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Bride of Christ – Prepare Now!

by Susan Davis


© Copyright 2013 – Susan Davis

ISBN-13: 978-1490519029

ISBN-10: 1490519025


NOTICE: You are encouraged to distribute copies of this document through any means, electronic or in printed form. You may post this material, in whole or in part, on your website or anywhere else. But we do request that you include this notice so others may know they can copy and distribute as well. This book is available as a free ebook and mp3 at the website:

© 2013 by Susan Davis


Unless indicated otherwise, all Scripture reference and notes are from the King James Version Bible.





1. Only Those Who Are FULLY Committed To ME Will Feel Safe Now

2. This Is MY Lukewarm Church: The Adulterous Flavor In MY Mouth Will Cause ME To Spit Her            Out

3. They Are On A Landslide Down A Mountain And They Don’t Even Know It

4. Only Those Who Are In MY Will, Will Come With ME

5. Come Out Of The World And Her Lies

6. Those Who Follow ME Closely Will Escape The Evil

7. The Only Position Of Safety And Well-Being Is In The Center Of God’s Will

8. Come To Know ME As Your FIRST LOVE

9. I Am Coming To Retrieve Only Those Who Are In MY Will

10. Those Caught Up In The World, Will Be Left Behind

11. The LORD's Words: "I am coming. I spoke it and I will fulfill it ! ”

12. “How to Hear the Voice of GOD”

13. Humble Hearts Will Walk With Their GOD

14. This Is The Hour Of Repentance, Weeping, Wailing


Susan operates in the gift of prophecy. In 1 Corinthians 14:1 it states, “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.” Now we are living and supposed to be obeying God’s instructions in the New Testament. Although some believe that spiritual gifts, such as prophecies, have been done away with, this is man’s thinking and not God’s. God has not changed His covenant. We are still living in the era of the New Covenant – which is also called the New Testament. Please understand that your first commitment should be to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word as written in the Bible – especially the New Testament.

As always, all prophecy needs to be tested against the Bible. However, if the prophecy lines up with the Bible then we are expected to obey it. Currently God does not use prophecies to introduce new doctrines. They are used to reinforce what God has already given to us in the Bible. God also uses them to give us individual warnings of future events that will affect us.

Just like in the Old Testament, God uses prophets in the New Testament times of which we are currently in. The book of Acts, which is in the New Testament, mentions some of the prophets such as Judas and Silas (Acts 15:32) and Agabus (Acts 21:21) and there were others. The ministry of prophets is also mentioned in New Testament times in 1 Corinthians 12:28, 14:1,29,32,37 as well as in Ephesians 2:20,3:5,4:11.

Jesus chooses prophets to work for Him on earth. Among other things, Jesus uses prophecies and prophets to communicate His desires to His children. The Bible itself was written prophetically through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Some people say words of prophecy are in danger of adding to the Bible or taking from it -- well the Bible speaks of prophecy as being a Gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. The way the Bible is added to or taken from is not through additional words of prophecy received by the people which the HOLY SPIRIT gives words to, but by the changing of GOD's concepts to add new unBiblical concepts from other pagan beliefs for example. But the primary work of the prophets in the Bible has always been to focus the people back to GOD's WORD, the BIBLE.

As it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21, "Do not put out the Spirit's fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good." And the way to test the messages is to compare it's content to what the Bible says.

In all the prophecies below I personally (Mike Peralta - Book Preparer) have tested these messages and they are all in agreement to what the Bible says. But you must also test these messages, yourself, to the Bible. And if they are consistent with the Bible, then God expects that you will take them to heart and obey His instructions.

CHAPTER 1 Only Those Who Are FULLY Committed To ME Will Feel Safe Now


Sat, 19 Jan 2013

The LORD's Words:

“Only Those Who Are FULLY Committed To ME Will Feel Safe Now.”

The world is becoming increasingly darker: the politics; the things people call “entertainment”; the way people are indifferent and cold-hearted toward others; the rejection of GOD and moral leadership in all nations; the worldwide economic downward spiral; the embracing of humanistic / atheistic / paganistic / satanistic cultural views; the world’s overall obvious leaning toward antichrist thinking and the rejection of the Will of GOD—to name a few…

Almost daily I receive letters from people who are troubled by a dark future outlook as well as a myriad of challenges people are facing in their personal lives. Most specifically—the bride of CHRIST and those truly seeking GOD are getting beat up by the enemy. LISTEN to me: you are not alone in your struggles. Don’t think it strange that your life seems in a turmoil…LOT’S OF GOD’S PEOPLE ARE GETTING RAKED OVER THE COALS. The enemy is in his LAST hour and he wants to torment GOD’s people and those who are turning away from darkness back to light.

I am writing about this because I don’t want people to think they are running solo in this incredible war the enemy is waging on those who are truly seeking GOD in these closing moments before the LORD returns and darkness completely envelopes the earth. HANG IN THERE—Cover yourself in the BLOOD of CHRIST—the BLOOD IS INVINCIBLE.

Not quite a year ago, the LORD led me to do a 40-day water fast in a secluded location. I thought it was only about dealing with personal issues at first (yes, the LORD did deal with my personal stuff)—however, I did not know that HE was planning to dictate to me a series of letters that would later become a powerful book that would warn many people about HIS soon coming and end times preparation. (The book is called the MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB and you can get it free, downloaded here: )

As I began to go through this fasting, I knew that the letters I received daily were very important to the LORD and I knew that I just had to make it through for the full 40 days. Into week four, with still another week to go was such a huge struggle. I looked in the mirror wondering if there would be anything left of me at the end and how this would upset my family and my son in particular. But I knew that GOD was with me and that I was probably in the safest place I could be—right where the LORD had called me to be. My family and friends really were concerned, but I just knew GOD would get me through it. The reason I am bringing this up is at my lowest point when I thought I could not make it through this thing—I thought to myself: “There must be a million people in hell who would trade places with me in this 40-day fast.” That thought spurred me on. And now I am telling you—that no matter how rough your current situation is (not to make light of it) there are millions in hell who would trade places with you now. So, have courage—the LORD is with you if you are with HIM. Don’t give up—don’t stop praying for those around you. NEVER GIVE UP. (The LORD gave me this scripture for you now: Psalm 23:4, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.)

Below the LORD’s Letters are NEW visions from readers and an important message about the Mark of the Beast. At the very bottom of this letter is a list of the past letters from the LORD covering many important topics relevant to the times we are living in. Also below is an invitation to download and read the FREE Marriage Supper of the LAMB Ebook with Words from the LORD for this end time generation. THIS BOOK IS CHANGING LIVES! THE MP3 AUDIO VERSION of the Marriage Supper of the LAMB are now available in this letter plus links to Spanish Version of the book. Plus sign up to receive the hottest ever end times headlines coming across our desks in the End Times News Report we put out each week. Plus the latest words/visions from young brothers Jonathan and Sebastian and Buddy Baker. Also, to read past letters from the LORD you can visit this link:

Special Note:New links for Deborah Melissa Moller's book, "The Final Call" in Spanish—see below with the Final Call information.

Words of the LORD:

“It Is An Abomination To Believe The Plans Of Men Over Your God.”

(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, January 12, 2013)

I am ready to bring you Words:

Children, MY coming is nigh. I am warning but few are listening. They would rather listen to men speak about the future—this is evil apart from GOD—apart from MY Words, Truth. I have laid out MY Plans and the signs to watch for: instead you choose to watch what men believe the future holds. This is evil. It is an abomination to believe the plans of men over your GOD.

MY Word says to watch when you see all the signs I have given come to pass, yet you choose to believe lowly men who never pursue their GOD: WHO Knows what the future of men hold. Do they consult ME? Seek MY Face? Practice MY Ways? Read MY Word? Or do they listen to each other’s evil schemes, even seeking the words of the dead and demonic. This is a tyranny to MY Kingdom. Evil is running high and wide across the land.

Few know MY Word and practice MY Ways. Few want Truth and prescribe to the Word of GOD. All that men need is laid out in MY Word. It is complete in its instruction for lost and floundering men. Anyone who wants to find ME can find ME in MY Word, but each must have a desire to press in and lay down the distractions of the world in exchange for the knowledge available in MY Teachings: through MY Word and the HOLY SPIRIT, WHO leads you in understanding MY Word. There is no other way. It

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