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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
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Read books online » Psychology » Sanity Is Impossibility by Santosh Jha (free children's ebooks online .txt) 📖

Book online «Sanity Is Impossibility by Santosh Jha (free children's ebooks online .txt) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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further facilitate detachment of consciousness from the causalities and its context and relational elements. The higher consciousness shall lead the journey to disengagement of ‘I’ or self as Media to internal as well as external causalities. It means, an individual shall not be an ‘object’ but gradually shape itself to become a true and real subject. This true and real subject shall have the empowered and authoritative Will and Cognition to command all causalities to play out Realities in a way that optimize sanity, system, order, purpose and poise. This real and true subject, the empowered and evolved individual shall be ‘master’ of all causalities of love, fear, anxiety, desire, empathy and associations and not the ‘slave’ of them all.

From ancient times, dating back to over 3000 years, philosophy as well as spiritualism has talked about arriving at this holism of higher consciousness for attainment of sanity, purpose and poise. The Yogic philosophy spoke of evolving consciousness to such a stage where it is aligned and assimilated to the holism of cosmic causality, rising above the microcosmic causalities of body, mind and milieus. The very word Yoga (Union) means this emancipation of an individual from localized and reactionary causalities and assimilation into the more holistic, objective and macrocosmic causality of the cosmos. Ancient philosophies are not religion; they are objective expression of realism of holism, which larger humanity must acquire but always squanders.

The Buddhist philosophy also speaks of the same eventuality but in a slightly different language. The difference is only linguistic; the intent of the content is the same. Buddhist philosophy speaks of observance of all elements of context and relativism of causalities that are there within and outside the body-mind media. It also suggests the principle of final utility of holism by ‘prescribing’ the mystical ‘middle-path’. This middle path is actually the hint at holism as the middle is symbol of having the reality of everything. The Yogic philosophy also spoke of ‘Witness-Mode’ consciousness as situation of higher consciousness, which stands aloof and away from body-mind media and could ‘witness’ with objectivity every sensory causalities that the media receives and transmits.

The western philosophy of ‘Do not be, you shall be’ also hints at the same notion. It speaks of the realism that if you do not become the ‘being’ that is shaped and designed by the causalities of the body-mind media, you shall become the true and real ‘being’ – the higher consciousness of Holism. Therefore, it seems that human wisdom has always been common because we all have this mechanism of our body-mind media itself to attain and arrive at personal sanity, system, order, purpose and poise. If all ancient wisdoms from all parts of the different and segregated humanity had common thread of realism, it can be concluded that sanity is actually embedded in human mechanism of body-mind media itself. All we need is to arrive at the right consciousness of Holism and unleash the right processes to attain sanity.

Here, it is important to mention that in ancient Indian philosophy, there is a mention of a step further in evolution to ultimate empowerment. We have talked about the need to detach consciousness from the causality and its context and relativism for attainment of sanity, system, order, purpose and poise. The Yogic philosophy and spiritualism however accepts this as only the first step towards total empowerment and emancipation. This is perfectly in line with contemporary scientific realism too. It says, the consciousness, or for that matter higher consciousness is a media too and perfect and total emancipation means detachment from all media. Therefore, an individual has the further journey of ‘unlearning’ the consciousness too. The journey shall end when an individual dumps, disconnects and detaches from Higher Consciousness too and delinks from all causalities, be it microcosmic or macrocosmic. The modern science calls it the non-local consciousness and ancient Yogic philosophy called it the state of Kaivalya – The finality of ‘Onlyness’.

This is some very tough and debatable idea, which we are not going to venture into as it requires bigger canvas for deliberations. It is rather hugely debatable whether this state of perfect detachment and delinking is even possible or not. The state of Onlyness is a huge topic and the author wishes to talk about it all in his next eBook, sometimes later, if life permits! For most practical purposes, an individual should limit himself or herself to the first stage of detachment and delinking as it is sufficient enough for sanity. The only condition is that this needs to be kept practicing life-long as personal sanity shall always be tested and intruded upon by collective insanity, hypocrisies and stupidities. Also, only practice makes things perfect. Sanity is for life and therefore, practicing should also be life-long!


Cognitive Change Two: Since thousands of years, humanity has had the critical question of who he or she is and what is his or her situation in the station of life as well as in the larger context of cosmos. This question has been the very basis of all spiritualism as spiritualism simply means deciphering the ‘Causality of Connect’ of individual with all entities in internal as well as in external milieus, extending to the universe itself. Somehow, the first part of the transcendental question as ‘Who Am I’ has been handled well by spiritualism, philosophy and now modern science. However, the second part as what is the causality or context of connect of an individual with all external milieus has not been duly and appropriately handled either by spiritualism, philosophy or science. A singular, holistic and objective answer to the second part of question is a must for sustenance of personal sanity, system, order, purpose and poise.

This probably is however another domain of impossibility. This impossibility stems out of the very contextual and relativist nature of Reality. As different people shall accept different contexts and relative positioning of ‘I’ or self vis-à-vis the milieus, there can never be a singular idea or idealism about human context of connect with external world. Moreover, as milieus always present powerful causalities to all humans living at a time and space, the ever evolving and changing milieus and their emergent trends shall keep changing individual’s context of connect with milieus and the universe. As average individual has ingrained propensity for aping or going with the mainstream, there shall always be a majority-trend that shall define, shape and design collective consciousness and cognition, which majority of individuals shall love to follow and accept.

Therefore, there is always a populist answer of what the purpose of life is and what individuals should accept as core principle of the connect and interaction with external world. Any alternative answer or interpretation may exist and stay but shall always be a minority viewpoint and shall trade behind the populist perception. Globally, what we are seeing in contemporary world is this situation where majority of people are almost blindly in linearity and sync with populist majority worldview of accepting ‘Evolving and Empowerment’ as continuous growth of consumption and comfort. This core populist idea may have many shades and varieties, having a mix of consumption and even a rebel against it but actually, every shade shall essentially be a manifestation of the populism of consumption and comfort. There are alternative viewpoints and perspectives of human connect and context with external milieus but they are very much a minority viewpoint, only few individuals follow in their personal life-living.

The most critical question that humanity confronts today is, do we have a possibility of accepting that the contemporary populist viewpoint, which majority of over 7.5 billion people are accepting and following may not be the right or appropriate one and secondly, can we have a singular alternative perspective that can be accepted as the holistic, objective and right realism for human connect with its milieus? We try to test the possibility of such a probability here and then move onto our slated acceptance of the cognitive change about how for personal sanity, an individual should accept a model of connect and context with his or her milieus.

Any model of personal sanity must take into account the basics of our brain mechanism and process as it is where Reality is created, plays out and ends. We now know a lot about how our brain works and that alone determines what possibly could be a model of personal sanity. We can say with reasonable amount of conviction that brain works on the basis of association. This process of association starts in the womb itself. Scientific researches tell us that even while still in mother’s womb, the baby begins to associate with the sound of the mother and other things in the ambient milieus. It is because brain is designed for optimizing survival and therefore, even before the child could begin his or her journey out of the mother’s womb, the brain begins to associate all information from the external milieus. The brain of the new born continues to do so up to the age of eight or ten.

This we have talked about as the auto-mode learning process of brain states, especially the subconscious mind, which constitutes major portion of our early learning. The subconscious brain state ensures suitability and optimization of a child in his or her milieus by this innate, wired and automatic process of association, thus creating a pattern and plexus of belief-system, perspectives and worldviews as the child grows and attains adulthood. These belief-systems, which association processes create as auto-mode learning, engender a plexus of identities for an adult to which a person adheres to as dearly as for his or her life. These identities and belief-systems become his or her personality. That is why it becomes a trap for him, illustrated in the above-mentioned reality of ‘You are in your perspectives and your perspectives are in you’.

Most troubles begin from here. This identity and association dualism breeds loads of hypocrisies and in long run traps a person in deep abyss of insanity that the world is so full of. We need to see and understand that human crisis and the resultant crisis of the human world emanate out of this ‘stupidity’ of the brain mechanism and process, which Mr. Brain thinks is the most ‘intelligent’ thing to do! Why? This dualism needs to be unraveled and understood to clearly understand how the solution of everything is in our brains itself as it is our brain mechanism and process, which are behind most of our troubles and that of the humanity.

Science clearly says that humans are not, by nature a logical, reasoned and receptive creature. Humans are instead totally reactive, instinctive and intuitive being. Human behavior is determined entirely by the interaction – competition, cooperation, coordination, between his various instincts, which are genetically determined neural mechanisms provided by evolution for behavioral guidance. Therefore, an adult men or woman is wired to grow as an instinctive being, if he or she is not trained for alternative intelligence, required for sanity in societal living.

It is so because evolution’s ‘intelligence’ is not aimed at making a man or a woman as a good, compassionate and righteous person. Evolution didn’t come up with these packages. Evolution was designed for singular intelligence of survival. That is why our brain is designed and genetically wired for this ‘intelligence’ of association-building and identity-generation. This identity generation ensures success of a human child in the milieus he has to live because human body-mind make up has evolved as gregarious creatures. That is why aping, association building with prevalent and dominant identities and belief-systems of the milieus and demography has been embedded in human brain mechanism and processes as ‘Primary Intelligence’.

However, this intelligence of our brain becomes the single largest causality of most of human troubles, be it at personal levels or at societal levels. This evolutionary intelligence was good for very early lives of our ancestors thousands of years back. Modern human dates back to 4 million years and science confirms that even the modern human has the original

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