Psychology books read online

Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » Sweet Whispers by S.K. Nuanes (free e reader txt) 📖

Book online «Sweet Whispers by S.K. Nuanes (free e reader txt) 📖». Author S.K. Nuanes

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3 “Hero or Monster.”

I opened my eyes I was laying on the cold hard ground I was in an old house my shirt was missing I covered up my chest I still had my bra on but the shirt I had was gone.
“Call for Dylan.” The man said, evilly.
“Who the hell are you!” I shouted.
The man removed his mood it was one of Adam’s friends. It was Zac he had short light brown hair, brown eyes pale skin and was dressed in all black.
“Why, he won’t come he is in the hospital.” I said, breathing hard.
Zac came over to me and removed my arms from covering my breast.
“Do it, or I am sure I can give you a child. Choose…Dylan coming here or giving you a child.” Zac said, evilly.
I punched Zac in the face and I ran out of the room, and slammed the door closed and locked it.
I grabbed a jacket and the front door was locked.
I wanted to scream out Dylan’s name but Zac was dangerous just like his leader.
I broke a window the glass pierced my skin and I ran down the street and hid in an alley I hid my face in my arms.
Dylan, please I need you.

“Alice?” A voice said, I opened my eyes there was my mother she had soft light brown hair, hazel eyes, ivory skin she hugged me tight.
“I thought I lost you.” My mother said sweetly.
“Where is Dylan?” I asked, half awake.
There was a knock at the door my mother turned around and there was Adam.
My mother had no clue what Adam had become she thought we were still good friends.
Which wasn’t even close to what we were now, my mother smiled at Adam he had flowers. “Well I will leave you two alone.” My mother said, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.
“How is Dylan?” Adam smirked coming closer to me.
I glared at him and sat up then said, “He is alive.”
“Oh good I didn’t kill him.” Adam said putting the flowers on my nightstand he looked around my room and picked up a picture.
“So Dylan seems to have taken my place?” Adam said, low narrowing his eyes,
“Well he did after you left me!” I started to shout, but Adam held a finger up to tell me to shut up.
“Alice you do know Dylan will die some day.” Adam said, walking over to my bed and sitting on it.
“If you hurt him I will never forgive you.”
Adam stroked my hair, I slapped his hand away from me.
“Don’t touch me.” I said, low.
Adam smirked and pinned me down he leaned down on me, “Who is going to stop me your mother is gone she went to the store. And Dylan is sleeping in the hospital.”
I tried to shove Adam off of me but he had become stronger, he smirked.
“Alice…you know what you want. So do I.”
“And what the hell is that!” I snapped at him.
Adam chuckled then leaned in closer.
“Date me or I will make sure Dylan goes through horrible hell. And make sure he regrets being born.” Adam smirked.
What the hell am I going to do, I hate Adam and all he will do to be is abuse me. Although I couldn’t see Dylan in more pain every day…

I sighed as I waited for Adam to come over, all the girls loved him they wanted him. Guys wanted to be him although he had a cruel nature to him only I knew about.
Dylan saw it although he wasn’t the victim.
“Why hello there.” Adam said, evilly.
I glared at him then said low, “If you hurt Dyl---.”
“Oh shut up.” Adam said, rolling his eyes grabbing me by my arm and dragging me against my will through the hall.
Dylan was hopefully still alive, I wanted to go see him but Adam most likely wouldn't allow it. Adam must think that Dylan didn't survive that accident, even though Dylan is alive Adam figured he would die soon. I exhaled if Dylan did come back to school he would see that I was being abused by Adam and then it could happen all over but Adam would make sure. Dylan wouldn;t alive though that night.
:What the hell do you have against Dylan." I mumnled low so only Adam could hear me. Even though no one would pay attenition only see a new couple to gossip about.
"Got simple reasons." Adam said, not looking down at me.
"He could easily kick your sorry ass." I mumbled rolling my eyes.
"Shut up or you could take a nasty fall down the stairs." Adam said, looking at me then the stair case. As if he would push me down the stairs with everyone around.
I inhaled heavily and closed my mouth and let it out slowly even though I wasn't done, Adam was the kind of guy you had to watch very carefully he had many aces and wild cards up his sleeve.
Which made him all more terrifying.

Chapter 4 "Hide and Sneak."

I went to the hospital gift shop and got a few 'Get Well' balloons and a card, I found Dylan's room there he was looking bored out of his mind. I guess there is not much to do in the hospital, which the nurses won't yell at you about. He smiled when he saw me I said, "I bring stuff."
"You know those never last." Dylan said, softly laughing looking at the balloons.
"Could of gotten flowers but those would be dead in a few days."
I had told Rose if Adam asks where I am to tell I was applying for a job.
Was hoping things wouldn't go there and if he asks where and if he goes there and I am not there he will be coming down the hallway in a all caps rage.
"So you seem a bit...I don't know what are you thinking about?" Dylan asked sitting up.
"Just thinking." I said, shrugging.
"Come on Allie." Dylan said, softly.
"Thinking what I am going to wear to homecoming."
"You are really going to that?"
"Rose is making me."
Dylan smirked then said, "That is Rose for you."
I wanted to tell Dylan but I couldn't nothing would change the fact that I was dating a monster.
"Alice would you like to come to my aunt's birthday party?" Dylan asked.
I hadn't really talked or went over to one of his family member house since we were kids. They wouldn't know who I was now.
"Wouldn't be weird?"
Dylan looked at me confused, "No you aren't my girlfriend. Just a long life friend."
Only I could be his girlfriend.
I exhaled then said, "Yeah your right, should I wear something...girly?"
Dylan knew I hated being girly but he smirked, “I’m sure my family would be delighted to see. Alice the girl who punched a guy’s teeth out at a concert. In a dress.”
“You are so lucky you are crippled.” I said, smirking at him.

Dylan came from a rich family, but his aunt wasn’t to bad I put on a dark jacket with strips with skinny jeans, I looked in the mirror I wanted to change my hair color but I will another day.
I got out of the car and helped Dylan get out but I walked over to the small townhouse there was a bird bath and rose garden.
The house was plain, “Wait for me!”
Dylan had a cast on and crutches I laughed at him I knocked on the door, a woman about forty-seven with black hair green eyes and a flowing yellow dress on and high heels on.
The woman looked at him and smiled, “How are you sweetie, and Alice is that you?”
I nodded, the woman hugged me and said, “Wow you have grown into a fine young lady.”
She led us inside the house wasn’t to exciting simple boring.
“You two can hang out in the game room, the party is out back if you feel like seeing them Dylan.”
Only his aunt knew he didn’t like seeing his parents, Dylan led me to the game room.
We were laughing and playing for a while.
I wanted to kiss him so bad I exhaled and held back.
Dylan came over to me and placed his hand on my cheek his touch was so warm so comforting he slowly started to lean in.
“Dylan your father wants to see you.” His aunt said coming in.
Before his aunt saw us he pulled away so close.
Dylan went out to the backyard leaving me alone in the game room.
“Alice is that you?” Andrew asked coming in.
I looked at him then said, “Are you in my english class?”
Andrew had on a dark red shirt and jeans on. I almost forgot about him then said, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m Dylan’s cousin.”
“Oh I didn’t know that, you guys don’t even look the same.”
Andrew shrugged then said, “Why are you dating Adam?”
“Long story.” I said, sighing.
“Andrew can you come here?” A voice called over to him, Andrew called back, “Yeah sure.”
Andrew smiled at me then left the game room.

I looked up at the clouds Rose jumped into the swimming pool I got soaked from her canon ball.
“Rose!” I shouted at her.
There was a car and drove through the neighborhood it was Adam’s sister.
She loved Dylan, I knew this because she had a talk with me at a 8th grade dance…

Me, Rose and Dylan all went as a group and Rose was fixing her make-up me and Dylan were slow dancing, even though we were just friends we wanted to enjoy the moment.
He needed to go and use the bathroom I leaned against the gym’s wall and looked around there was Adam’s sister.
She had long brown hair, she had brown eyes she had a size about 00.
Head cheerleader she came over to me and placed her hand on her hip, “Well, looks like you and Dylan are having fun.”
“Yeah I guess.” I said, shrugging.
“Listen here bitch, I love Dylan. He will be mine. You may think you and him will end up together. Wrong…he will see I am the better choice.”

I exhaled she was back in town to take Dylan away from me while Adam was keeping me away from Dylan.

Jessica was the kind of girl who would do anything to get what she wants no matter, what it takes. Murder even?
I couldn't do anything soon I won't even be able to hug him with Jessica around.

Weeks passed I didn't do anything out of line, I hadn't talked to Dylan since Adam has been watching me carefully.
At school Dylan had on a walking cast the teachers gave him slack since he can't run.
Although he was with Jessica I exhaled in agony, he belong to her now. Clearly he didn't look up at me I turned around and walked down the hall avoiding the couple.
"Hey sexy." Adam said, walking around the corner.
I almost jumped but looked at him then said, "Oh I see your sister is back."
"Yeah you should be glad now, Dylan has someone to screw." Adam said, grinning then grabbing my wrist and yanked me hard almost pulling me onto my face. It felt like my wrist was going to snap or rip off.
"Adam let go!" I snapped, forgetting we were in public, he glared at me

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