having so little faith on Him
We have seen how we disgraced His glorious name
We recognized our transgression and wickedness
We felt sorry for our disobedience and indiscretion
We lamented over the guilt of our sinfulness
We wept for His forgiveness and mercy

He reminded us that in our weakness He is our strength
When we felt weak, helpless and alone
It was those times that He stood by and carried us through
It was those times that He told us “He is there for us”

It was those times that He wanted us to trust in Him
To trust in His power and not by our own understanding
It was those times that He wanted us to see His presence
Because it was those times that we have forgotten Him

Behold that by the grace of our loving God
You shall find peace and happiness in your heart
Fear no one for He is always there to protect you
Have faith and give all your hope upon Him
By His mercy and love you will endure everything
Feel blessed for you shall find your true riches in heaven.



Hope is within our reach, we only have to hold on to it.


A foolish man spends his time wondering what to do;
while a wise man spends his time doing the wonders.


About the Author: TINA VILLARAZA is a Psychology and Business Management Graduate. She also studied Guidance and Counseling to enhance her skills. As a Human Resource practitioner, she coaches and mentors staff to managers on how to become more effective in their work. She joins because of her love for writing. She hopes that through this book she can share words of wisdom to all readers that might help them in their personal and career life.


Publication Date: 08-17-2010

All Rights Reserved

This book is dedicated to my nieces and nephew, Patricia, Beatrice and Little.

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