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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
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Read books online » Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖

Book online «Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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an ‘Illusion’ of the holistic Reality at its entirety. This we always need to take into account. That is why average human being is in the ‘Illusion’ of Time, Culture and many other realities; especially the ‘Self’ or ‘I’. Very naturally, the human systems – politics, administration, justice-judicial system, policing, economy, education, etc also remain in illusion.

There is another related aspect of the illusion we all live. Our mind consciousness is just a media. It has been designed to process only a miniscule portion and aspect of cosmic information. A Media has its limitation. Media is designed for specific roles, vis-à-vis the information, which could optimize certain goals. For example, there are multiple systems, simultaneously working within our body and mind and every second, they orchestrate thousands of processes. They are all information. We have neural system, metabolic system, circulatory system, respiratory system, endocrine system, etc. All these systems are information processing systems as they constantly interact with external milieus as well as internal milieu. The brain handles them all. However, most of these processes are unconscious and subconscious ones. Our aware conscious layer feels and knows nothing about them. The food we eat is felt only to mouth and beyond that it is processed for hours but we feel nothing. It is our design. If all thousands of these processes and its information every second are put to aware and conscious domain, we shall get mad. Or, we cannot make any sense out of it; probably like the dreams. That is probably why the conscious layer of brain has been spared of the trouble. The conscious layer is assigned only those Information, which primarily pertain to external milieus and its mapping for better maneuverability and management. Naturally, our Media of consciousness is intuitively capable of understanding only a small part of the Reality, because it has access only to a very miniscule portion of Information. It is because it has been designed for limited specific roles. This is ideal situation for ‘Illusion’ to dominate the average cognition. Metaphorically at least; we may say, we humans have been designed to live out Illusions…!

So, we can scientifically philosophize about this hypothesis that probably, when information and causalities or causation innately creates a Media, it probably does so with a restricted role of a very specific nature, suiting to the overall structural equilibrium of an ever entropic universe or portion of the multiverse. This itself creates the divide or dualism of what is possible and what is impossible for physical approachability for a specific Media.

Just for philosophical fun, we can hypothesize a mesmerizing possibility in near future for larger humanity. We all know, how dreams have always baffled and equally mesmerized humanity since ages. Still, we do not know much about dreams but hypothesize that they are the processional outcome of subconscious brain state playing up with information overload that it receives every passing second. We understand that whatever is in the subconscious or unconscious domain, there is no neuro-chemical pathway to connect them with conscious layers. Probably, dreams are the only state of this Media of consciousness, where the subconscious information probably leaks or permeates outside subconscious. As these subconscious information passages are said to come in proximity to visual neural plexus, which is the most abundant and vibrant plexus in advanced brain, we see these ‘leaked’ information as Illusional images in our dreams, when we are in semi-death condition.

Therefore, we may philosophize for fun and ‘happy illusion’ that may be, some day, the brilliant scientists shall find or create a ‘switch’, which shall connect the subconscious domain with conscious one and this pathway would be so brilliant that we shall have definitive ‘access’ to all information, currently hidden and a non-possibility. If that switch is successfully created, may be, this would lead the scientists to create a ‘Causal Switch’, which would bridge up the current gap between pure information and media level language. This way, we shall have access to all information and everything shall fall in the domain of possibility for Physics. That shall pave way for the elusive yet ultimate singular Theory of Everythingness…!

… Jokes apart; what we are talking in this eBook is almost the same. We are also talking about this possible ‘Switch’ that would enable average person to bridge the current gap between intuitive possibility and non-intuitive impossibility. We are talking about this new alternative perspective; a definitive ‘switch over’ from how we approach Reality, especially the knowledge of reality intuitively and what large pool of knowledge is available and possible, if we ‘switch’ to non-intuitiveness. The scientists may take their time to find their magical switch but we average humans simply cannot wait. We need this switch over right now as we are already too far and too deep into the reverse road of darkness. We need to ‘unlearn’ the old, archaic and obsolete knowledge and swiftly switch over to the alternative and contemporaneous knowledge of Reality through the available tool of non-intuitiveness.

Here it is important to reiterate that what we have discussed above is for the sake of understanding the complex idea of Reality. It is not that we can say we know the grains of Reality. Nobody does with definitive certainty. What we have detailed above is also probabilistic and scientific philosophization. As I have always insisted; you must never accept what I say, without assigning it to the evolved skepticism. What we discussed can be accepted as a hypothesis; a metaphor (good or bad) of a probable reality; never a theory. The purpose of we discussing it here is to understand certain aspects of Reality, as scientifically as possible. Science is a complex domain and contemporary science is far more complicated than clear as it is still grappling with many core aspects of Reality. There are still loads of things, which science has to be definitive about. Contemporary Science of Reality probably is too metaphoric and as collective human knowledge of Reality evolves and matures; many of the current metaphors too shall become redundant and shall require replacement and restructuring. As the language grows and matures, metaphors too have to as communication always seeks clarity and specificity of expressions. Knowledge is never static; everything is evolving; thankfully…!

I invite you to delve deep into these aspects and acquire knowledge through self-exploration and with the cherished energy of skepticism, before internalizing them.

Before, we move onto the next chapter, we must have a short glimpse on how humanity and its culture progressed and where we probably went wrong and why. This probably shall help us in having a better insight on what alternative thinking we require now for creating an alternative culture in future for true and lasting wellness and excellence of life-living. Here we go…

There is a hypothesis, which we may take into account, before we proceed to understand the trouble with cultures and their contemporary malaises. A System may be accepted as the natural agency of a shade or dimension of Slavery for all those, who are part of it. To euphemize the expression, we can say that a system is an innate situation for all elements constituting it and part of it, to fall in line with a singular and binding mechanism and processes, which keeps the system alive and kicking. We can say, probably, this is a fundamental requirement for systems to survive and thrive because, it is only through this ‘Slavery’, binding behavior or hardwired discipline the Information can replicate and be shared successfully; with manageable entropy.

Scientists now know that human body-mind has many systems, assigned to different roles but all these systems need to be in perfect Homeostatic Equilibrium for the system to work optimally. A system itself has tools to rectify any aberration or disequilibrium within the system, called Allostatic process. A good system must always have mechanisms to deal with entropic eventualities. Body-mind systems need to keep System-Sanity of highest order as massive information is processed every second and loads of replication and sharing of information goes on continuously. A human infant coming into this world is nothing short of a miracle as it takes billions of fast paced processes for a fetus to evolve into a full bodied baby in the womb. Even a single aberration, misinformation or inappropriate replication can either abort the whole process or cause immense discrepancy in the formation of the child in womb. However, majority of human babies are born almost perfectly right. It means, the systems that were involved in child birth and their billions of processes went nearly perfectly right. How can this happen and that too since millions of years?

This piece of reality is still not available with perfect details but we can scientifically philosophize that this happens because the systems maintain highest degree of hardwired discipline within them so that all their processes are zero error.

Then we can ask next, ‘How do the systems maintain such perfect discipline?’ The answer is still in the domain of scientific philosophization that probably, it happens because these system performances and their access are perfectly isolated from ‘external’ information plexus and millions of participating cells have no subjective ‘consciousness’ and ‘Free Will’ of their own . As we talked before, 98 percent of human body-mind processes are handled by unconscious and subconscious brain states and they are perfectly isolated from the conscious layers, which have active links with external milieus. The unconscious-subconscious processes remain disciplined and uniformly un-deviated because they are probably hardwired and not exposed to direct influence of external elements of the milieus. No doubt, the information from external milieus affect the system by presenting as challenges to adapt to them but this system adjustment processes is entirely internal and the system ‘Free Will’ is largely unaffected by externalities.

Many scientists believe that our universe is also structured and is like a mega computational system, where every information processing is well systematized. They even consider that there is only one ‘Free Will’ and this is that of the universe, as it is the primeval structured information processing mechanism. It is easy to perceive that cosmic system of information processing, if true, shall be uniformly disciplined and impeccably smooth as universe has nothing ‘external’ to it to impact its processes! This however is also a hypothesis. The universe may be or may not be as structured as some feel and even if they are, every system is affected by the innate and entrenched element of Entropy, which keeps eroding the system efficacy. Also, we cannot say with surety whether the universe has something ‘external’ to it or not. Moreover, information itself is so dynamic and powerful entity that no system discipline can be bigger and mightier than that. Entropy seems endemic and entrenched to Information. This too is a hypothesis…!

Now, if we apply these aspects of details to what we may call the cultural systems of human world, we can showcase what is the intrinsic and innate nature of cultures and what troubles it means for human societies and individuals, especially in the contemporary human world, where information is the most powerful energy of destabilization and nothing remains unaffected by its cross-cultural flow. Moreover, the system discipline and assimilative uniformity is almost elusive in most cultures and other human systems of contemporary human world. The entropic propensities of contemporary cultures and systems can be understood!

If we go by the structural requisites and functional specifications of a system, as discussed above, the first thing we notice and probably can say with conviction that in contemporary human world, there probably is no culture, not even a society. There are discrete and independent people in huge numbers, who are only grouped under a political boundary called country. Even the old, archaic and dangerous identity of Nation does not exist anymore in any part of the world. The 7.5 billion people are distributed under only one system of any identifiable nature and that is the political system, within the physical boundaries of different countries. Within the country, there are commonalities only of some faith,

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