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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

There are poets whose work, without exaggeration, belongs to the treasures of human thought and rightly is a world heritage. In our electronic library you will find a wide variety of poetry.
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Read books online » Poetry » Winter Songs And Holiday Expressions:A Facebook Poetry Anthology by Frances Ayers-Editor (booksvooks TXT) 📖

Book online «Winter Songs And Holiday Expressions:A Facebook Poetry Anthology by Frances Ayers-Editor (booksvooks TXT) 📖». Author Frances Ayers-Editor

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To sing a song in favor
Requires a heart, a big heart
While in love, for two souls, time travels back ward…

That blossom between two
Rolls like a stone, with flow
In contrast, with stroke of time, this stone gathers moss…

For the two, in love
Life and love, entwined
Even estranged, it grows more
As life’s promise is love, death is peripheral…

©Arkayoti Samanta,All Rights Reserved

A Known One, On Silent Mode

HE gave me life
Death as a conjunction
You showered love
Affixed it with separation
Why on earth this occurs?
For whom the heart and mind
Change their attire
Try to remain sacred 
It is no sin if a known one
Adopt a silent mode
As no one set fire on heart
It burns itself
As inflicting injury, a self made one
Thus, this relationship 
Under the sky, over this earth
One such thing
When develops crack, without sound effect 
Turns noisiest one….

©Arkayoti Samanta,All Rights Reserved

An Artist, A Different Entity 

You pity me
You must know 
An artist, a different entity 
He draws the life’s portrait 
In pain and remembrance
As fate would have it
Each moment, a burden for you
In poignant moments
You took shape of canvas, brush and color….

Fire Is Only Consequence

His failure to get along
The reason, why he is in love
Dent, you gave to the passion
He still follows
Thirsty as he is, he knows
Where pond is, how to pour
It is easy to blame the insider
When house is gutted by the fire
But, you must know 
Fire is only consequence
Negligence is the root cause!

©Arkayoti Samanta,All Rights Reserved

Elizabeth Castillo

As a Professional Feature Writer/Journalist/Short Story Writer/Poet/Blogger whose mission is to share her creativity through pen pushing, Elizabeth sees herself as a keen observer of beautiful things around her. She is a natural born Artist from the Philippines. She graduated with a Bachelor Of Science degree in Business Administration, with a major in Management. Elizabeth also completed another course in Computer Programming, and currently works as an Online English Instructor for Koreans and as a freelance Professional Writer. Previously, she worked as a News Correspondent for a local community newspaper and as a feature Writer for a private company’s corporate magazine.

Elizabeth started writing and exhibiting her poetic prowess when she was just in her elementary days – an era when she was still this shy, unassuming lass. She describes herself as an arts and nature lover as well as a frustrated photographer. Her favorite authors are Stephen King, John Grisham and Paolo Coelho. Elizabeth has also self published her own poem ezine, Poetic Lizzy with 3 released issues. In addition, her work has appeared in over 11 international anthologies, the latest of which are "Live Life: The Daydreamer's Journal", part of a global charity for the benefit of the American Cancer Research.The book is a World Record Holder for Most Artists Contributing to a Cover of an Anthology and “Song of Sahel”, with proceeds going to SOS Sahel to help the African children in the region. She is also a contributing editor for “Inner Child" ,the Magazine”, a monthly online magazine which features her articles in the All About The Love section.

Loving 'Til It Hurts

If you ask me how much i do love you
I would reply it cannot be measured
For it overflows from deep within,
No depths, no heights can equate 
A love that runs so freely in my veins
That only death can stop it breathing.

I love you so much it hurts
That i sometimes forget i got a life of my own
I love you so much it hurts,
That i would sacrifice my life just to save yours first
I love you so much it hurts
That i just bit my tongue and not spite you with my words.

I love you so much it hurts
That i would climb the highest mountain peak
To shout out to the world you are the one I love ,
There are simply no exact reasons why
For i just freely give my love
All yours 'til the day i die.

Elizabeth E. Castillo Copyright 2012

Our Love's Journey

You have invaded my solemn dreams and straight to my heart
You have earned a special spot
My name never sounded the same,
Until the very first time you uttered it with sheer delight.

I maybe living in a fairy tale of my own doing
But just can't help myself drowning in these incredible feelings
No, nobody can seem to decipher why you simply make my heart quiver,
It's you I love even from a distance it's just a glimpse of your shadow I see for now.

Miles and miles away from me, it's still your smile that captivates me
It's still your caress and your warm embrace I long to feel
Is this too much to ask for? but you know my love's for real
Time and again this love was tested but in the end, we always prevail.

You and me sailing together in our love's journey
Across oceans and seas, two beating hearts meant for each other on we go
Never a care in the world we look forward for what lies before us,
All our dreams coming true in the very near future, only for me and you!

Elizabeth E. Castillo Copyright 2012
Out Of These Broken Chords

You can hear a different lingering tune
From a refrain that happens to came out of a state of gloom,
The keys on my antique piano were but broken
But you were at my side, in your mere silence into my heart you have spoken. 

No words are needed to utter this unexplainable exuberant feeling
Out of these broken chords I was blessed with angelic healing,
I have emerged as a strong soul
From turbulent currents which has quite taken its toll.

I heard the rhythm from your own symphony
Clashing with these broken chords but then came out a soothing melody,
Would you care to dance with a once broken girl like me?
No, won't dwell on the past, don't you worry.

Out of these broken chords God heard my outcry
He helped me to pick up the pieces, 'til my overflowing tears ran dry,
Now I'm playing with fixed chords in my thoughts
This inner peace enveloping me around only He has brought!

Elizabeth Castillo Copyright 2012

Undying Devotion

To You I offer my life
In return for the highest form of love
You layed down for me
I give back to You my appreciation
For all those dreams You made possibly true.

The blessings You showered me all the days of my journey
I always treasure thee
You were a friend I can constantly call on
When all else fails and no one seems to be around to listen to me.

You gave me the gift of the written word
To proclaim Your goodness and my undying devotion
At times I may be faltering to pray unto You
But still Your presence by my side cannot be denied.

You are my Good Shepherd who lovingly takes care of me
When I seem to get lost at this maze of mundane desires
Like a little child You always embrace me and make sure I'll be ok
I thank You for all these things and the rest of my days will keep on remembering!

Elizabeth E. Castillo Copyright 2012

He Made Me Live

I came from the ashes and from it I shall return one day
Fear is out of the question for I know His death and divine resurrection has given me everlasting life come what may
He made me live again out of the enormous sins capsizing my soul,
The Risen Lord I can see far from above the clouds
Smiling back at me giving Light and Hope for days to come!

He made me live again despite of the pain and struggle my pilgrimage has bestowed upon me 
Hurts and sufferings I encountered nothing compared to what He has done for me and mankind
I rejoice in His coming back to life!
And will live according to His words though temptations won't quit.

I am His warrior in every step of the way
Proclaiming His glory out of the written word He gave me
If my pen would be an instrument to spread His Divine Love 
I would gladly share my thoughts to distressed people on the road
Will make them live again just as He has done for me
I love You my Lord for You have set me free!

Elizabeth E. Castillo Copyright 2012

Selfless Love 

You are an icon of an everlasting love
Beyond anyone could ever give to someone
You gave your life for our salvation
Your death remains to be an eternal inspiration
Your coming back to life again echoes hope 
You gave us life out of your suffering
Your blood is the living truth of a selfless love
Bestowed to mankind!
Thank you for Your everlasting love
And in our journey through this pilgrimage
We honor thee your greatest love
For all eternity!

Elizabeth E. Castillo Copyright 2012

Star Dust

Angels with golden harps from above sing
Melodious lyrics of cheerful tones they bring
This kid in me peeps through the window
Let my eyes feast to a magical wonder.

The star of Bethlehem twinkles brightly at the far Northern moonlit night
Bringing us hope and heavenly might
Suddenly sprinkled star dusts fell over the earth
With a riveting rhythm reminding me of fairy tale dreams of my childhood.

After a few nano seconds I glimpsed upon Santa Claus with his sleigh
He still possesses this hold on every child's heart
With enormous gifts he will be dropping for eager kids
To very house this much-awaited Christmas Eve.

Caroling, caroling the angels above chimes
As I utter my grown up wishes on my mind
Peace, love and harmony may this joyous bring to all human kind
Let the magical star dusts cast its spell of Christmas!

Elizabeth E. Castillo Copyright 2011

Udita Garg

Udita Garg is a poet and writer by heart and a student of literature by profession. She has the last memories of reciting her poem on stage when she was 10 and cannot exactly recall when was she first bitten by the love for writing. She has been writing and contributing to various poetry-publishing platforms and her poems have been published in the student editions of the Hindustan Times and The Times of India. Recently, her poems were featured in books and anthologies like, "On words of love",and "A Poet’s View of Being".Her poems have also been selected for some upcoming books like Inklinks, I am a poet, With love and a free e-book that will be released shortly. She is also a short story and novel writer and likes to experiment with different forms of expression.


Celebrate the warmth of love:
It raising you to its shoulders,
Keeping you in its embrace,
Holding your hand to help,
Feeding you from its hands,
An uplifting sweet kiss,
A togetherness of bliss,
A feeling of being better,
Of not losing your courage,
Of the smiles and laughter,
Of god’s glowing grace.

Copyright Udita Garg,All Rights Reserved


The dreary touches of darkness,
When the sky fades and the sun hesitates:
Blushing only, not now in its youth,
The heat of passion is

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