Psychology books read online

Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
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Read books online » Psychology » Sweet Whispers by S.K. Nuanes (free e reader txt) 📖

Book online «Sweet Whispers by S.K. Nuanes (free e reader txt) 📖». Author S.K. Nuanes

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with the devil."
"D has paid me greatly."
In other news police been trying to find Dylan Gontier he's been missing for over a week." The reporter said, before "The Middle" came back on.
But Andrew said...he he didn't move...


At a club, in the back a figure watched a female dance she used a pole to dance on she winked at the handsome looking figure in the back. He smiled at her and used his finger making the 'come here' motion.
She had a figure of 00 stripper tights, black tight shorts a red bra on. She had on ivory skin.
Green eyes and red hair about nineteen bit young to be using the pole in a club.
"How may I serve you." The girl asked.
The figure used his hand and patted a seat next to him in the booth. The girl obeyed him why couldn't she resist those eyes...
"Sir if I dont get back to my pole, my boss wouldn't be to happy." The girl said, giggly.
"Use my pole, then baby shall we get somewhere more private?" The guy said, in a low sexy voice.
The dancer smiled at the idea and followed him to her favorite place. He took her to the garden on the roof. The lights were on, and gave off a soft glow to the garden.
He led her to the white roses he turned to her and had sharp vampire fangs his eyes were red he grabbed her and ripped into her throat, her blood was sweet and enriching his body with power.
There is nothing better when a vampire rips into a young girls throat.
He dropped her and wrote in her blood, "Tic-Tok life is short."
He took a white rose and gave it to the girl and had it looked like a "Sleep Beauty" recreation.

Fall was here, even though there is no snow for us, Dylan been missing over a month. Was he dead? And the police didn't want to release this information to the public?
I wasn't gonna be one of those girls who can't live without or keep sanity without a guy.
Of course I loved Dylan and wanted him but you can't hold onto someone forever.
Homecoming was coming up soon. Adam was my date. Even though he only saw me good for one thing. I sat on my window seat, L.A wasn't like New York where leaves changed and winter covered the city with its blanket of ice and secerts.
Brittany came up to me, :There is some EMO downstairs!"
"I prefer the term 'punk' or 'rebel'.
She went downstairs, Andrew closed the door and sat in the bean bag chair I had in my room.
"Andrew, why are you here? I don't mind but...why?"
"It would be a honer if you would be my date to homecoming." Andrew said, smiling giving me a single red rose.
Was I falling for Andrew, I wanted to say yes, but adam had me as a slave. Disobey him, another scar of a bruise to tell a story. "Andrew...I would love to." I started, "but..." his expression changed from hopeful to disappointed.
"I'm with Adam..."
"Sorry Andrew."
"It's fine." Andrew said, sighing and leaving the room.

It was junior year, I looked around the new drama theater, "hello Alice." Dylan said, softly.
He wrapped me in his embrace how arm and comforting he was.
"Dylan I've missed you so much."
I said, it seemed like a life-time since I seen him.
The killer was still on the loose although I had Dylan to comfort my bloody nightmares.
"What happened? Why did you disappear." I said, softly holding his arm close to me.
"I dont want to give you nightmares." Dylan sighed into my ear.
Felt as if we were entering a William Shakespeare play. "Dylan, I do want to know. Even though if may deliver nightmares. All I want to know is what happened." I said, looking up into his compelling blue eyes.
"It doesn't mater."
"Yes it does, so do you."
There was silence before Dylan took a breath in to speak/
"Andr---." Dylan said, in a dying voice.
Everything turned into glass blood was everywhere, Dylan laid on the floor motionless. I slowly moved towards him this can't be happening...
"Dylan?" I asked softly
Two sharp fangs pierced into me, I screamed at the top of my lungs, "DYLAN!"
His head turned towards me, it looked as if he been tortured to death, blood ran out of his mouth, his face in shock or pain. His eyes fixed on me, and his mouth looked as if he was trying to say something before he died.
"Dylan!" I shouted.
"He's better off dead." A dark voice said behind ,e/
Another sharp pain shot through me. A knife into my stomach I fell through the air, arms caught me, I looked at the face it was...Andrew.

Chapter 8 "Silent"

The dream had left horrible mental scars, I could confront Andrew, but we all heard if before, "It's just a dream."
But why did such great dream burn away into ashes of hell. It's like life one moment things will be greater then it will spin into something horrible.

Rose still in the hospital, is there any escape from being trapped in some kind of hell?
I couldn't get the horrible images out of my head visiting hours ended at 11 p.m it was downtown I made my way to a bus stop or if I got a taxi someone where along the way.
You don't want to be stopped downtown L.A just asking for trouble.
I felt a hand grabbed me and yank me hard back into an alley the figure pulled me close to his chest.
The breath was ice cold running down my neck and making the hair rise.
I fell weak and dropped to the ground I saw someone running towards me, there was a loud thump the figure picked me up and I looked at the face. The one who came to save me was Andrew.
"Alice you should of known better." Andrew said, annoyed, but he seemed relieved I was ok.
We got into his car which was a dark red BMW.
"Andrew....where is Dylan. You said he moved but he is on the Missing Person List."
I said, looking at Andrew.
His eyes were on the road not daring to look at me now.
"Perhaps he ran away from his new home. You know how Greg is." Andrew said, shrugging we knew how Dylan's adopted father was.
"Andrew I had this....dream. Someone killed him. Dylan. It was you, I have a feeling something happened to him." I said, unsure how it would come out.
He had soft chuckle at the dream as if it was some joke.
"Alice this is what happens when you think to much of someone, or watch to many horror movies. He is fine trust me."
Andrew pulled over to the side of the road and looked at me.
I looked over at Andrew he leaned in and kissed me, our lips moved cautious and afraid, yet it seemed they wanted to be more aggressive.
He slowly pulled away after kissing for about five seconds.
"I been waiting to kiss you ever since I saw you."

Crap...this isn't gonna go well with Adam if he finds out.

The days passed I kept the kiss a secret, Adam never knew. Rose was back yet she was different. She didn't talk at all, she barely moved and in the halls she seemed like a ghost.
Nothing on Dylan, I tried calling him and his home phone. Nothing but a voice mail or the voice mail box is filled. He hasn't called back at all.
I was at my locker Adam slammed it shut making me jump when I saw who was there, his teeth were clutched his eyes burnt with rage.
"You little cheating bitch!" Adam snapped.
He grabbed my arm and dragged me and yanked me so I almost fell on my face on the ground.
His fingers were like claws digging inside my tissue. We arrived at the stairs of the main hallway.
Not many people notice the struggle I was going through.
He looked at me and grinned, "I will see you in hell my love."
He punched me and threw me so I would fall hard and fast I was going down fast everything was spinning and twisting my head ached and I thought I broke my neck.
I landed on the bottom hard my life was slowly ending I didnt get to see Dylan or kiss him.
Students shouted, "Call 911"
"They'll be here soon!"
"Alice hang in there!"
My vision was blurry I saw two figures on top of the stairs they were gone as I closed my eyes.


At the hospital few students were in the waiting room and a crowd of people and a news team gathered outside.
"Alice Gold, took a fall down the stairs at her school. She is asleep and updated she was in a stable condition. Doctors haven't let anyone see her or released information.
Was she pushed or was this a suicide attempt? You pick."
The female news reporter said.
A figure in the back of the crowd he had on a black sweatshirt on he had on the hood on and had his face hidden by looking down he had on dark jeans.
He slowly raised his head the eyes were sky blue, he knew the name so well.
"Alice..." Dylan said, barely above a whisper.

Author's Note

Well guys this is Sweet Whisper's end, I hope you guys enjoyed it, with many surprises and now Dylan is back and alive. Was thinking of making him dead but a lot of people were cheering for Dylan. Couldn't kill one of the loved characters.
So I hope you guys want to read the next one which will be released soon hopefully maybe Monday 10/31/11 the latest.
A little Halloween treat you could say.
Share what you thought about
1. Dylan coming back at the end of the book
2. Who is the killer.
3. Is Dylan still human or is he a vampire?

Much more romance, twist, lies and betrayal, secrets and more are coming in the next book , "Black Ribbons

Comment below what you are looking forward to in book 2.


Publication Date: 09-13-2011

All Rights Reserved

I would like to thank Vanessa for being a great friend and I hope the friendship will never break between us. Alex for being a father like figure towards me at school. Kitty being amazing. Michael a friend I might not known as long as Vanessa but thank you so much for being there for me.

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