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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » Original Poems by Sarah Faie (read any book txt) 📖

Book online «Original Poems by Sarah Faie (read any book txt) 📖». Author Sarah Faie

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playing in the background,
right now you hold,
me close,
the only two,
in this room.

Bending to meet my,
lips with yours,
it was simple,
and sweet,
as a favored treat.

You're eyes they churned,
swirling as they spoke,
you needed not to say,
a word,
I understood it all.

Reality sometimes,
catches up with you,
and you find yourself,
opening your eyes,
the end of the dance.

Perfect world;

In a perfect world,
there would be;
no violence,
or hatred in the heart,
a endless blend of,
earth and humanity,
in perfect harmony.

The heart would,
beat slower,
the breath,
would come easier,
and the eyes,
would have never seen,
any of the darkness,
so saught after.

In a Perfect world,
all would be..
yet a perfect world,
I have yet to see.

Untouchable Memories;

Untouchable memories,
scattered all around me,
blessed by an angel,
you came along.

You picked the lock,
on my heart,
together we became,
an untouchable memory.

We stand and fight,
against the night,
in cold wheather,
we creid together,
warm by the sun,
we melted the sadness.

Story of my Life;

Story of my life,
passing me by.

Tears of hurt,
you're the cause.

Can't stand the pain,
hurting me inside.

Baby you were,
the conflict,
the problem of my story.

Loved ones fade,
new are born,
cause that's the,
way it is.

I say one thing,
you say another,
we are like,
heaven and hell when,
we clash,
in all the,
any sane person knows,
we're a perfect fit.

That's the,
story of my life.


The night holds my bliss,
the stars hold my shine,
the moon has my heart,
the breeze holds my dance,
and you my dear endless sky,
forever hold my mind.

You hold my bliss for,
all those sleepless nights.

You hold my shine for,
all to see,
how bright I can be.

You have my heart,
so no gravity,
may bind me,
and hold me to the ground.

You hold my dance,
so I may sway in grace,

You hold my mind,
to show the world,
my endless dreams.

Questions and Answers;

Blossom why do you go away?
Tree why do you always grow ill?
Leaf why do you always fall?
Heart why do you always break?
Love why do you always fail me?

Blossom: I go away so a flower can thrive.
Tree: I grow ill so I can be reborn.
Leaf: I fall so another can rise.
Heart: I break so I can fully understand how it feels to mend.
Love: I fail you to prove you are strong enough on your own.

So Naive;

Oblivious to the world around,
as it comes and goes,
your head fantasy filled,
to all the dangers,
you pay no attention.

Hurt around every corner,
as the dark shadows,
cover the sidewalk,
on which you stand.

So naive,
you are,
your head,
stuck in the clouds,
come on back down.

Ich Liebe Dich;

Forever is a word,
we both know,
we've promised it to each other.

Each time I see you,
you whisper in my ear,
Ich Liebe Dich.

A smile comes to,
my lips,
each time I hear,
you say it.

Pressing my lips to yours,
I express what words,
will easily say,
I love you too.

Ich Liebe Dich,
my love,
Ich Liebe Dich.


Where is the good in goodbye,
goodbyes only rip you apart,
and break your heart.

Don't tell me,
you're leaving,
baring to lose you,
my heart could never take,
where is the good,
in goodbyes?

Wouldn't it haunt you?
It would me.

Tell me,
where is the good in,

Make it easy,
and plain to see,
where is the good,
in goodbyes?


Can you imagine,
yourself as a nuisance,
an annoying,
unpleasant source?

Well you are,
walking around poking,
and proding your nose,
in buisness,
that's not rightfully yours.

Nuisance you say,
is in your blood,
with that I have no doubt,
at all.

Run along,
quitnbeing a fly,
on the wall you little,
pest you little,


Behind every smile,
are a thousand tears,
behind every tear,
is a reason.

No matter,
how well hidden,
it will always show,
there will always,
be a crack in your,

A wall won't hold,
it all together,
the sadness won't

You can keep it,
all locked away,
but to my eyes,
it will always show.

Behind every laugh,
is a sob.

Behind every sob,
is an emotion.

No matter,
how you keep it in,
it will be heard.

When it comes,
to how you feel,
with me and you,
it will always show,
it'll never,
stay hidden.

The Broken Hearted;

They weep and wallow,
for their hearts,
are not whole

They're cracked,
straight down the middle,
jagged lines cut sharp.

To a fine point,
they protude,
into nasty edges.

The broken hearted,
weep and wallow,
wishing they,
could fly,
like a swallow.

My Family;

Wild and reckless,
they may be,
lazy and crazy,
you could tell by,
just one look.

Mom and Uncles,
brothers and sister,
cousins and aunts,
make it small and happy,
this is,
my family.

Morning Grouchiness,
late night hunger,
mid-day arguements,
happen ever so often,
this is my,

Standing Alone;

With a broken heart,
and a lost soul,
I walk alone,
as the wind blows cold.

The future comes,
one day,
at a time,
it's hard to see through,
the blurred line.

I walk alone,
on a sandy shore.

No on will know,
it's you I mourn.

Here I am,
once again,
standing alone,
where are you...?

I walk alone,
on a sandy shore,
somewhere so far away,
just thinking of,
the one I mourn.


My hand closes,
wrapping around yours,
in an easy life,
you'd be mine.

A new fantasy,
of what couldn't be,
I'm hanging on,
with all my might.

at your perfect hand,
struggling with the fight,
that goes on inside of me,
in an easy life,
I'd sit beside you.

Yet an easy life,
this is not,
my hot-wired,
belongs to you.

I'm grasping,
onto hope,
that someday in this life,
and in the next,
you'll be mine.

This isn't an easy life.

Beautiful Dreamer;

Close your eyes,
now it's time to,

You drean of,
a golden world,
no clouds in sight,
clear skies all the way.

You drean of peace,
a world full of,
not an ounce of,
to make you rue the day.

what a beautiful dreamer,
from the moment you,
close your eyes,
your dreams begin.

Laying in a feild,
of clovers,
oh I'm in awe,
what have we here,
such a,
Beautiful Dreamer.

Angels Cry;

They cry,
a thousand tears,
without uttering,
a word.

When the rain,
starts to pour,
keep this in mind.

When the lightning,
lights the sky,
and the thunder,
echos through the night,
the angels,
they cry.

Different Roads;

There are some things,
in life,
that are meant to stay,
and others that,
are meant to go.

the things you want,
the most,
you aren't meant to have.

You have to,
learn to let go,
and treasure the times,
you have,
regardless of all,
the pain,
the denial,
there is a path.

A path that you were,
meant to take,
two completely,
Different Roads.

Broken Promises;

When we first,
started out,
we were perfect,
and going strong,
then came the,
Broken Promises.

One after another,
they all crumbled,
going up in dust.

Don't say you'll stay,
we both know....
You lied.

Broken Promises,
are all I remember,
in all the lies,
I still told my truth,
I loved you.


Standing here,
on the edge,
looking down,
the depth of the,
ocean runs on.

should I make,
the jump?

A leap of faith.

should I stay here,
on the ledge,
looking down,
at an immpecable,

Here I am,
which should I choose,
Left or right...
stay or take flight?

Holy Blood;

He left us here,
to learn from,
our mistakes.

His only son,
Holy Blood.

Open your heart,
my lord,
I depart.

Holy blood,
shed by,
unholy hands,
yet another mistake.

Listen to his word,
live and learn,
with the heed,
of his love.

My lord,
I depart,
in a wash of,
holy bllod.

Born Wrong;

The place,
the body,
the time,
all wrong.

Still searching,
for chilvary,
it can't possibly be,
all dead.

Looking for,
the first love,
the one who will stay,
no matter flaws.

you were born wrong.

The place,
the body,
the time,
all wrong,
you were,
born wrong.

Bright Smiles;

No shame to hide,
no fear to behold,
with all the,
Bright Smiles.

Look around to,
all the pretty,
and see their smiles,
feel their strength,
their embrace.

All friendly,
no enemies.

Bright smiles,
all the way.

Far Away;

The land will stretch,
and curve and bend,
for as far as I can see,
yet there on the edge,
of the horizon,
sits a lone village,
far away from,
traces of,

And in this village,
is a girl who dreams of,
a better life,
far away from here,
where on the edge of a beach,
she can stand,
in the water,
just beyond the shore,
where she can feel,
the water wash over her feet.

She wants far away from,
this life she leads,
far away,
away from the desert,
and everything she knows,
she wants to go,
Far Away.

Trail of Broken Hearts;

Everywhere you go,
you leave in your wake,
girls on their knees,
with tear stained cheeks,
picking up the pieces,
of their hearts.

You finally made your way,
to me,
yet for your charm,
I did not fall.

I could it,
in your eyes;
there in your past,
you left,
a trail of broken hearts.

This path that's so well treaded,
you've walked it,
a million times.

No Matter;

No matter how bad the storm,
the rain still stops,
no matter how bad the hurricane,
there's still the rainbow.

In dark is hope,
in life there is death,
and in love there is hate.

I don't know if you've ever,
noticed the stars,
on a clear summer night,
the way they twinkle,
and shine so far away,
always there,
yet so far from reach.

No matter how strong you feel,
or how horrid life gets,
it's always worth living,
always worth the fight.

And if you've found your,
and you know your strengths,
if your can love with all your heart,
then your ready to live,
life to it's full.

Held High;

I've seen the way you walk lately,
you used to walk with pride,
with your head held so high,
now all I see,
is you walk in shame.

What happened to your wonderful glow,
that hit you took,
that dropped you to your knees,
how hard was that blow?

Your head used to
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