Psychology books read online

Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha (best ereader for pc .TXT) 📖

Book online «Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha (best ereader for pc .TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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purposes, which makes us optimize the true potential of our life and living. We now know, how our body-mind system designs and orchestrates ‘drives’, which install ‘purposes’ that have now lost sanctity and utility; and our un-evolved consciousness only owns them. This slavery is subconscious and embedded in mechanisms and processes of body-brain systems. You begin with a worst scenario. Your birth and commencement of life was the worst, which should not have happened. But; it happened. You could do nothing. The only thing, which can salvage your disastrous beginning, is knowledge you acquire to understand the Reality – the truth. And then, you can consciously weed out those elements out of your life-living, which restrict you from evolving to a true human; leaving behind the slavery of animalistic attributes and depravity of chaotic-conflicted contemporary cultural life-living benchmarks of normality, righteousness and appropriates.

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You as individual are essentially a happy situation. Can you recollect the feel and experiences of the mind state of your early childhood, when you just started to walk and talk! However, as you mature, you seldom see yourself as individual but always as part and parcel of collective – your family, society, culture, nation, religion and other collective identities. Bereft of all collective trappings and identities, you as individual; as your body-brain mechanisms and processes create you and stand you in the infinite cosmos, is some identity, you have never ever recognized, realized and actualized. Once you understand your individuality; once you actualize and internalize your true and real Self or true consciousness, aligned to nothing external to you but only those elements, innate and embedded to your internal beingness; you shall understand and accept the true and real purpose of your life-living. This theme of life-living, detached from causalities and contextuality of collective to actualize and empower your individuality, is at the core of ancient Indian philosophies; especially the Yoga philosophy as well as Buddhist philosophy. They were scripted 1500-2500 years back. Modern and contemporary science has successfully elaborated the objective scientific basis for such ideas in body-brain systems. Understanding and practicing this idea facilitates empowerment of individuality and opens up pathways for novel and alternative blissfulness and satisfactions. This is the golden causality of celebration of life-living. Correct grammar shall lead to great and magnificent poetry. The idea of you as Field, Landscape and Information is the modern, contemporary and objective scientific knowledge, which alone can make it possible. Those who understand and accept this 21st century knowledge alone are eligible for being humans. Rest shall remain slaves and worse than the worst, they were born as.

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There is a definitive way, in which your brain works and the body responds. The contemporary knowledge of neuroscience and artificial intelligence together have unraveled much of the mystery and mysticism about the Cognition of subjective consciousness, or what we feel as ‘I’ or me as subject and protagonist of all actions and behaviors. Since thousands of years, ancient Indian philosophy has warned about the decisive and dominating role of external milieus on individuality of people. Modern science has now unraveled as how consciousness is almost always the slave, not the master of all actions, which emerges as reaction to stimuli in external milieus. The brain-milieu loop of processes shape up all actions and behaviors and consciousness only ‘owns’ it as mine. This reality has been tested and measured in many simulation exercises and neuroscience experiments. It is almost like the computer screen claiming all actions happening on the screen as its own creations, happily denying the reality that a mega plexus of hardware-software of the computer in its holism creates, what is manifesting on screen. As, like the screen, consciousness is the theatre where all actions/behaviors are taking place, it happily owns it. The interface becomes the face and the face becomes the being. This face-obsession or face-centrality in the overall scheme of the idea of consciousness seems to be primarily human. If you could do it; try not to see your face for days and months and feel the change in experience of your own self or ‘I’. Those handfuls, who understand and accept this mechanism and processes can be successful in better analysis and acceptance of their own Will and cognitive spectrum. Those, who cannot, shall always remain slaves, happily living out the deception of being the masters of reality.

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To be human is to be aware and keep evolving with knowledge of self and reality, in time and space progression. All animals have consciousness, in varying degrees and shades. Consciousness does not qualify someone to have the superiority of being human. All animals are aware in their own ways and also evolve. All animals also have some degree and shades of knowledge and they have such varieties of intelligence, humans do not have. However, their awareness, knowledge and evolving is restricted to and automatically-innately aligned only to changes in their ambient milieus. Only humans evolve with knowledge, which their own mind consciousness creates. This knowledge goes ways beyond ambient milieus. Humanity and its specialty-superiority is all about the knowledge about self and reality, which human minds have so meticulously and successfully created over thousands of years. It happens in humans because human brain is complex enough and has evolved suitably to have experiences, which are stacked as memories. As science says, we have knowledge, because we can experience and we can experience because we have knowledge. This cyclicality and dialectical progression of human consciousness creates true human processes of life-living. It is said about science that the scientists first experience something novel and alternative to what reality stands out and then; they finally discover it. Experiences and their processing into stone steps for evolving knowledge is human. Tragically enough, mass majority of humans have their experiences and knowledge confined to aping only what is there in the ambient milieus and never ever initiating a personal enterprise to stretch their experiences and knowledge beyond. This is animalistic.

Only those can qualify as humans, who successfully align themselves with contemporary knowledge of humanity about self and reality. It is like we all automatically learn languages from our ambient milieus. Languages have been created by humans and they are learnt behavior. Anyone, who somehow fails to learn the language, shall never feel part of the human society and shall fail to align itself with cultures. The same situation happens with those, who do not update their knowledge with the collective wisdom of humanity. However, unlike languages, most lack of knowledge does not immediately feel as big impediment in assimilation and integration of individual with collectivity. In fact, as mass majority of people happily live out their ignorance in contemporary human cultures; unaware and unknowledgeable people have better chances of assimilation and integration in modern societies! They even have better probabilities of attaining populist successes. Those, who think and accept that knowledge has no value and utility in their life-living pursuits of successes of indulgences and attainments, are essentially akin to animals. The 99.9% of humanity have no business and inclination about contemporary knowledge pool and plexus of modern humanity. They only react and act; like most animals; to the stimuli in their ambient and very localized external milieus. They are aware only about changes and happenings in ambient environment they survive; very much like animals. They evolve and grow; like animals, only to requirements in their ambient external milieus. Their fitness, successes and worthiness of purposes are all fixed by ambient environments of physical milieus as well as local cultures and identities. These 99.9% animals of human species were potential humans but have ended up only as animals. The grammar of life is missing in them and therefore, there can be very little possibility of poetry of living in them. It is available only to 0.1% humans, who are aware of and evolve with knowledge of contemporary humanity.


Shamelessness and deceitfulness have come to stay as two exclusively human attributes, which most humans acquire soon after their early childhood. They come as necessary tools to not only succeed in hugely competitive and painfully unequal socio-cultural milieus, but simply survive. The subconscious and often conscious elements of shamelessness and deceitfulness keep growing and improving in tenacity and extent as a person becomes young and struggles to stand strong in this brutal human world of depravity, inequality, scamming politics and exploitative economy. Shades of deception have been traced in animal behavior too; especially when confronted with survival crisis. These two elements are definitive killers of potentials of poetry of living. Success kills many realities.

If you analyze the behavior and actions of average person in collective spaces, you can clearly witness, most people use shamelessness and deceitfulness both as shields as well as sword. In their personal spaces, they may be reticent but in family, societal and work places set ups, they put them at the forefront of their normal demeanor. This is what we earlier described as individuality reacting to and getting shaped up by external milieus. Even animal consciousness reacts to competitiveness and complexities of milieus in this way to optimize survival. The causalities make consciousness react and act.

Shamelessness and deceitfulness come up as auto-mode ‘awareness and evolving’ of an individual, contextual to the stimuli from a hugely unequal, competitive, farcical and depraved milieus. This is instinctively animalistic. We have already talked about Attitudes as entropic propensities and expression of human brain system. It is somehow a contemporary pop psychological insinuation to term every such person as Narcissist. Interestingly; almost one in every three persons, is calling someone as narcissist and in majority of cases; this co-called narcissist is a close relative or long acquaintance. The ‘narcissist’ is actually; in most cases, subconsciously reacting to external milieus and their depraved ways; to optimize his or her survival and successes.

The tragedy is that average men and women simply have not been mentally trained since childhood, how not to align their individuality and consciousness with external milieus and evolve one’s personal self in relationship with internal wellness requisites. Mass majority of humans are not educated and trained about the dynamics and manifestations of survival instincts and their situational interactions with society-cultures. The individuality is almost always made to stand in a ‘context’ with collectivity, which is flawed; therefore eliciting deceitful responses. The collective spaces of humanity add to this chaos and conflict by criminalizing and demonizing the innate instincts as well as learnt attitudes; instead of shaping them and orienting them to cooperative and complementing ways. Individuals are not educated; society-cultures only upload hypocrisy. This is double trouble of humanity.

For a vast majority of growing women and men, individuality and personal wellness-demands get sidelined, marginalized and even killed as bare basic issues of survival-success demands of livelihood and life-living security usurp all energies, time and enterprise. In most cases, major part of youthful energy and time is spent on aping and matching up to cultural and localized benchmarks of successes and appropriates. As the external milieus of families, societies, cultures, religions, politics, work places and economy are already highly depraved, conflicted, brutally competitive and full of shamelessness and deceitfulness; a person aligning his or her individuality with external milieus shall always imbibe only these vitiated elements. It is stupid and hypocritical to expect compassion and fraternity in individuals, who are faced with massive inequality, competitiveness and criminal intents of politics and governance in society-cultures. Such individuality can never attain poetry of living.

This has to be understood. A child is not born with any attitudinal traits. It is wired only for inquisitiveness, aping for learning and survival instincts. Shame and deceit are attitudes a child acquires from societal and cultural learning. It is the same with all animals. Innately, a child should learn integrity and cooperation from society and culture. Why? It is because these two elements alone can make a collective space survive and thrive. People in a society or

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