Psychology books read online

Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha (best ereader for pc .TXT) 📖

Book online «Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha (best ereader for pc .TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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the protagonist. This protagonist-syndrome is a restrictive functionality of consciousness, as it is a virtuality; not the reality. We all know how most people instinctively look for the face of a person when they judge their ‘suitability’ in their relationships. Beauty is primarily judged by features of the face; not only of a woman but also a man. People also have this instinctive urge to see their faces in mirror and feel themselves as their facial existence. This obsession, entrenched narcissism and instinctive inclination to accept individuality or ‘self’, as face, is embedded in consciousness. People instinctively fall in love with a ‘suitable’ face – be it a person or a smart-phone! It needs to be accepted with conscious awareness that when we do it, we essentially ignore the holism of a reality. The actual causalities of all finalities are essentially a field or landscape. The ‘face’ of Consciousness is only the frontal and partial media of reality. That is why there is this age old prudence calling humans to look inside and seek the light of the ‘soul’. This idealism or ritualism of soul-searching is metaphor for being aware about the Information field and processes therein. The consciousness has this potential to unravel and decipher all causalities as it is very much the part of the larger field or landscape of information. Naturally, we all need to understand that our Consciousness, the emergent and ever-evolving manifestation of body-brain-milieu cyclicality, is the hugely potentialed Media to decipher and unravel the core Causalities, which engender Realities for us. Only those qualify to be humans, who are aware of this process; diligently use the Media of Consciousness to decipher the Causalities, which affect their life-living Sanity, Success, Bliss and Wellness. If I continue to be angry, since my childhood, only expressing my annoyance; never ever trying to look for what and why my anger happens and then weed out the incitements, I am a stupid and have never grown up. My consciousness is akin to that of animals. I cannot call myself human. Most people are only instinctive media; like animals and never the evolving media. Even some higher animals reflect some thoughtfulness. Those handfuls, who could search, see and alter their field of Information consciously; they are able to lead a life worthy to humans. Those, who don’t and can’t; are actually animals, as is the mass majority of so-called humanity.

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As mentioned at the very start, the worst has already happened to you and you could do nothing to reverse it or improve it. Almost every living person, at one time or other in his or her lifetime, asks as why he or she was made to be born. This helplessness is very natural. However, your birth happens not as your choice because, selection or any other personal reality happens only after you are born. That is why it is primarily you, who has to be in control of all choices and purposes once you have happened; much against your own will! You can control only when your consciousness has the eligibility to be empowered enough to have widest possible Information about Reality. Every passing second, you are only complicating this worst more and more. Since millions of years, billions of women and men happened as the primeval and transcendental Cosmic Information needed them as ‘Media’. They happened only to perform a role – the passing of Information (genetic) to future Media; which is worthless and purposeless ‘Process’, in the overall massive and infinite process of Cosmic Information. You and I too have happened with the same unworthiness and unpurposefulness. The Earth or cosmos would not have anything wrong or missing, if humans would not have happened. The roles, purposes, utilities, worth, successes, dreams, desires, attainments, possessions, et al; as designed and installed in your childhood unconscious and subconscious mind, are ‘Decorations’ of the unworthiness and unpurposefulness. It is like the dresses you wear. Your nakedness; you were happily born with, does not seek or need them. If we could look at all ‘appropriates’ and ‘normality’ in their holism and innateness; we can clearly see, they are creations of human cultures only and have no ‘purpose’ or ‘utility’ in cosmic expansiveness of reality. The dead may have million ‘embellishments’ but they are futile for the dead person. Those billions, who came to life before you; they created these ‘Embellishments of the Dead’ and you are only aping them. Your consciousness simply ‘owns’ something, which is a borrowed choice or purpose. You neither consciously designed them nor willed them. You do it and even feel having utility out of it, not because you know they are great and blissful. You do it because your mind consciousness has been trained since childhood to accept worth in them. The pig baby eats shit and garbage. The mother pig did it and the baby pig only aped it and relished. Information is Reality. The properties and attributes shape up the Field or Landscape of Consciousness. What attributes and properties, this field or landscape of your consciousness is populated and pervaded with; is often not your conscious choice. They were uploaded to your hardware. However, they decide you and you subconsciously ‘own’ them. Pig also has Consciousness; though not as ‘evolved’ as humans. Humans also relish garbage of ‘embellished’ superiorities. Those, who very consciously and after thoughtful validation, weed out subconscious ones, truly install and ‘own’ their personal attributes and properties to shape up their Field of consciousness, alone qualify to be humans. Rest is animals.

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Evolutionary biology, neuroscience and artificial intelligence together and their collective contemporary knowledge of human body-brain mechanism have very successfully cleared mists and mysticisms of past and existing mediocre and depraved cultures and illusioned life-living. It is now clear beyond reasonable doubts that you and I are nothing special in the scheme of evolution of species. Human superiority, as we see and are now used to, is not something which qualifies us to declare ourselves as Creations of something very special and powerful as God. We humans were not created any special. Rather, we were not created at all, the way we stand today. We evolved from a stage of a very vulnerable animal species to a species, in the very long and painful journey of time and space, which now stands as something ‘potentially’ special. The specialty of human race happened because of the geniuses of handful of humans, who devised and designed ways to survive and excel even in deadliest of challenges in external and internal milieus. We were not designed superior; we toiled and persevered to become superior. Many animal species have some or other far better body-brain morphological constructs than we humans. Even a dog has five times better olfactory perceptional capacities than we humans. Ants make structures, which can shame humans. How bees communicate to other members of the group about external realities they face is a marvel scientists have deciphered and it is a genius of its type. No doubt, humans evolved in a particular way because of the specific challenges they faced in their ambient milieus. Their own restrictive body attributes made them align to such causalities, which evolved their brains in a specific way, leading to a better and complex consciousness and cognition. This ‘specialty’ however, is only a potential. We all know, in the long history of humanity of around 4 million years, only a handful people, less than 0.1% of human population could rise to such levels of superior intelligence and understanding, which created marvels. Rest of 99.9% humans only ape or follow what 0.1% creates. It has been a fact of past and still a contemporary reality. The simple fact is; human potential, which supplies its ‘specialty’, is not something all humans can attain in auto-mode availability, as it is not wired in brain states. Human superiority is not generic; only the potential is generic. This potential too is hugely eclipsed and emaciated in contemporary human cultures, which is now so heavily skewed and oriented towards the benefit and wellness of less than 10-15 percent of human population. Human superiority is ‘specific’ to only the handfuls, who toil hard and persevere to evolve a consciousness, which can see, visualize and accept Reality in its holism. Human specialty is only a potential, which only 0.1% humans can attain with personal enterprise. The potential is attained only by those, who are aware, can and do understand what truly human strength is and what human disabilities are. Only those, who work on their strengths and weed out debilitations, can attain the status of being evolved humans. Rest of the 99.9% human population only ape and follow. The tragedy of human world is also generic. Most children are subjected to an education system, which is old, archaic and obsolete. They only train to ape and be a productive repository of all sorts of junk ideas and information. The society and cultures also encourage children and young to ape; seldom providing infrastructure and support to be creative and innovative. Most young are educated with a specific eye on getting a good job. There is no institutionalized mechanism to train young ones about life-living and reality of the world we live in. It is left for the parents, relatives and society. The growing up individual ends up being a dumping bag of all garbage knowledge of humanity. Cultures are supposed to optimize potentials in every new born child, as it grows up and attains adulthood. The cultures are now all dead. They fill up a growing child largely with conflicts, confusion, competition and anger. The politics of the day, which has successfully built its own empire on dead cultures, want only apes and slaves. They kill potentials most.

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It is said, all humans are born free but everywhere, they are in chains. If it is true then it is also a fact that the slavery is primarily induced and perpetuated by individual itself. We enslave ourselves; we build and put our own chains. We are the slaves of our own mechanisms and processes. Then, we add the slavery of choices, by aping the populist cultural benchmarks of depraved normality. That is why most scientists and modern day philosophers accept that there is no Free Will. We all are slaves of our own body-brain mechanisms and processes. This however also suggests that if an individual can and does enslave itself, the same individual is then also the Potential Master! If someone can enslave an entity, he or she sure is the Master. The contemporary knowledge of neuroscience and artificial intelligence makes us understand with sufficient clarity how our brain works and what mechanisms and processes our neural plexuses and brain states engender to install the ‘slavery’ of fixed and benchmarked behavior/actions. We now have the scientific knowledge to understand what brain processes and neural mechanisms create and install the semblance of Will in us and what makes us rise above it. Unfortunately, mass majority of humans have no desire and awareness about the new knowledge and wisdom of modern day humanity. They still own the archaic and obsolete ideas of millenniums old cultures and faith-systems. They happily align all causalities in their body-mind as well as external milieus with the depraved and decayed ideas of religion, spiritualism, abstract philosophies, pop psychologies and popular lore. Those handfuls, who are aware enough to understand the processes and consciously design personal enterprises that install novel and alternative utilities and worth in life-living and design some semblance and shades of Free Will, alone qualify to be humans. Rest of the 99.9% are slaves and happily assigned to aping and following culture of transcendental slavery of cultural appropriates. There are only handfuls of masters. Rest of humanity remains happy slaves of their own unconscious choices. As we have talked earlier; 75-80 percent humans of the 7.5 billion people on Earth

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