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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity by Santosh Jha (the best e book reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity by Santosh Jha (the best e book reader .txt) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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order, which could have ensured reasonable parity in life-living essentials.

There is almost a common hypocrisy globally and there is little initiative to do away with it. From the available knowledge of human body-mind mechanism and processes, it is evident to all that the worst enemy of human wellness and excellence is STRESS – Physical as well as Mental. The pollution in milieus, cluttered unnatural living, precarious work cultures, unhealthy and suicidal lifestyle choices, tainted and imbalanced food, complex life-living, stressed relationships, insecurities, conflicts, confusion, anxieties, etc. They are mostly the outcome of the personal, societal, political and economic choices the humanity has made and continues to plunge deeper into the malady every day. This central issue is not being addressed by the contemporary intellect of humanity.

If scientific studies confirm that global wellness levels has not enhanced post second world war in nearly 75 years, as wellness is a function of many tangible and intangible elements, then what is the good news behind all that obsession with economic growth and technological advancement? In fact, it may well be accepted that probably this very contemporary model of economic growth and technological advancement have unleashed such entropic energies in human life-living that it has nullified and zeroed whatever gains growth-story could muster up in the last century. This may be debatable as there is no definitive global data or deep study that could prove it. Still, this much we all can see and say that the very innocuous and simple question, ‘Are You Happy’, has come to stay as so much complex and complicated one that the ‘Conflict and Confusion’ over this question itself and its answer has soared sky high!

This conflict and confusion has evolved so fast and deep – laterally and vertically that it has come to stay as defining emotion or state of mind of average human in contemporary world. It is definitely contrary to the very core notion of ‘growth’ and development. With time, as a natural progression, human knowledge and wisdom increases and with enhancement of collective human knowledge comes growing clarity, objectivity, linearity of perceptions and most importantly, a confidence in average person that he or she lives in a world that has the intellect to ensure his or her wellness. But it seems, the reverse has happened with passage of time. The level of conflict and confusion has enhanced. Much of it can safely be ascribed to growing volatility and hypocrisies in political and economic domains. Science has also added its own quota of confusion and conflict, instead of removing them as what reaches average person is pseudo science and not the pure science.

Human life-living is most powerful continuity of the universe. Humanity has survived and prospered, despite all odds and challenges that often threatened to mitigate it. This happened primarily because average human mind consciousness has firm and archetypal belief in continuity. This continuity comes from his or her linkages with past and associated hopes of betterment in future. Everything from religion to culture and from family to society have been designed on the basis of this strong and ingrained belief in his or her continuity in life and even after life. This continuity is the singular most powerful support system for sanity of average man and woman. It is still debatable, because of lack of sufficient data, yet seems sufficiently perceptible that there is loads of confusion and conflict in contemporary milieus and life-living that has eroded or we may say, eroding the Sanity of Continuity for average person.

It is for everyone to see and accept that most of humans have this populist perception and belief that contemporary politics and economy has solutions for whatever problems and troubles it has in his or her life-living. In contemporary world, average person’s linkages, dependence and adherence to politics and economy has increased, compared to 20th century life-living, when it was norm to look for solutions in personal, familial and societal spaces. This itself is a huge shift from somehow more compassionate and less competitive spaces to a hugely competitive and least compassionate domain. This shift is telling on the sanity of individuals as it has shaken up the core comfort of continuity in life-living as both politics and economy are majorly instable and discontinuous landscape compared to family, relationships and society.

Though there is insufficient data to have any definitive linkages between suicides and this contemporary world shift in ‘linkages/dependence’ of average person, we can clearly see how trends suggest this is no impossibility. As per the world health organization (WHO) report, close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year, which is one life lost every 40 second. More calamitous fact is that, as per WHO, for each adult who died by suicide, there may have been more than 20 others attempting suicide. Interesting is the fact that suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds globally. Moreover, around 80 percent of all suicides occurred in low and middle-income countries in 2016.

Experts do admit that suicides rates have increased sharply and prime reason is growing stress but it is still difficult to detail the specificities of suicide. However there are enough indicators. It is estimated that suicide rates may have increased around 30 percent in just last 20 years. It is also known that suicide rates are considerably high among males, especially in higher income countries. All these hint at the pattern, we have mentioned in above paragraphs. It is accepted that men have more ‘linkages-adherence-dependence’ on polity and economy compared to women, who are known to have deeper and more stabilized ‘linkages-adherence-dependence’ on family and society. Also, suicide being second largest killer in 15-29 age group also points at the possibility that this age group have more augmented and predominant ‘continuity-deficit’ and insecurity about their future. They also may be accepted as a section of population having more ‘linkages-adherence-dependence’ with polity-economy than family-society. The very fact of sharp rise of suicides in most societies, irrespective of economic status is also effectively points out at a possibility that there probably is some ‘critical shift’ in the traditional support systems that average person had in the past.

We do not have enough data support and history of suicides over the decades and therefore, specificity is missing but probabilities do point out to a probable change in some critical element that is disturbing some old and traditional sanity. This same fact can be said about depression, which is also rising fast across the globe and is definitely linked with suicides and other entropic behavior. There is now reasonably sufficient data about the crisis of depression in contemporary life-living. As we have mentioned earlier, experts do tell us that there is sound tangible aspects of the growing menace of depression. It is estimated that depression and anxiety disorders cost global economy US$ 1 trillion each year. If the troubles like suicide, depression and many more human incapacitations have grown to such huge magnitude, it needs to be accepted that globally, things are not precisely well. There are tangible causes of such troubles and humanity and its mightily intelligent leadership cannot say this all is merely personal crisis.

We are not intending to go into detail of this possibility of linking major human troubles to polity and economy. This is also not possible for an individual to do just by assessing available data. It requires global studies and detailed scientific researches to arrive at any definitive conclusion. What we intend to do here is just be aware about this majorly critical possibility. For this eBook, we are just inclined to accept it as a hypothesis that contemporary global scenario very potently hints at the possibility that most contemporary human troubles have linkages with the way current day polity and economy have shaped up in the last 50 years and how they handle their assigned task for human wellness.

This hypothesis is being accepted to enlist the need for a cognitive change in the way an individual associates himself or herself with polity and economy in contemporary times. This hypothesis also works for an individual to allow the energy of skepticism to revisit his or her current linkages with polity and economy for his or her personal sanity, wellness, order and poise. Moreover, this hypothesis also seeks to alarm an individual to reassess and revisit his or her personal connect and context with family and society.

There is this perspective to test the validity that probably, there is an urgent requirement of course-correction by an individual about how he or she relates and associates with family and society on one hand and polity and economy on other hand. It is also about how there happens a cognitive change in these associations, so that an individual himself or herself gets to assess what is better option for his or her sanity and wellness. We have just hypothesized and presented a probability of causality.


Stupidity About Good Life And Happiness

Every system has singular, basic and broad mechanism and process. That is an ‘Input-Output’ causality. This is fundamental economics that is the core critical operative principle of all systems. There is a ‘Demand’ side that may well be deemed as energy of initiation of an enterprise and very naturally, it engenders a causality of ‘Supply’ side. Most systems work on the demand-supply causality. The causalities may be complex or simple but there shall always be some ‘Cyclicality’ between the two elements of demand and supply. We all know this simple economics. We just need to extend it in its holism in all aspects of life-living.

When we talk about good life and happiness of life-living, it is crucial to understand this Cyclicality of Causality of demand-supply as most stupidities and hypocrisies of an individual as well as the humanity in general emanate out of that. Global stupidities and hypocrisies are seeded, nurtured and idolized in this domain of life-living economics. Interestingly enough, in this economics lies the seed of happiness too!

We all know by our own experience that any system that is more complex and diverse shall naturally have better optimality and excellence. However, more complex a system becomes, higher is its entropy. It is all about how simple and less stressed is a system that shall ensure less chances of it going awry. This has a simple rule – if there is higher demand on the system for performance and productivity, there shall be more complexities involved to ensure the quantity and quality of supply. Naturally, high system demand puts pressure on supply requisites, requiring systems to gradually grow complex and diversified. This in turn shall generate innate and entrenched propensities for entropy.

We also very well know and accept how every system in our milieus have become hugely complex, diversified and multi-faceted because of high demand pressure for supplies. Thanks to the unmanageable population and its demands for ‘Good Life’. Naturally, most systems are stressed and this innately unleashes entropic elements of 3Cs – Confusion, Conflict and Chaos. All human systems, be it personal, familial, societal, cultural, political, economic or spiritual; has now become complex and stressed because of over-performance and higher optimality. This is because of ever-enhancing demand pressure, requiring increased supply optimality.

Over the years, the human world is facing a calamitous dualism. The technologies of the systems have improved massively on the one hand but on the other, human mediocrity has increased too, because, the quality of education and training, which is required for excellence in the new ‘high-performance’ systems have gone down considerably. Naturally, most systems have now enhanced propensities of higher entropies. Moreover, the entropy has to increase proportionately as system excellence for enhanced performance goes up beyond a certain point of criticality. As is common in most system, there always are planned backups and support systems for higher optimality of performance but very few systems have strong structures with functional excellence to restore and rehabilitate the destabilizations and diastrophic situations caused by compounding entropy. The result is

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