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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » Winter Songs And Holiday Expressions:A Facebook Poetry Anthology by Frances Ayers-Editor (booksvooks TXT) 📖

Book online «Winter Songs And Holiday Expressions:A Facebook Poetry Anthology by Frances Ayers-Editor (booksvooks TXT) 📖». Author Frances Ayers-Editor

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Nights draw in,
Darkness now rules,
Warm sun gone.

Animals hibernate,
Humans hide,
In new climate.

Snow falls hard,
Plants wither,
Landscapes change.

Life slows down,
Alters its pattern,
For winters arrived.

©Raven Baxter,All Rights Reserved

Diwakar Pokhriyal

Diwakar is a poet who writes what he feels.and also writes what he perceives. He believe in his senses, which are something special to him. He has been writing for more than 12 years, which started during his school days,from class 9 to unclassified age, Diwakar will keep on writing. It is like journey of a soul, who is in search of solace and will end only with the end of a life. Diwakar admits that he loves writing poetry and will continue forever. This is what he is, a poet, a sports freak, a guitarist, a MBA student and an untold saga of a mysterious soul....he is.. Diwakar Pokhriyal

Poetry books written by Diwakar

• Words of love
• Salacious solitude
• Why me Year
• From I to We – A poetic love story
• Droplets in the sea – with a poetic flow

I have been a part of different anthologies around the world

• By Brian Wrixon

o The survivor guide to Bedlam
o Reflection on a blue planet -1
o Reflection on a blue planet -2
o Reflection on a blue planet -3
o Reflection on a blue planet -4
o On the Words of Love
• By Frances Anna Ayers
Little Petals in The Wind – A Facebook Anthology Of Shorter Poems

Mother in family ( Poetic form – Cromorna)

Beautiful heart,
As a bride,
Shakes off dirty dirt,
From inside,

Unbearable pain,
Somehow hide,
Fight for wholesome gain,
Mother’s pride

Against all the odds,
Takes the stride,
Every star Applauds
As a guide.

©Diwakar Pokhriyal,All Rights Reserved

Love conquers all ( Baccesize poetry)

Erased with speed of light,
Hardest of hard fight,
Wearing magical attire,
………………Love conquers all,

Playfulness and beauty of a doll,
Spiky thoughts invokes soul,
Erased with speed of light,
………………Love conquers all

Krishna’s hypnotizing flute,
Or Parvati’s tear for Shiva,
A divine beam of meditation
………………Love conquers all

©Diwakar Pokhriyal,All Rights Reserved

Friends (Acrostic)

Fun stitched in life,
Routine turned holidays,
Inevitable smiles continuous,
Emergence of freedom,
Nasty time surrenders,
Dwindling fate bow to shield of love,
Such Friends are blessings

©Diwakar Pokhriyal,All Rights Reserved

God’s Blessing

( senryu + enclosed rhyme + etheree + rhyme + Fibonacci + senryu)

Sacred existence,
Transforming earth into heaven,
A Fortunate gift

Family is a tie of love,
Showering uninterrupted,
No soul is corrupted,
Everyone flying like dove,

Where a child plays with smile,
Grandparents bless family ties,
Togetherness evolves without lies,
Everyone makes atmosphere agile

Dear husband,
Picks child and kisses,
Wife packing the lunch,
Grandfather folds paper
Child just smiling and dancing,
Keeping an eye on his father,
Granny busy with godly blessing,
Whole picture paints a perfect atmosphere,

A heaven of love,
Respects flows like a river,
Helping hug waits,
Rare and unfortunate shiver,

Where understanding dissolves,
Heart beats with trust,
Truth shines like sun,
Even shrine shook off the dust,

given by,
the lone almighty,
to his each true and pure disciple,
That gift is “Family” given with expectations,

Love, respect and care,
Drops of true togetherness,
Divine family

©Diwakar Pokhriyal,All Rights Reserved

Laura Lamarca

Laura is a self-taught Poet with global appeal who can write in any form or genre. She writes for herself and for her sanity & covers a whole spectrum of subjects.

She says her poetry "is a journey of personal growth constantly expanding which I read out loud because it's the voice society doesn't allow me to have...a voice I gladly lend to others".

To Drift And Fall (A Tanka)

Orange hues drifting
Passed old panes of memory
As crispy reds fall

'neath tread of lonesome footsteps;
Empty palm cries longing sighs.

© Laura Lamarca, All rights reserved.

Milestones (Loose Sapphic)

On two old rickety chairs we both now gaze
'cross decades of smiles that we've worn together,
Glancing through moments and touches of wonder.
Two spirits as one.

Laughter delights, resounds days of remembrance ~
Family outings when the children were young,
Movies and popcorn, dad's warmth and Mother's fun.
Happy together.

Our snug existence, our cottage by the sea
With panoramic views and homely log fires;
Temptations in the kitchen, exotic flares.
Teasing taste bud's bite.

Your arms each night that always sought my embrace
And gave such tender, unconditional care
Through roller coaster moods of uncertainty.
Gave me tomorrows.

And our evenings now are spent here reflecting,
staring in wonder at just how we have grown;
love gaining great strength with every milestone.
Two spirits as one.

© Laura Lamarca, All rights reserved

Icicle Trails of Cotton Floss Snow (A La'Tuin)

As winter leaves her icicle trail
Upon frosted fingers of green,
Ice covers the earth in snowflake moss
And the landscape is sleeping pale.

O'er wildlife's glen, throughout dusted dale,
A blanket of cold can be seen;
Beauty surrounds the autumn's loss
And fresh buds growth begins to fail.

As springtime slumbers to soon unveil
Its bountiful rewarding scene;
The fields are topped in their cotton floss,
Snow sparkles till sun's warmth prevails.

As winter leaves her icicle trail
Upon frosted fingers of green,
Ice covers the earth in snowflake moss
And the landscape is sleeping pale.

© Laura Lamarca, All rights reserved.

Treasured Pleasures (Etheree)

In sighted
Array to swim
In pools of bonded
Display...unity plays
In pleasures...awakening
Treasures of trust & warm embrace;
Caressing truth's faces in graceful
Traces, to touch true tales of hope today.

© Laura Lamarca, All rights reserved.

Christmas Tree


it sits

atop our

Christmas tree

sparkling brightly

amidst a sea of dancing

multicolored fairy lights

dotted in tinsel of silver and gold

candy canes hang upon green spikes

crackers to pull on the feast of Christmas day

gifts wrapped lovingly beneath reaching branches

for sounds of children's shared Christmas cheer laughter

Merry Xmas

To one & all

© Laura Lamarca, All rights reserved.

Aparna Pathak

Aparna Pathak belongs to India. She was born in small town and brought up in the capital city of New Delhi. She is Graduate in English (Honors) from Delhi University and Post Graduate in Public Relations. She is a blogger and her work is already being published in various anthologies all over world. She has also won a ‘Free Verse’ poetry form competition organized by a group on Facebook.


Moon appears


Amidst stars

Among grey clouds

Increasing gradually

With progressive night telling its tale about

Its steady progress

Of its wispy appearance

From nothingness

To the brightest one

© Aparna Pathak/ All Rights Reserved

Long Wait

Gazing the path from which you left,

my eyes are losing its moisture;

I still hope to see you again,

Somewhere in this huge world,

Though my stare has lost its luster .

I don’t know how you look now,

With white streaks in your hairs;

Your eyes might have lost its sheen,

Laugh would have turned sober,

But the voice would have same flair.

During this long wait,

Flowers have become funeral wreath,

Trees shedding leaves in lieu of tears,

Colors of rainbow have turned blue,

Arc seems to be crooked teeth.

I still remember the last day, we met,

You hands were cold and shaky,

Leaving with dry lips, and silenced feelings,

Neither you turned back to look,

Nor I had courage to be flaky.

Boat of life, gone so fast from there,

With so much occurred and yet to occur,

Just to get back that lost moisture my eyes,

Before the final rest,

I wish you in person soon recur.

© Aparna Pathak/ All Rights Reserved

Between Me And You A World Lies

I am the sweet bud you are bitter, staying on same tongue, apart yet together.

Connected through worldly delicacies, tasting life among dangerous teeth,

Alert under the palate, I am vulnerable,

Living in ignorance,

Facing world at front,

With all worldly emotions.

You stay at the back hidden,

Having your own world,

In discrete, a saint,

You know realities of life.

You, the ultimate knowledge,

The truth, tasting which,

One slips down to eternity.

Life is all about a journey,

From me to you,

From a juvenile to mature,

From unready to mellowed,

Experiencing sweetness,

Graduating to bitter truth,

On the tongue, the world.

© Aparna Pathak/ All Rights Reserved


It was a dark, no moon night

When fear was killing my mind

I was wet with salty perspiration

My pulse was high and throat was dry

Resulting to mental dehydration

A shirt hanging in dark was looking

Like a blurred scary man with cat eyes

Glowing in dark Just over it

Shaken by hot wind

Appeared like a ghost ready to pounce

Guava tree was making loud rustling noise

As if huge crooked teeth witch

Moving its long bloody nails in wrath

Old clock on wall was ticking loud

Making my eyes rotate as if suffering nystagmus

My hearts bounce to mouth

And body was stiff like dead

I had raised the blanket till my face

Making my eyes peep through

A small button hole

Dogs were barking loud as if they have seen the unseen,

A suffocating guttural sound

Emerged out of chocked throat when

Suddenly I saw a hand approaching

My heart was ready to stop anytime

But it patted me gently.

And the mother said, “I am here”.

© Aparna Pathak/ All Rights Reserved

Iulia Gherghei

Iulia Gherghei, an amateur poet from Romania, graduated from University of Bucharest, Technology of information. She's published her poems mostly on facebook and in the anthologies edited by Brian Wrixon, Barry Mowles, and Mutiu Olawuyi!.

Joy on Christmas- acrostic

Joy on Christmas my poem is called
Once you were born in an hot August day
You, my joy provider

On that day the miracles received sense for me
Nobody but me would provide more love to you

Child, my guiding star you are
Here you came as a good message on Christmas morning
Right in that the night the star was shining just for me
Is it you the angel sent to bring light in my humble heart?
Sure!!! Joy, purpose, meaning to the chaos called living
The courage is in my veins, tonnes...
More to come in case I need it!!
All days are sunny now just hearing your voice
So, child, my Christmas gift, let's bath in joy!!!

©Iulia Gherghei,All Rights Reserved

This Fall

The autumn gently drips its sunset

The sound is slightly changed

The light

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