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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

There are poets whose work, without exaggeration, belongs to the treasures of human thought and rightly is a world heritage. In our electronic library you will find a wide variety of poetry.
Opening a new collection of poems, the reader thus discovers a new world, a new thought, a new form. Rereading the classics, a person receives a magnificent aesthetic pleasure, which doesn’t disappear with the slamming of the book, but accompanies him for a very long time like a Muse. And it isn’t at all necessary to be a poet in order for the Muse to visit you. It is enough to pick up a volume, inside of which is Poetry. Be with us on our website.

Read books online » Poetry » Whispering Souls by Paul Curtis (best english novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «Whispering Souls by Paul Curtis (best english novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Paul Curtis

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/> In silence we continued to shake hands and we both just smiled
We held each other’s gaze and hand perhaps too long slightly
We both laughed nervously and her cheeks blushed brightly
She then turned away and bade me follow which was no chore
I followed her exotic heady fragrance out thought the door
Silently she led me down a corridor in the lounge direction
I followed mesmerized by her form and admiring its perfection
Even wearing four-inch heels I marveled at her daintiness
Only reaching the dizzy height of five foot three more or less
The straight blonde hair cascaded onto her shoulders softly
A fitted silk blouse complemented her waif-ish frame perfectly
She had the tiniest of waists and the slenderest of hips to swing
And pert round buttocks contained within the tailored skirting
Then the shapely legs clad in stockings unless I miss my guess
The overall effect was stunning and I was smitten I will confess
Then sunlight illuminated her form through silk and cotton
The sudden transparency left nothing at all to the imagination
Seemingly completely oblivious to the effect she had achieved
On the red-blooded men in her wake she’d never have believed
She stopped by a vacant seat and slowly turned towards me
This caused the illumination of her fine breasts for us to see
The vent on her skirt caught momentarily on a cushion pad
A glimpse of her stocking top confirmed the suspicion that I had
She effortlessly and elegantly slipped into the vacant place
And gestured for me to sit beside her in the neighboring space
Not coy she sat straight-backed upright confident and proud
Her voice was strangely hypnotic clear and soft but not loud
Once again I was completely enveloped in her intoxicating scent
Then she opened her briefcase and deftly removed the document
Like a precious work of art I had admired her from a distance
Now I could examine in detail every brushstroke every nuance
Her blonde hair cascaded onto her slim shoulders like fine rain
The sun was highlighting strands like spun gold again and again
The golden rain tumbled to caress the nape of her neck gently
Coming to rest on her soft silk covered shoulders diffidently
I was transfixed by the vision of golden hair framing her face
Of pale alabaster like porcelain on a doll or like a Greek grace
Her eyes stunning and captivating were of translucent green
And her nose was small and angular sat perfectly in between
Her mouth was only narrow but the lips were full and luscious
As she spoke the pale pink lips glistened moistly and sensuous
I would blush to my roots if our eyes met however fleetingly
And then a smile would dance about her mouth provocatively
I turned my attention to her slim pale arms naked and bare
The suns illumination fringing like white gold the downy hair
Then her small delicate hands with fingers so elegant and slim
No bitten or false nails just naturally well cared for and prim
Also no rings adorned her fingers in fact there was no jewelry
But then no jewelry could ever improve on this beauty before me
Suddenly she dropped her pen and leant forwards to retrieve it
Causing her blouse to gape revealing her breast well just a bit
Just the briefest glimpse of breast with a hint of lace and frill
Enough to quicken the pulse and excite the senses and thrill
Then she catches me letching and smiles as I avert my gaze
Now it’s her milky white flesh that blushes in a crimson blaze
All to soon our short business meeting was at a close and done
I felt her soft and delicate hand in mine and then she was gone
So blinded by her beauty and intoxicated by her sweet perfume
I could barely stammer out a sentence before she left the room
I was left with only the exotic fragrance lingering about me
Feeling quite despondent and in a strange way quite empty
In my hand I found her business card as you would expect
Then I turned it over like you would to more closely inspect
A hand written note and number is not what I thought to see
Here’s my number, call me soon, I’d like to see you socially


Where did it go?
The sense of one
Feeling of togetherness
Of mutuality, symbiosis
Thinking each others thoughts
A consciousness shared
Breathing in unison
A single beating heart
Speaking in a single voice

When did it happen?
At what point?
Did we separate?
Torn asunder
Split like an atom
Dissected like conjoined twins
To Breath alone
Stop sharing one heart
Speak for ourselves

How could it be?
When I looked at her with love
A stranger looked back
Independent and solo
Individual and free
Thinking on a different plain
Breathing different air
Heart pulsing with a different beat
Speaking a foreign tongue


Broken arrow
Broken lance
Broken treaty
Wasted chance

Broken thought
Broken thread
Broken silence
Too much said

Broken vow
Broken chain
Broken promise
Alone again

Broken wing
Broken spirit
Broken heart
We wasted it

Broken wing
Broken mirror
Broken glass
I so miss her


Warmly, Cosily
Holding, Comforting, Caressing,
The All Embracing Joy


At dusk we walk slowly by the shore line
The waves lapping at the sand break gently
While children play among the craggy rock pools
Or happily skimming stones on the sea
Dogs chase balls as we stand to consider,
The tide is it in, or out, no matter
The setting sun lights up the western sky
Illuminating stray clouds with gold strands
Then surrounding them with bright bursting rays
This sunburst silhouettes the beachcombers
Then blinds us all as it hits the wet sand
As quickly as it burst on us it was gone
Until we are blinded by the next one
Before the horizon swallows the sun


She sat on an eternal shore, silent
Calm unexpressive face, still like granite
Contemplating her destiny, knowing
The path she chooses she must take alone
Upon the expected cross roads she came
It arrived suddenly, but then not so
The long awaited, long dreamed of moment
Choices when made can extend far beyond
Like ripples in the water from a stone
Inside herself she must look for the answer
A deep breath, a sigh and she plants her foot
Upon the chosen trail to who knows where
With confidence she sets off on her way
Has she made the right choice who can say?


A New love, young love,
Fresh and in bud,
Exciting, Heart racingly so,
Though uncertain, exciting still
A Breathless love Full of longing
Eagerness to be together
Reluctance to part

Hand touching hand, Pulse raising
Heart full of love, Head full of doubt
“Do they feel as I?” “Am I just a fool?”
Will our love last?
Will it blossom and grow
Will it bare fruit?
Or wither on the vine


I stood in a strange village
Or rather a village
Where I was a stranger
Stood in front of a cottage
In need of a lick of paint
It was the home of my aunt
An aunt, not unknown
But not spoken of
Except in hushed whispers
Because of a love
The love that dare not speak its name
In a different time
A less understanding time
She had lived her twilight years
In a nursing home
Frail of body but sharp of mind
She had long out lived
All her family and others
Who had shunned her
“Something to be said for a deviant life style”
My father would have said
And now she was no more
But she had left me her cottage
Aunt Alice, my godmother
So I stand on the threshold
Key in hand which I put in the lock
On opening the door I enter
Although dusty and stale
The house bears all the marks
Of a person loved
So she found happiness then!
I move from room to room
Looking for Alice
Feeling like a burglar
But as I search
I feel less and less like a stranger
Familiar faces in the photos
My mother and other aunts
Older than they should have been
They did not shun her totally then
Finally I reach the kitchen
I unbolt the back door
And pulled it hard
It opened reluctantly
To reveal the garden
Where the photos were taken
It was clearly once well cared for
But no longer,
Shrubs and trees
Have broken the bonds of cultivation
To create a wilderness
Through knee high grass
I followed the path
Un trod for many summers
Past remnants of the old garden
Glimpses of ornamental masonry
A birdbath, a sun dial
The vague outline of a bench
At the bottom of the garden
Rotting In one corner
An ivy clad shed stood
In the other Barely visible at first
Hidden amidst the foliage
Of nettles and tangled brambles
I see on closer inspection
A wishing well
First to appear was the roof
Cloaked in a cascade of ivy
In its eaves silken web’s
Fine spun like lace
Hold prisoner drops of dew
Which glint in the morning sun
I can see, as I get closer
The crumbling masonry
And the flag stones at its base
Fractured by tree roots
To one side Lies the wooden bucket
Rotting in the grass
Its metal bands rust brown
I thrust my hand deep in my pocket
Taking out a coin
And turned it slowly in my fingers
Before tossing it into the well
And I made my wish.
Then after a moment I turned
Then paused when a thought crossed my mind
When Alice stood on this very spot
In the dappled sunlight
Of her cottage garden
What did she wish for?


If I knew then what I know now
I would have taken my chance
And I would have asked out Sharon
She was at the college were I worked
Sharon with the freckles and Auburn hair
And that lovely smile that could light up a room
She wanted me I knew that
It was obvious that Saturday in the Longship
But I let her slip through my fingers
What a summer we could have had
Exploring every freckled inch of her
In the long summer grass
But instead I went in vein pursuit of Theresa
Her best friend
And I broke her heart
If only I’d known then what I know now of life


Laughter rings now
In the once empty caverns
Of my heart
Sweet wine now
Replaces the bitter brew
Which once coursed
Through narrow streams
My senses once dulled by time
Are now sharp, concise
Vision like an eagle soaring
Able to hear the beat
Of a humming birds wings
Nostrils filled with exotic scent
Heady and cloying
Exquisite tastes tantalize
An unsophisticated palate
And the reason
For my transformation
My metamorphosis
Is an angel
Who has energized an old man
Invigorated my senses
She has re-awakened me
Stirred my soul
But she will never know
Must never know
How she has affected me
I will view her from a distance
And exchange polite greetings
A warm smile, A familiar nod
I will keep my own council
And I will feel contentment
My love unrequited


Tears stung her eyes
And her voice cracked
As she remembered
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