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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
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Read books online » Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖

Book online «Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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rituals and old surviving customs but there is virtually no cultural or societal system.

During the ongoing Covid pandemic crisis, we all could see how irresponsibly most people behaved and how the level of self-discipline and self-regulation, which was required as part of the ‘Covid Appropriate Behavior’ system, was hugely missing, resulting in the uncontrolled spread of the pandemic. We could also see how political systems had to resort to force and authoritative controls to ‘discipline’ the mass majority and how average persons reacted to them. No doubt; the Information was also a huge culprit as most people never ever got the right and true Information and most did not trust them. Definitively, the scientists as well as political tribe completely messed up the sanctity and sanity of Information. That is why Information sharing and replication was disastrously poor. The pandemic could never have asked for a ‘better deal’ from the humans as they happily extended every possible avenue for the virus to spread! Covid pandemic exposed the deep roots of entropies the human society, cultures and other human systems have become infested with…

If we could theorize the global Covid Pandemic crisis and present a metaphor for it, we can say with definitiveness that the pandemic exposed how 7.5 billion people failed miserably in understanding and accepting a One Line Information. Rather, they happily messed up this Information and made a mockery of so-called genius of the much acclaimed superiority of human consciousness. The one line Information, which the Covid pandemic crisis messaged was – ‘I live as You Survive’. Probably, first time in the history of human civilization, the Reality extended its best Intelligence to every single human on earth through a simple yet massive potential Information, which said, ‘I can survive only when I keep you safe’. This simple Information is the core, innate and entrenched reality for successful life-living of humanity. It is not only what we can label as ‘Covid Appropriate Behavior’. We humans were the carriers of the virus. It didn’t spread on its own. It needed a media and we depraved, undisciplined and hypocritical humans happily offered the virus a ‘facilitative media’. We spread it as we didn’t care for others. We were ignorant and egoistic. We killed our own family and relatives in bulk. We simply could not understand and accept this simple Information that collective life-living requires this acceptance that I have to keep you safe and healthy then only I can survive. I too shall die finally if I could not ensure the safety-health of you and others. This inevitable ‘contextuality’ of ‘I’ vis-à-vis the collectivity was huge learning for humanity, which was never accepted, nor popularized. The humanity at large failed big time as it could not respect the sanctity and sanity of this simple Information.

It has happened; it is still happening as they all have scammed consciousness and they all live in depraved cultures and societies. The stupid and hypocritical humanity, trigger-happy in its egoistic world of intuitive-illusion, simply could not see beyond their restricted and localized worldview, what basic and core Information the pandemic offered as simple solution. The trouble was, is and shall always be the suffocation and slavery of intuitive thinking and cognition, which fails to see the critical context – Self and its instinctive selfishness is not an isolated expression; it is rather a contextual part in the holism of collectivity. Only non-intuitiveness of cognition could make people see and accept that ‘self’ is not self-sustainable in populist-intuitive positioning of ‘brute selfishness’. Selfishness means and has a probability only when it is assimilated in the holism of collective self. This non-intuitive acceptance of ‘I’ or self is not a ‘Covid Appropriate Behavior’ but a universal life-living code for very survival and wellness of all lives, including humans. The animals cannot understand this as they do not have the evolved brain; humans can but their brain is wasted, simply because they never use it to the optimality of potentials. The cultures, anyways, want them to remain stupid and hypocritical they are…

The reason for such an assertion is clear. Human consciousness has come a long way in the last ten thousand years. The evolution of human consciousness has been typically queer and precarious in the last 50-60 years, which has coincided with the fast but largely organic urbanized life-living. We cannot call the development in human world in the last five-six decades as ‘Urban Culture’ as we know, a culture is a System and a system requires such elements, which are never present in most urban life-living domain. Most urban spheres, barring a few in developed countries, have grown organically; randomly shaped up by survivalist economic compulsions and have become living nightmares in the last two-three decades, after mass migration from rural and rurban hinterlands. However, if for the sake of convenience, we accept that there is something of an urban culture, then this is the huge catalytic element of change in human consciousness.

Humanity settled to a systematic life-living in villages and they truly were the cradle of human civilization. The tribes settled in a village, small or big were truly a cultural system as it was a largely a closed system, with homogeneity of processes and identities of ethnicity. Even early urban centers had great elements of planning and there was clear suggestion of a cultural idea behind the growth of the urban life-living. The ancient city of Mohenjo-daro around 5000 years back was very beautifully planned city. The level of systemic elements in this ancient city was mesmerizing. The rural life-living till a century back was a rather closed cultural system with homogeneity, harmony and inclusion very staunchly marked as their core identity.

As we have hypothesized, all systems are expressions of the processing of Information and for system excellence and optimality, there has to be a harmonized and homogenous milieu, with elements constituting it in an amicably galvanized state of information sharing and replication. The village system of life-living presented this idealism to a critical level and that is why villages proved to be the cradle of human civilization and evolutionary growth. No doubt, this rural idealism had its own share of cultural troubles, which primarily emanated out of the ‘Illusion’ about Reality, the human minds in general had. The urban spheres however present a milieu, completely antagonistic to what human physical-psychological needs are. An average village usually had self-sufficient households, where most daily-life needs got fulfilled within the household itself or within the margins of the village. Needs and availability both were synced in daily and localized life-living. Money, and purchasing was rare and even when occasions came, barter was the preferred medium, till a few decades back. This crucial psychological need of assured ‘self-sufficiency’ within a localized milieu is a hugely missing element in big urban life-living, where every little need for bare survival has to be purchased and that too with money; let alone the needs of a dignified life-living, as assured in rural spheres. Moreover, another very critical psychological need of human life-living is assuring and continued familiarity-amicability with people around and ambient milieus. In typical villages, most families living there are either related with bloodline or settled since centuries. The homogeneity of ethnicity and continuity of familial interactions are usually constant since centuries. Almost all the villagers trace their origin to many common entities and identities. This is hugely missing in most urban spheres, where mass majority of people settle in either as migrants from countryside or living only for a few years owing to livelihood compulsions. There is an eerie ease and cosmetic peace but every urban settler feels the dominant sense of alienation and isolation. He or she feels that their household is like an island in the vast ocean with only ‘trading relationship’ with other households. The sense of alienation, isolation, brute competitiveness and lack of societal-familial security is so predominant in urban spheres that majority of cases of depression and other mental disorders are reported from big cities.

If we consider the whole idea theoretically, we can clearly see that in villages, the flow of information plexus is small, unfettered, homogenous and largely smooth. Moreover, in urban spheres, information is the worst casualty. Information is huge, a precarious mix of real and fake. It is massively controlled and not easily available to all. Naturally, urban systems have poor, restricted and scammed information processing and replication as it channels through different Media. This enhances the load of entropic probabilities and in the long run, a big city becomes the Black Hole of information, where mass of information becomes colossally high and it is so warped that it destroys the very sanity of information flow and processing. The urban spheres in contemporary times, in most part of the earth, especially in vast developing countries, are high entropy systems of information and therefore, always available for major disaster at the smallest instance. The humanity has recently witnessed how cities, especially big cities collapsed on its own weight of systemic bottlenecks and other entropic elements, during the Covid pandemic outbreak. As villages were the ‘cradle’ of human civilization, the cities proved to be the ‘cradle’ of all stupidities, hypocrisies and depravity of humanity. The villages could have remained in continued sanity, had they been not ‘infected’ by migrants returning from their dead ‘livelihood heaven’ in most cities.

We also need to detail one related aspect of human life-living disaster, when we are still into the aspect of how systems are information plexus and why they require elements of Harmony and Homogeneity for survival and excellence. This aspect may further the understanding of how contemporary human cultures and societies are now dead entities and they have been replaced woefully successfully by powerfully corrupt, oligarchic and autocratic political systems and a dominant economic-commercial information regime, which the former presides over with shameless patronage. We cannot be as unashamed to call it an alternative human ‘culture’. Let the sanctity, sanity and symmetry of ‘Culture’ be untarnished by the contemporary stupidities, hypocrisies and depravity of humanity.

It is very humbly suggested here that this entire issue in optimal details has been addressed in the author’s previous eBook titled, ‘Give Me My Crown Back’, available for unrestricted download, like all previous 44 eBooks. Here, we shall talk only about some aspects, which are relevant to our current discussion. The industrial manufacturing boom and growing technological advancements since the mid years of 20th century shifted the focus from farming-mining and therefore the urban places became the new hubs of livelihood and commerce activities. This in turn created the blossoming service sector, which now threatens to crush urban spaces under its weight. The 21st century has completely transformed the rural landscapes as farming growingly became unviable for individuals, thus ‘viable’ only for corporate. The rural handicrafts and cottage industries became uncompetitive and died. The average village, which once was the seed-level self-sufficient unit of human life-living collapsed and became a burden on countries. Globally, especially in developing Afro-Asian geographies, be it China or India, thousands of villages have become ‘Ghost Villages’ as all or most residents have migrated to big cities for livelihood. The villages could not sustain them anymore. They currently survive largely on ‘Remittance’ economy.

This rural migration has been happening since many decades and yet, the reigning political system never ever attempted to re-invigorate the dying rural landscape and also made no significant efforts to intervene in the crowding and haphazardly dangerous organic growth of big cities, due to the large scale migration from rural areas. Unashamedly, rather, they made fruitful political capital out of the sad plight of migrants and those farmers in hardships, who still stayed with unproductive agriculture. Most of the big cities of most developing countries now present a living example of how human success needs only one single element, which is available to everyone – Be Shameless. The Political Tribe of contemporary humanity has left far behind their ancestral tribes of thousands of years back in unleashing such crimes and corruption against their fellow

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