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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
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Read books online » Psychology » Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity by Santosh Jha (the best e book reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity by Santosh Jha (the best e book reader .txt) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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decisively the biggest and worst hypocrisy of humanity that now this individual or person is nowhere in picture in scheme of things of society, culture, economy, markets, politics and even scientific and technological advancements. Rather, personal sanity gets more degraded and emaciated as collective efforts for so-called ‘betterment’ of life-living of common men and women go up. The most glaring example of this worst hypocrisy is how globally, human education system is being majorly shaped, designed and devised to generate ‘Efficient Workers’ for economic activities, which in turn create handful of billionaires and reduce the majority of average men and women as ‘machines’ and slaves. Human education is no more designed for enhancing and improving personal sanity and system of individual because, it shall create men and women with a strong sense of liberty, purpose and direction. This shall be trouble for politics, governments and businesses! An individual must see and accept this ‘causality’ of chaos in his or her life and living.

Since thousands of years, humanity has had the critical question of who he or she is and what is his or her situation in the station of life as well as in the larger context of cosmos. This question has been the very basis of all spiritualism as spiritualism simply means deciphering the ‘Causality of Connect’ of individual with all entities in internal as well as in external milieus, extending to the universe itself. Somehow, the first part of the transcendental question as ‘Who Am I’ has been handled well by spiritualism, philosophy and now modern science. However, the second part as what is the causality or context of connect of an individual with all external milieus has not been duly and appropriately handled either by spiritualism, philosophy or science. A singular, holistic and objective answer to the second part of question is a must for sustenance of personal sanity, system, order, purpose and poise.

This however is another domain of impossibility. This impossibility stems out of the very contextual and relativist nature of Reality. As different people shall accept different contexts and relative positioning of ‘I’ or self vis-à-vis the milieus, there can never be a singular idea or idealism about human context of connect with external world. Moreover, as milieus always present powerful causalities to all humans living at a time and space, the ever evolving and changing milieus and their emergent trends shall keep changing individual’s context of connect with milieus and the universe. As average individual has ingrained propensity for aping or going with the mainstream, there shall always be a majority-trend that shall define, shape and design collective consciousness and cognition, which majority of individuals shall love to follow and accept.

Therefore, there is always a populist answer of what the purpose of life is and what individuals should accept as core principle of the ‘connect’ and interaction with external world. Any alternative answer or interpretation may exist and stay but shall always be a minority viewpoint and shall trade behind the populist perception. Globally, what we are seeing in contemporary world is this situation where majority of people are almost blindly in linearity and sync with populist majority worldview of accepting ‘Evolving and Empowerment’ as continuous growth of consumption and comfort. This core populist idea may have many shades and varieties, having a mix of consumption and even a rebel against it but actually, every shade shall essentially be a manifestation of the populism of consumption and comfort. There are alternative viewpoints and perspectives of human connect and context with external milieus but they are very much a minority viewpoint, only few individuals follow in their personal life-living.

The most critical question that humanity confronts today is, do we have a possibility of accepting that the contemporary populist viewpoint, which majority of over 7.5 billion people are accepting and following, may not be the right or appropriate one and secondly, can we have a singular alternative perspective that can be accepted as the holistic, objective and right realism for human connect with its milieus? We try to test the possibility of such a probability here.

Any model of personal sanity must take into account the basics of our body-brain mechanism and process as it is where Reality is created, plays out and ends, for all practical purposes. We now know a lot about how our brain works and that alone determines what possibly could be a model of personal sanity. We can say with reasonable amount of conviction that brain works on the basis of association. This process of association starts in the womb itself. Scientific researches tell us that even while still in mother’s womb, the baby begins to associate with the sound of the mother and other things in the ambient milieus. It is because brain is designed for optimizing survival and therefore, even before the child could begin his or her journey out of the mother’s womb, the brain begins to associate all information from the external milieus. The brain of the new born continues to do so up to the age of eight or ten.

This we have talked about as the auto-mode learning process of brain states, especially the subconscious mind, which constitutes major portion of our early learning. The subconscious brain state ensures suitability and optimization of a child in his or her milieus by this innate, wired and automatic process of association, thus creating a pattern and plexus of belief-system, perspectives and worldviews as the child grows and attains adulthood. These belief-systems, which association processes create as auto-mode learning, engender a plexus of identities for an adult to which a person adheres to as dearly as for his or her life. These identities and belief-systems become his or her personality. That is why it becomes a trap for him or her.

Most troubles begin from here. This identity and association dualism breeds loads of hypocrisies and in long run traps a person in deep abyss of stupidity and insanity that the world is so full of. We need to see and understand that human crisis and the resultant crisis of the human world emanate out of this ‘stupidity’ of the brain mechanism and process, which Mr. Brain thinks is the most ‘intelligent’ thing to do! Why? This dualism needs to be unraveled and understood to clearly understand how the solution of everything is in our brains itself as it is our brain mechanism and process, which are behind most of our troubles and that of the humanity.

Science clearly says that humans are not, by nature a logical, reasoned and receptive creature. Humans are instead totally reactive, instinctive and intuitive being. Human behavior is determined entirely by the interaction – competition, cooperation, coordination, between his various instincts, which are genetically determined neural mechanisms provided by evolution for behavioral guidance. Therefore, an adult men or woman is wired to grow as an instinctive being, if he or she is not trained for alternative intelligence, required for sanity in societal living.

It is so because evolution’s ‘intelligence’ is not aimed at making a man or a woman as a good, compassionate and righteous person. Evolution didn’t come up with these packages. Evolution was designed for singular intelligence of survival. That is why our brain is designed and genetically wired for this ‘intelligence’ of association-building and identity-generation. This identity generation ensures success of a human child in the milieus he or she has to live because human body-mind make up has evolved as gregarious creatures. That is why aping, association building with prevalent and dominant identities and belief-systems of the milieus and demography has been embedded in human brain mechanism and processes as ‘Primary Intelligence’.

However, this intelligence of our brain becomes the single largest causality of most of human troubles, be it at personal levels or at societal levels. This evolutionary intelligence was good for very early lives of our ancestors thousands of years back. Modern human dates back to 4 million years and science confirms that even the modern human has the original genetic design dating back to the suitability of that time period. However, as humanity evolved, history is testimony of the fact that this instinctive design of humanity brewed all troubles for human world.

This design for associations installed in human behavior and action, a subconscious rigidity and dogmatism for ‘Identities’. This resulted into creation of tribes and reactionary tribal loyalty for the identity. Therefore, human history has been a sordid and bloody saga of wars between different tribes and identities. Modern scientists warn that this tribal instinct is still very much alive and kicking in modern human and human world. In fact, the new millennium of 21st century has witnessed the revival of identity instincts and contemporary global crisis has this very powerful degenerative and regressive reversal to ‘ethnicity’ conflict and cooperation, pushing the world into another crisis. The two calamitous world wars of humanity also had their seeds in this tribal instinct of identity.

This identity instinct and ethnicity-loyalty is singular major insanity-point for average man and woman at individual and personal level too. As we have talked earlier, humanity has come a long way since 4 million years back, when our tribal instincts ruled us and made life-living succeed. This age-old instinct is now regressive and degenerative. This primary ‘intelligence’ of 4 million years back is singular calamitous ‘stupidity’ in 21st century world. Our regressive and degenerative tribal instinct of rigidity and dogmatism of ‘Identity’ is surely leading us to extinction. This is evident and overly manifested everywhere – society, culture, politics, economy, markets and even family relationships. This is the biggest ‘unlearning’ challenge for humanity.

Humanity at collective levels have always been blind to these realities and remain so. Earlier humanity could probably be forgiven for pushing fellow humans into miseries of war and distress as they were not aware of the scientific facts about human nature and functioning of human mind consciousness. However, contemporary humanity cannot be pardoned for continuing to ape and even augment the same age-old regressive and degenerative stupidities and insanities. But the fact remains that given the attitude of contemporary societal, cultural and political leadership and the complex state of international economics, it seems impossible that sanity can ever have any possibility in modern world. Therefore, sanity is possible only at personal levels and individualistic domain.

It is human design and also innate need to connect with all elements outside in the milieus. The very innate process of association building is for the crucial need to express one’s connect with all elements within and outside, as a child grows into adulthood. In broad terms an individual’s journey to maturity requires this essential liberty to establish association and connect with all elements in the milieus to express his personality, feelings, beliefs and perspectives. Liberty means this freedom of every person to express himself or herself.

However, we know that this liberty is a contextual reality. It is because, an individual’s growth and evolving into adulthood happens in society, culture and a political-economic system. Liberty of an individual therefore is contextual to society and other collectivities and it means, an individual’s liberty is always conditional to some reasonable restrictions and authoritative collective norms and rules. Naturally, liberty of a person, the rights of an individual to grow in expression of his or her associations and connects with elements in milieus are always competitive and restrictive. This creates a struggle, which in turn encourages reactionary and instinctive energies, leading to augmented probabilities of hypocrisies and insanity.

It is a precarious dualism, which needs to be resolved for personal sanity. An individual’s expression of his or her ‘I’ or self is meaningful and of a utility and worth only when it is associated and connected with collective spaces like society, culture, markets, nations, etc where billions of other individuals are out vying for the same. It has no meaning if a person opts to leave human world and live in a jungle alone. He or she has 100 percent liberty and zero percent competition but also no association and connect. This happens only in

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