Psychology books read online

Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » Inside A Girl's Head by Vai B. Charm (best free novels .txt) 📖

Book online «Inside A Girl's Head by Vai B. Charm (best free novels .txt) 📖». Author Vai B. Charm

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The night is gathering up from all directions making the outside world darker; the sun has long been set and the redness it left has also scattered away. Little white clouds are receding into the corners of a dusky sky. Birds, both small and big, are flying back to their off springs, if any, or to nests which are just made to live in. I am pretty sure that birds do make nests just to live in and not for laying eggs only. Do they? I don’t know really. I always wonder that why are birds supposed to be going only to their hatchlings when the night falls? Why can’t they go to their nests to just live in by themselves? Alone. Just a thought.  Why are we always supposed to be working for our children? Why not live for ourselves? The outside is getting darker. I should turn on the lights.

Windows are beautiful when you look at them but they can send creeps inside you once you try to see through them. In my early years of teenage I had a habit of lurking into houses through windows while walking on the street. Like most of the houses in my city have their backsides towards the streets and most of them have windows on the backside at the eye level of a normally tall teenager. So while walking back to home after school I used to slow down my pace and tried to see what is happening inside houses. The windows, which were mostly open to let the fine summer afternoon air in, worked as portals into the otherwise oblivious worlds of my far off neighbours. Most of the times though it was a disappointment, as the rooms were usually dark in summer days and also there was no one inside. Still, after getting nothing most of the times, I used to look inside the houses to maybe catch a glimpse or two of something interesting. What was interesting and what not? I never thought about defining any boundaries to it. Whatever there was on the other side was interesting to me. Peeping inside windows is fun actually but gross and scary at times too. Let’s just say it; people are weird, superweird when they get some privacy. Privacy reveals the darker you. The backside rooms were very much private in summer afternoons (or people in those houses thought so). So those people (mostly in their late teens) in the houses did a lot of gross and secret things in their privacy, which I very much intruded. While lurking inside those windows i saw guys jerking off to some cheap porn while trying to conceal it from their parents and obviously never enjoying the way they want to because they are on a lookout for their patents. i’ve seen people having sex, taking drugs, girls talking to their boyfriends secretly, and a more weird stuff and when i say weird i totally mean it. After seeing someone i used to build stories in my head about them, about their lives, the circumstances they are in and yeah also i tried to contemplate the adv advantages and the disadvantages of privacy as a teenager. The results? Yeah you guessed it right. Advantages were more than disadvantages and privacy lured me because whatever I say, I can’t deny the fact that back then I was a teenager too.

You must be thinking why’s my head filled with thoughts of windows? Well because right now i am sitting in a window but nobody can see me, why? Well i am on the fifth floor in a ten storey building and we’re not walking on air yet. I should get up now and switch on the lights; it’s both dark and creepy.

The window panes, though made of clear glass, still reflect some of the light and hence act as a mirror in which I can see my face, the image is very faded but is visible enough to distinguish features.

My face is soft and pale with big eyes and small mouth, lips smeared in lipstick. My face is beautiful, they say, I like to better call it deceptive; Never showing what’s inside, never letting others’ eyes to pierce in. Never being a window. It’s getting darker outside and inside and inside my head too.


Beauty! It’s what surrounds me. The place where I am is serene, beautiful and calm. I don’t know exactly where I am but I am happy here. I can feel the calmness inside me. There are trees but they are distant, a stream flows by, I am sitting on one of its pebbled shores, midst dirt, leaves some grass but mostly pebbles, the air is fresh and warm lie a fine summer evening, I feel like I am back on the terrace of my parents’ house. We used to sit on the terrace in summer evenings, savouring some homemade snack with tea. Back in my childhood I was a simple, sweet, little girl short for her age but still adorable. The sun is bright and warm. The heat is rising as I can feel it, irritating my skin. The sun is getting brighter as I am coming close to me, the brightness seems to blind me. As the sun burns me up I feel like those comic book villains who die when exposed to sunlight, but I didn’t die, instead I woke up. I woke up to find myself in a very awkward position half-sitting, half lying on the window sill broad enough to keep me from falling. It’s bright and shiny outside. The sun is entering my room through the glass panes lighting it up.

“Good Morning” I say out loud. As I open my mouth the air around me gets stale and smell of dead and rot. My mouth tastes bitter and stale too. I snap it shut and dare not open it again. I should get up and get a wash. 7:50 (almost), the two hands of my leather strapped wrist watch suggest. I should get up, I can’t sit here whole day, I need to get into routine, weekend is over.



“Oh, God! What a mess have I created” I am thinking loudly. Alone in the room I rent. My carry bag is lying on the floor with its straps all tangled together and is now dirty with dust from the floor. To its left are my broad heeled sandals thrown in a, manner. My wrist watch, the only one I posses, lies on the bed, beside the bangles, red coloured glass loops. My sari, of colour dark blue, lies fully spread half on bed and half on the floor, wrinkled, by its side are other pieces of clothing I wore today, a blouse and undergarments. All thrown in such a manner that the onlooker might think some child was playing with those objects. But there’s no child, I am the one who messed it all up. I think it’s been two hours since I came back from work. It’s getting darker, the sun has long gone. Yes it’s been more than two hours. I should already be preparing dinner. The last proper meal I had was yesterday evening at a cafe, so I am very hungry. I had a tea with toasts for breakfast but that too in such a hurry that it doesn’t even counts. I’ve to eat something soon to avoid fainting, again. The bed is a mess too, all strewn with things. The sheets are dangling from one side, half spread on the floor.

I am lying near the bed on the floor naked except for a towel spread over me. The cemented floor is cold, soothing. The cold tickles my pores, sensations of it, I feel, travel all over my body, it feels good, I feel liberated. I should get up, it’s dark outside.  A diode bulb is dangling from a fixture on the wall, glowing bright, white, cool and soothing. As I get up, the towel falls off. Thanks to god we’re not walking on air yet. I put on a gown and prepare a good dinner for myself.


Back at the window, I love the night sky. The stars are going bright and dull, bright and dull in a rhythmic manner, I am sure there’s music in the universe, though we can’t listen to it. This world is full of  beautiful and wierd things and we are ignorant to most of them. Sometimes we are unable to see and hear the things which are happening around us, sometimes we don’t want to listen and see. We humans can give a tough competition to pigeons in the race of ignorance. Pigeons too have to close their eyes to ignore the approaching cat; we humans can unsee things with our eyes wide open.

I was 11 when I first noticed the colour of my eyes, black with a tinge of brown. The iris in both my eyes is black at the outer rim while the area around the pupil is brown. The part where the black and brown colours meet is hazel. I think I have chimera eyes though I never asked a doctor. I used to sit in front of a mirror for hours looking into the reflections of my own eyes. Eyes are, they say, a path to the insides of a person. I wanted to see inside me.

When I got my first period, I was 13. “You are at a very raw and dangerous age” my mother used to say. I was advised to keep things a

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