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1991.01.22 - The Word of the Lord to Victor Stănculescu




                        The Word of the Lord[1] to Victor Stănculescu[2]

                                                (Translated by I.A.)


Exhortation for faithfulness to the heavenly plan of emancipation of Romania from the under the heel of the red beast: communism.


To the chief of the Romanian army, peace, grace and blessing from God of the Most Holy Trinity, who works and speaks in Romania! Amen.


I turn to you with My words, to you, who are set as a chief over the army of My Romania, that is blessed and chosen by Me, as from its birth I chose and blessed her to be My chosen one and to come and glorify Myself in her with the glory seen in the days to come.


God is and works and nothing is worked out outside of his plans. I have been well pleased in all ages in the middle of My people Israel and I have worked with it and delivered the secret of My plans through My servants, the prophets, before taking it place. In all the times when My blessed people have departed from Me and from My commandments, I have turned My face away from it and let it to be a slave to the foreign peoples, to punish it by My tool of punishment and to urge it to repentance and turn his face toward Me.


But look, it is written in the Book of the Truth (Bible, red. note[3].) that in the last days God will choose Jerusalem again, because the people of Israel, according to flesh, did not enter in the rest[4] and the faith brought by the Son of God, but on the contrary, this Israel has denied and has not believed in the coming of Jesus Christ, by Whom all the ages were made; the One by Whom the time split apart in the time of His birth. It is written in the Book of the Truth: «The time is coming when the true worshippers will no longer worship either in this mountain, or in Jerusalem, but rather in the Spirit of the Truth.» Amen.


God chose Romania; He chose her at her birth and called her a queen. God of the Most High Trinity came towards the end of His work by the power and work of the Holy Spirit, Who triples the threefold work of the godly Trinity[5]. I have come down to reveal My secret about Romania and raised My servants out of foreign nations to strengthen the truth of My plan over Romania. But I have been working in Romania in all the times, from her birth, and I will work in her until the end, for I have been well pleased with her and that is why I ordained her to be Mine and to give her a new name towards the end of the times and to call her the New Jerusalem of My glory.  Nobody can thwart My plans, for I will fulfill it at the right time. Amen.


Romania will be My throne for which I will show Myself with a great glory and all the peoples will see the glory of the under-privileged one until now, for it was a stumbling block and a testing rock for many nations foreign to Me, nations by which I have tested it as gold is refined by fire. But she kept My patience, and I, come with My reward towards her; I come to take her out from under the heel of the red beast, (The communist dictatorship, r.n.), for this has come to its end with its reign of the seventy years (1921 – The foundation of the Communist Party from Romania – 1991 – one year after the anticommunist revolution, r.n.), that the Book of the Truth writes about. I come to clean the evil from her and to set her for the eternal and feasting glory, as this is written about her, about that one that was cast away and devastated. I come to put a tiara of glory on her forehead and all her friends will see her and walk into her brightness, for she is My love; she is the loved city of brightness; she is the blessed one, for I, God, wanted it this, and spoke by My servants, the prophets. All those who cursed her will see its brightness and will worship it, for she is My queen. Amen. (See selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan[6]”, r.n.)


Behold, I come to reveal the secret of My plans, for I have in Romania the spring of My words. There is still a little time, and I will remove the seal of this spring and I will discover its rivers, so that those that are thirsty may be watered from it and all the peoples and nations that will escape with their lives to take resurrection, living life and light, for behold, I rose to judge the iniquity on earth and to make new heavens and new earth, in which justice, peace and love may dwell. Amen.


I am before the plague that covers the earth; (See selection topic: “The apocalyptic fire[7]”, r.n.) I and all the heavenly host; I and the tool of cleansing of the iniquity and of the destruction of the Babylon on earth. I will rise to make a good cleaning of this land, for Romania will be a holy and a righteous people; it will be a new heaven and a new earth; it will be a heavenly kingdom; it will be a beginning of a heavenly state on earth, and from her I will enlarge My tent and there will be all over a holy kingdom, as the Book of the Truth writes for this time.


You are written in the book of My plan of these days; you are My servant; you are protected by Me, and behold, I come to let you know that there is God. I come to tell you to believe in God and to work for Him. Amen. No one can come out of My power, and what I want no one can destroy; no one can change, for I am God.


You are bound by a covenant with the country and swore to protect her with the price of your life and keep the secret of your job. Behold, God is making a covenant with you today: to keep with holiness and with fear the secret of His plans and the secret of His spring which flows into Romania by His servants, the prophets; to keep the secret of God more than any secret, as the Lord has a heavenly commandment come down for the hiding of His thing and of the plan Who works and reveals His wills well done.


Get up and serve My plan and My work, for My servants and My witnesses have to stand by Me; they have to share My words where I send them and they have to call out to Me for My Romania, as I tell them to work for Me. Get up and believe in Me and work for Me and cover My servants well! Take the mantle of faith and put My children aside with it through whom I work, for I work for the glory and praise of this blessed earth. And you, and your whole house, will know that I am God when I will protect you and take you to the greatness and victory, in front of the blessed army of this chosen and blessed people.


Behold, we do one for another. Serve My plan and I will be with you too, and I will be with glory with you. Amen. The one who gives at least a glass of water to My little ones, he gives it to Me, and I will make him stand at My right hand in the days of My glory.


Romania is a Christian country from its birth, (See the history of Romania, r.n.), as for this her people was born at the same time with the only begotten One, Who was before all ages. That is why I protected her from perishing, for her people had to be the chosen people, the one promised by the prophets, so that God may make the salvation of his creature. I had and I kept in her, all the times, the holy remnant and a strong flock from which I raised saints and apostles and prophets, and these are praying today before My throne for this Romanian people, for this is what I proclaimed in the time of My body: «The one who is with Me, even if he dies, he will be alive.» Amen.


Behold that even today I have people hiding into the most hidden cracks of this earth; I have a holy remnant which has been working with Me and which is set apart for holiness and for a heavenly secret. These I ask from you to set them apart to be in My work and not to get out of the ordinance that I placed them in with their life; to be pleasant vessels for Me and to be well pleased with them, for the salvation of this nation by which I will be glorified. I will come through them and I will tell you about My plans in due time, but close Me well in you, for I will not reveal Myself with this spring until I bring this people to the faith which is requested in this time.


I will work mightily; I will work powerfully and all will be fulfilled and perfected, as it is written in the Book of the Truth, but get up and believe My plan and work out protection for My plan, as all go towards the holy victory and God is and watches and speaks and fulfills those that are foretold and made them true beforehand by his servants, the prophets. Be faithful to Me, for by this faith you will be with Me, and I will be with you. Amen.


Peace to you, the chief of the blessed Romanian army! Peace to you and blessing and protection to you! Amen. Peace and victory by faith in the God of Most Holy Trinity! Get up and put My people aside, for they are in My work, and I will stretch out over you the peace, protection and victory, written for this time, for Romania will be a green oasis before My eyes and before the nations. Amen.


Peace, light and resurrection over My chosen one, over My Romania, for I will protect in it her well-faithful kindred, and by this nation I will announce My kingdom on a new earth, for I come to make new heavens and a new earth, for I, God, spoke and will fulfill it in due time. Amen, amen, amen.


Behold, I put a grace from Me upon you and put power of protection and victory upon this cross which is worked out by clean hands and at My command. Put it and wear it on your chest, for My power will work through it, and My blessing will be shown through it. Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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