Psychology books read online

Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha (best ereader for pc .TXT) 📖

Book online «Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha (best ereader for pc .TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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with. We all know, history tells us; almost all greats of humanity were rich in experiences and poor in material resources.

There is no problem with money, fame and power. They are also great means for some specific experiences. We cannot say, those who earn it are not good. They sure are. The trouble, however are two-fold. First, money, fame and power are hugely rare and their probability is not equitably situationed in contemporary world, as human population is many times more than what the limited resources of human world could bear. Almost 95% of resources and wealth are now in the hands of only 5% people. In such a world, a person cannot have money-fame-power and also have the leisure and mind consciousness to even think of other experiences. They take the whole life of a person and install loads of shamelessness and deceitfulness in consciousness. This kills emergence of novel and alternative experiences, other than what money-fame-power can provide. Secondly, once someone attains the money-fame-power, his or her media (consciousness) changes and becomes singularly focused and oriented to sustaining and prolonging the acquired money-fame-power. The idealism of attainment of money-fame-power as one of the many elements in holism of human experiences is rare; if not impossible in contemporary world of depraved and chaotic human society and cultures.

The very idea and reality of Experiences is very complex and therefore, it needs to be understood in its holism. We need to understand and accept this very crucial connection and relationship between experiences and our personal development-growth as mature and sincere human being. The primary acceptance is about an individual’s almost negligible situation in the expanse of colossal external milieus and complexities of infinite realities in them. We as an individual can only see, visualize and perceive a very miniscule part or dimension. Innately, our consciousness is designed to be very localized. It is the singular element of knowledge of a highly aware conscious self, which facilitates for us the expansion of our horizon of experiences of realities.

For example, most people love to travel and they make holiday trips to places. So, a person can go to London, Paris, New York, etc. He or she would stay there for a week or so, see some famous landmarks, eat local food, buy some stuff as souvenir and come back. Another person may not ever visit these places but would read books about its history, culture, polity, etc and be aware about what is happening in contemporary England, France, USA, etc. The first person shall always boast that he or she has been to these countries and know them but only the second person truly knows and understands these places, even when he or she never visited them. It is like I visit a person, sit on the lawn of his house, talk to him and come back saying, I visited his home. The lawn was only a part of his house, which had many rooms and other important things; apart from the small details his home would make me feel. I know nothing of them and still, I would say, I visited his home and know it. Most people understand and accept Reality and its knowledge, only this partial ways. They seldom accept the holism of a Reality. It happens because, our consciousness is essentially local and we only relish to be happy with ‘part’; stupidly ignoring the Holism of Reality.

Most people however, are not inclined towards knowledge. They are happy aping the ‘partialism’ of populist societal-cultural appropriates. As we grow and evolve, we actually expand the horizon of our cognitive proficiencies. An aware, conscious and knowledgeable person shall be far better endowed to experience the richness of anything; like love or simply an ice-cream, compared to an average person with no inclination and awareness about how a singular reality can be experienced in different ways, shades and dimensions. A person can be happy buying a T-Shirt. Another person however can be equally happy; even happier, not buying the same T-Shirt as he or she would be aware that it was made of cotton, cultivated forcibly by people, who have been subjected to state oppression, discrimination and even brutality. Reality is always multidimensional. Bliss is sourced from infinite pathways.

Maturity is primarily about evolving of a person, facilitating attainment of richness of experiences. Mass majority of people only apes; they stupidly relish slavery of mind consciousness. They only experience the ‘skin’ of a Reality and remain oblivious of the versatility of multidimensional experiences of the holism of the entire ‘body’ of a Reality. This is acute poverty. Populist joyfulness and commercial utilities only accentuate this widespread poverty. This suits the corporations and politics of the day. For them, it is easy to rule and manipulate ‘slaves’, who can be easily conditioned by fudged and fake information.

All these cognitive brilliance and maturity however, is not easy. It is not an auto-learning and auto-accrual attainment. Unraveling the grammar of life and poetry of living is an evolved and internalized science and art. It follows highly aware and experiential processes of learning-unlearning. But, together, in this journey here, we shall facilitate the understanding of everything. This eBook is expressly designed for ease of understanding; in personalized way for optimum utility to you.


Somehow, if honesty, humility, affection et al are not prompted and beckoned for a ‘performance’, or ‘advert’ at any time and situation of life-living, they facilitate something bizarre and unimaginably uninterpretable; deep within Consciousness. This is not usual; also, probably beyond expression through languages we speak. Generally, our entire mechanism of beingness, or what we may call as ‘awareness of self’, is action-oriented and externally expressive. It is also usually unleashed by external insinuations of milieus, meant and directed towards external attainments and consumption. This is the way and for this purpose, all brains happened and evolved; including human brain.

Since ages, some of the greats of humanity have explained the magical marvel of Language of Silence. Some like to call it the Illumination of Emptiness. Ancient Oriental spiritual philosophies have popularized many shades of non-intuitive cognitions of un-actionable and internal experiences. Shikan Tza in Japanese spiritual artfulness means ‘Just Sit’. It is accepted as practice and mesmerizing experiences of silence and emptiness. Various meditation techniques, including the now popular art of Vipasana, hovers around the same idea of just witnessing the self and causalities happening, without the inclination of action and reaction. In plain and simple terms, the artistry is to unlearn the innate and entrenched instinct of being either a protagonist or a judge and instead; simply be a detached and objective witness. This difference is cognitive and our consciousness is genius of that; if evolved and oriented this way.

Humanity has understood and also relished the Ideational Oscillations, happening and pervading all layers of Consciousness that have meaningfulness, purpose and utilities exclusively for internal beingness and its experiential layers; sans externalities of actions. They have no connect and commerce with externalities. There is a word coined by humanity for such internal and highly personal experiences, referred to as Epiphanies. This however does not fully explain the holism of the multidimensionality of experiences, we are talking about.

Very early, in human cultures, epiphanies were considered as ‘Voice of God’ or they were considered something as mystical as ‘Soul Expressions’. Dreams were also put in the same category. Modern science has now unraveled the mystery and it is now explainable as how they are manifestations of massive interactions of hugely complex neural networks of the brain states, involving billions of neurons and neuro-chemical and neuro-electrical processes. The God and its Voice has been deciphered. In fact, any individual, who masters the Grammar of Life and Poetry of Living, can orchestrate this ‘Voice of God’ and elevate itself to this state of expressions of internalized experiences. We need to understand brain mechanisms and processes; we need to understand and align to science of reality; especially the dynamics of Fields, Landscapes and Information.

It is probably like, a light and its seven shades of rainbow-colors are not explicitly available for ‘demonstrative’ expression of visualization, if there is no ‘media’, which could reflect it back to the eyes of the beholder and observer. The light then does nothing for externalities. However, they remain there, probably assimilated in what we assume as vacuum. The particles-waves of light and their probabilistic oscillations, probably communicate something deep within the expanse of vacuum. This Information remains there; embedded in the ‘nothingness’ of so-called vacuum. The illumination of shades of colorfulness is probably in some other dimension.

Science tells us, nothing is not ‘nothing’; it has oscillations. The probabilistic ‘vacuum’ of the Field of Consciousness probably needs stripping off all insinuations and exhortations of demonstrativeness and advert-insinuations in external milieus, for the communication of oscillations to script an alternative and novel Reality in neural plexuses – the billions of it. They seek an expression; a novel and silent communication, which spreads throughout the cosmos of beingness. This is the modern scientific hypothesis of Fields or Landscapes of Information creating realities. This domain of ‘Voice of God’ is now explained with objective and measurable clarity and is very much available for experiences to anyone, who shows up with the required eligibility. The epiphanies and the science behind it is also among things, we deal with, as we delve into Grammar of Live; Poetry of Living.

Humanity has talked about such experiences since thousands of years as something spiritual; especially faith-based and abstracted. Experiences as emergent expressions of oscillations in the Field of Consciousness are purely objective and scientific domain of multidimensionality of reality. We have talked about Consciousness as akin to Field or Landscape, which physical theorists speak about as part of their discourse of String Theory of Reality.

It is all about the science of Emergence and how our consciousness ‘Owns’ processes happening within our body-brain mechanisms and how some experiences escape this ‘Ownership’ regime and thus feel like something ‘mystically precarious’. Most of the emergent experiences are not ‘owned’ by consciousness as their final feel and perception is completely different from those ‘part’ information, which in togetherness and assimilation, in massive neural plexuses are engendered. This ‘escaping’ also has specific processes. This was spiritual stuff, ages back but now a purely scientific reality; explainable and probably replicable. We shall simplify this idea and talk later in details. This is core and latest wisdom of contemporary science, which forms the centrality of our talks about Grammar of Life; Poetry of Living.

This language within, this silence and illumination; this emergence of novel and alternative realities and their expressions, within the cosmos of consciousness, is probably what scientists may like to call as the ‘Mystical Marvels of Entropic Brain’, playing its best of philharmonic orchestra, beyond the grammar of syntactic symmetry. The philosophers may ascribe it as un-patterned, randomized perceptional ocean of surfing neurons. But; this ocean is huge potential. This ocean has life-living marvels in mystical variety; very much explainable now. The pop intellectuals may like to ridicule it as hallucination of a brain, ‘high’ on psychedelic substances. Average people may simply call it madness or delusional.

These varied interpretations of singular Reality hints at the fact that human perceptions are subjective and probable to different sets of cognitions – all engendered by brain states. Both intuitive as well as non-intuitive realities and their experiences are enterprises of brain states and billions of neural plexuses. It is now also very much explainable by neuroscience tools as why some experiences stand as ‘mystical’ to our cognition; qualifying to be labeled as ‘God Domain’. This god domain and its spirituality is also actually brain domain. Most people do not like to entertain this hypothesis as it is directly antithetical to the transcendental comfort zone of dominant cultural systems of beliefs and faiths. Somehow, the scientific ideas are beyond the familiarity of intuitive perceptions and seek a non-intuitive cognition. This does not come automatically. As a scientist said, ‘we get trained to see and visualize even two-dimensional things in three-dimensional

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