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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » Whispering Souls by Paul Curtis (best english novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «Whispering Souls by Paul Curtis (best english novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Paul Curtis

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/> Her loss hung heavy
Since he, what?
Even now she can’t say it
Could not utter the word
Euphemisms fill her head
Crossed over, left the world,
Gone to a better place
He’s in the next room
Passed away
Other people can say dead
But she cannot
Seven years have passed
Since it happened, her loss
And she lost so much
A husband, lover, friend
Partner, confident
Soul mate
And even now it hurt
Though the wound
Is an old one
It is still unhealed
Still vivid red, angry
Time is a great healer
They said to help her
To comfort her
But she thinks they lied


Harry’s mind wandered
As he wend his way
Through crowded streets
He would see her that night
Anna, his new love
He could smell her hair
Feel the softness of her skin
He could even taste her
He longed for her
As he remembered
Her smile, her kiss
Her writhing body
Then Harry stepped off the curb
And was struck
By a car unseen
Tossing him like a rag doll
Depositing him unceremoniously
Between car and gutter
As his body lay broken
And bleeding
Where it came to rest
On the unforgiving street
The last image in his mind
Was not the killer car
But his Anna, His new love
As his life ebbed away
His heart beat its last
The paramedic’s best efforts
Were to no avail
A moment’s carelessness
Had cost a young life
His heart beat no more
In his broken body
Only to beat once more
And reanimate
In another’s chest
To bring new hope
To rekindle another’s existence
Bringing a new beginning for Sally
Which like a phoenix
Rose from the ashes
Of another families grief


She was only slight
And petite of height
Her complexion light
Her smile so bright

Her hair was brown
Her eyes looked down
She never wore a frown
But a halo for a crown

Her eyes were green
And her intellect keen
Her limbs lithe and lean
With the poise of a queen

An angel in human form
Protecting me from the storm
Her embrace both soft and warm
From despair I will transform


At once she understood
When she heard the words
Their meaning clear
And in that instant
Her voice broke
And then in her throat
A lump formed
Behind her eyes
She felt the stinging
And a tear formed
Then rolled down her cheek
Followed by another
Then another
The salt taste was in her mouth
Her shoulders shook
And her mouth opened wide
But know sound escaped
Tears continued down her cheeks
And her nose
Then her legs buckled
And she fell to her knees
In total despair
Now the sound came
With her love lost
Her heart was broken
With her love betrayed
Her heart was discarded
But with all the weeping
She knew inside
That all her tears
Would never extinguish her love


I stood in the shadows
As I had often done before
Out of sight, to see yet be unseen
To look upon that vision of loveliness
She talks with friends in the gardens
Unaware of me
Her skirt was long and green
From high waste to ankle low
Her crisp blouse of white
Enhanced to elegance of her neck
The long sleeves encasing her slender arms
Covered her fine boned wrists
Her hair was red
Red like burnished copper
Thick and full bodied tied back at her nape
Her eyes were the hue of polished emeralds
In a setting of perfect pale skin
No jeweller could ever hope to equal
Her mouth pale lipped, strong yet sensitive
When transformed into a smile
Illuminated her countenance
As if a light had been switched on
Perusal of every inch of her delicate frame
Returned echoes of a cultured creature
Dressed in the finest Edwardian elegance
More than a class above me
I step from the shadows
Returning unseen to my duties


I want, I need, a woman to look at me
Just a glance
The way Sha’uri looked at Jackson
In “Stargate”
A look of passion
Of want and desire
Telling me all
In that one look

I want, I need, a woman to smile at me
Her face to light up
The way Donna Reed smiled at Jimmy Stewart
In “it’s a wonderful life”
A smile of passion
Of want and desire
Telling me all
In that one smile

I want, I need, a woman to love me
Come what may
The way Greer Garson loved Coleman
In “Random Harvest”
A deep enduring love
Wanting and desiring
Answering all my doubts
In that all consuming love

I want, I need, to be in love with a woman
But no ordinary love
Special like Bogey and Bacall
Tracy and Hepburn in life and on screen
I want to see my love
Reflected back in her face
Reflecting want and desire
Telling all
In that requited love


The first time I took her hand
It trembled faintly
Yet noticeably
Like a wild birds fluttering heart
In the hand of its captor
The first time I kissed her
Her heart raced
And when I touched her skin
I felt her pounding heart
Through my fingers
The first time we made love
Was the first time
For us both
And in our passionate embraces
Our senses were over loaded
The first time
Became many times
Though we are older now
The passion is stronger
Our senses fine-tuned
We are one, soul mates
We share the same shadow


I fell in love with you
When you were eight, I was eight too
You had no front teeth
And you were freckled and chubby too
I loved you
But I never ever told you

I didn’t love you
Because of how you looked you see
I loved you because
Of what I could see inside, deeply
I loved you
But I never ever told you

I couldn’t help loving you
I loved you irresistibly
I hid my feelings
Loving you in secret and invisibly
I loved you
But I never ever told you

When you were thirteen
You changed overnight from pupae
And transformed
Magically into a beautiful butterfly
I loved you
But I never ever told you

Had the ugly duckling
Still been here today
I would have swept you up
And carried you away
I love you
But I will never ever tell you
I will keep my love locked away
But I will love you
Until my dying day


That first time
Long ago
When your hand
Slipped into mine
I felt instantly at peace
And when I looked down
At our interlocking hands
I was unable to detect a join
They were as one
When first we kissed
And we held each other tightly
We never wanted to part
When first we embraced
In that burning passionate embrace
Our hearts and souls joined
They are joined still


The empty ache of loneliness
A hollow emptiness
A desperate want
For their caress
To fill the void
Left by invisibility
Butterflies flutter
When you meet their gaze
Knees weaken, just for a second
As they brush past
Then light-headedness
When you smell their scent
Then later
In the quiet of the night
The empty void of want
Loins aching for them
Then hollow emptiness
The constant companion
The loneliness
Of unrequited love


Its six months today
We’ve been together now
The months have past so quickly
Like moments somehow
Six precious months its been
Exactly to this day
And only two months more
Until our wedding day
In the years we have before us
Let us hope and pray
That we are half as happy after
As before our wedding day


From the moment I first saw you
I knew you were the one
From the moment I first held you
I knew my heart you’d won
From the moment I first kissed you
I found what I had yearned
From the moment I first touched you
I felt my love returned
From the moment I first loved you
I’ve known the warmth of love
From the moment I first saw you
I’ve thanked the lord above


I have tried to find the words
To tell you how I feel
The words that will convince you
That what I feel is real

I know that you’ve been hurt by love
And I’ve been wounded too
But together we can heal the scars
Of loves which made us blue

I had spent some time avoiding love
With its anguish and its pain
But since the moment I first saw you
I’ve learned to love again

If you could only see with my eyes
The beauty you would behold
And with my heart you’d really know
The love of which I’ve told

I know you feel the same as I
When in your arms I lie
I can feel the love that’s in your heart
And I’m yours until I die


It was just twelve months ago
Since my special wish was made
A wish you thought so simple
For which a fortune I’d have paid

And now it’s our first Christmas
In our first little house
But I hope the first of many
With my beautiful new spouse

This year my wish is simpler still
On this Christmas day with you
May our hearts be always filled with love
And the stockings be filled with you


It’s such a small word
A misused word
A throw away word
Used as a panacea
Tell someone “I love you”
And everything is supposed to be forgiven
But love
Is too small a word
For what I feel
Too small for what I want to express
The love I feel
Is immeasurable, infinite
In its depth
In its quality
In time
In it’s all encompassing nature
It colours everything
All I say, all I do
Yet to express my feeling all I can say is
“I love you”
It’s just so inadequate
For what I want to express
My need for you
My never being parted from you
To be joined forever
In everyway
But I don’t have the word to express it
I don’t have the vocabulary
I just have love


I lie in the first light of dawn
Alone, thinking of her
Wishing her next to me
Feeling her breath
Against my skin
Her breasts
Pressed against me
In the quiet of the new day
Hearing her breathing
I ache for her touch
I long for her soft body
Against mine
In the dawns pale light
And in the darkness
I want her
But she is gone
She is mine no more
Never again will my hands
Caress her form
Never again will I hear
Her murmur and sigh in pleasure
She is mine no more
My angel of the night
Has left my side
And dwells now
With others of her kind


If I knew then what I know now
When I was thirteen
I would have got to grips with Maria
Oh big busty Maria at the Durnsford Lido
A full year older than me
Big soft and round everywhere that important
What a great summer
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