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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
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Read books online » Psychology » Sanity Is Impossibility by Santosh Jha (free children's ebooks online .txt) 📖

Book online «Sanity Is Impossibility by Santosh Jha (free children's ebooks online .txt) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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eBook, we are just inclined to accept it as a hypothesis that contemporary global scenario very potently hints at the possibility that most contemporary human troubles have linkages with the way current day polity and economy have shaped up in the last 50 years and how they handle their assigned task for human wellness.

This hypothesis is being accepted to enlist the need for a cognitive change in the way an individual associates himself or herself with polity and economy in contemporary times. This hypothesis also works for an individual to allow the energy of skepticism to revisit his or her current linkages with polity and economy for his or her personal sanity, wellness, order and poise. Moreover, this hypothesis also seeks to alarm an individual to reassess and revisit his or her personal connect and context with family and society.

There is this perspective to test the validity that probably, there is an urgent requirement of course-correction by an individual about how he or she relates and associates with family and society on one hand and polity and economy on other hand. It is also about how there happens a cognitive change in these associations, so that an individual himself or herself gets to assess what is better option for his or her sanity and wellness. We have just hypothesized and presented a probability of causality.

Before we conclude this talk, we must summarize and list the gist of our talks so far. We have discussed and deliberated over complex issues and multiple details and therefore, to avoid confusion and augment clarity, we shall sum up the entire deliberations so far in a few passages so that it could remain available for quick recall later. This we are doing after Part two of this eBook, dealing with entropy, which we had mentioned earlier.



Entropy Of Milieus Of Human World

It is a hypothesis, which is tough to accept, even when there are enough evidences all around us to substantiate it, if not corroborate it. This hypothesis says, ‘Disorder and entropic chaos is far more creative energy. You are better off only when you land in the probabilistic multiplicity of uncertainty and completely taken to randomization of eventualities by the typhoon of disarray and anarchy.’ This hypothesis somehow seems to be what we all live with but seldom care to decipher a pattern of.

This hypothesis seems like a humdrum of an insanely stupid mind, who is in the habit of mouthing gibberish insinuations just for populist consumption. In lighter vein, it seems like what intellectualism is all about! But then, people have since ages seem to have spoken of such nonsensical causality to draw attention of mindless millions about shades of Reality we all live in and with. The idea is, this hypothesis looks like close to what thermodynamics says about energy and its situationalism. Understanding the basics of energy and its intuitive mechanism helps a lot in understanding not only the societal space around us but also the systemic stupidities of our inner-selves.

The state of physical realism is that the total energy of the universe is constant. The more important factual physicality is that everything tends to become less organized and less orderly over time. No doubt, even this physical reality of ‘entropy’ is open to debate but it surely is available for causal philosophizing. It needs to be insisted here that this causal-philosophizing is for restrictive purpose of paradigm-building for a very metaphoric-mechanism; having utility largely for arriving at a dimension which otherwise may not be possible. This process has derivative utility only!

Energy being constant is a huge hypothesis for human social realism. It provides great insight into humanity’s incessant enterprise to construct and destruct the world around for increasing conveniences. What it means in general understanding is, we humans have this capacity only to devise the usages of the energy already available and still it remains what it was. We convert the potential energy into kinetic energy and this very moment entropy sets in. No usage-device of any advancement can use the energy 100% and part of it goes into the system.

The hypothesis is, as energies are used for creating order within a mechanism, part of it, often a considerable part; is always lost in the process and this is the disorder which goes into the system or the immediate environment where the mechanism operates. As energy can never be destroyed, the disordered energy, lost in the mechanism is stored as entropic energy in the system. The construction process releases the entropic energy which is stored in the system as destructive energy. In simple words, the process or mechanism of ‘order’ itself releases the entropic energy which is stored as ‘disorder’ in the system, within which the process works.

This happens as energy is constant; it is always conserved but takes different shapes – from potential to kinetic and part going to energy fields (systemic). The other aspect of energy is that isolated systems gravitate towards thermodynamic equilibrium, which means a state of maximum entropy or disorder. This means, every system and its mechanism and processes tend to become less organized and less orderly over time. So, greater the time-period of ‘order-building’; larger is the propensity of ‘disorder-building’ in the system. Given that systemic efficiency has a larger impact on the efficiency of the process and mechanisms within it, entropic energies in the Long-Run would ensure recurring disorders in the overall working-efficiencies of order processes.

We shall talk about the idea of ‘Long Run’ later and before that, we need to know in detail this element of entropy and inevitability and omnipresence of disorder in all orders. We can say, there is this Rule Of Causality in the cosmos as well as in the milieus, which plays around us, muffles us and makes us sing and dance to its tunes. It is this rule of causality, which unleashes its embedded energy and we, as individuals are run into actions and behaviors by this energy; either in inertia, by choice or by status quo.

If we take the liberty to enter philosophy into this physical law and move to see its application in societal and personal life-living, we can have a sound perspective of how with passage of enough time, everything tends to become more chaotic, confusing and conflicting. This includes, personal lives as well as societies and cultures. The simple thing is; a ‘Probability’ eith in our personal lives or in the lives of societies and culture, has its own energy of ‘Causality’ and even when this probability is playing its energy on us, at one time/space situation, the other aspect of this probability, usually the inverse of it, or the flip side of the probability, is still there, though in static energy form. So, a ‘Heads’ in the toss of coin plays out some causality or set of it for us, even as the probabilities and related causalities of ‘Tails’ of the same coin is lying latent in the same milieu and for the same person. The trouble is, mostly, people accept only the kinetic energy of ‘Heads’ playing at the moment for us and refuse to accept the inevitability of the static or latent energies of the ‘Tails’ of the same coin of life, which always has the ‘Dual’ causalities of twin probabilities. In this dialectics of causalities, it is always the ‘thesis’ which is upfront and observed, even as the very causality of thesis automatically creates its antithesis, which is always ignored. But, it cannot be wished away. This ignored energy of ‘anti-causality’ is very often the entropic energy that remains uncared and in long run shapes up a more entropic synthesis, as dialectic chain completes its cyclical course.

If you accept ‘Heads’, or it happens to you, by choice or by inertia, its energies lead your actions and behaviors but never ever believe that the static or latent energy of ‘Tails’ is not playing its own energies of causalities of probabilities. The coin is never only heads or tails, it is always both. If ‘Heads’ is ‘Good’ for me and I am consciously seeking it for my benefit, then ‘Tails’ is also trailing me and its causalities are also there in the same milieu (Often with inverse probabilities), where Heads is operating for me. This is the way Reality works for all. The dialectics is omnipresent and omnipotent. Good and bad are always operating in its entirety and that is why, throughout our lives everyone of us is in the midst of the dualism, which in its holism is affecting us.

In our subjective consciousness, we fail to see and accept the holism of the dualism playing every second for us and this is our core trouble. The dualism mothers loads of hypocrisies all of us dump into the milieus and add to the already overdose of 3Cs – Conflict, confusion and chaos. Science has confirmed – The vacuum in the space is not ‘Nothingness’. There always are ‘vacillations’ in the vacuum and these vacillations shape up the ‘Somethingness’ in the causalities of rainbow of probabilities.

This partial and lopsided perspective of Reality, which believes in only one aspect of dealing with energies of causalities is the prime culprit of adding more and more entropies in personal lives as well as in the ambient milieus we live. There is a famous quote of Dalai Lama, which points out this hypocrisy and lack of holism in average men and women. He said, we spend most precious part of our youth in earning big moneys and wealth, compromising with our naturally available health and peace of mind. And, rest of our lives in later youthfulness, we spend the same money and wealth to get back the lost health and peace of mind. What this statement points out is the common practice of hypocrisy that humanity has always been associated with. We are always very partial and lopsided in using energies in our life-living, always ignoring the very nature and make of the physics and biology of energy in its holism. When we chase Heads of a coin, we do not care for the energies of the latent energies of the causalities of Tails. Therefore, later, when the entropies of the uncared and ignored energies of Tails hot us hard, we leave the Heads and spend the energies of attainments of the causalities of Heads to minimize the onslaught and pathology of the Tails. This leaves us as the most stupid engineers and managers of energy operations and processes of life-living.

What we are also trying to hypothesize and philosophize is the probability of we all standing in the midst of a time-space situation, where entropies have become too unmanageable because they have been there since quite a long time. The contemporary humanity seems to be standing in the time-space of ‘Long Run’ and this has ensured that accumulated entropies have disordered the system of our world and life-living beyond the point of probable return and restoration.

Now, the key question is; what we can accept as ‘Long-Run’, where entropy starts taking its toll in such a way that it is irreversible? It is crucial to know that because, only then we can gauge the extent and intensity of the disorder and entropic energy in our systems. If the period is short, we have a system, which has low disorder and low entropic energy, and if the period is long one, we are in a chaotic and catastrophic system, tough to get restored, if not impossible.

Consider the scientific facts available about the life of our Sun and the universe we live in. The Sun is the source of life on Earth that’s why, its end means end of all things, living or non-living on the Earth. Now, we all know, our dear Sun came into existence some 4.6 billion years ago. The scientists are affirmative that after 4 billion years, the Sun shall be so hot that all life on Earth shall vanish. Some however have belief that such a stage can come

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