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2003.04.13 - The Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the devout Mary, the Egyptian

The Word of God[1] on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the devout Mary, the Egyptian[2]



I stop again near to you as word, and the Holy Spirit of My word warms you up at My bosom that is hurt by My longing for you, for you are My Jerusalem, which has been wanted so much and which has been longed for such a long time by every man who was born of the man, even since I, the Lord, made the first built man and up to you, those who are My people of today, the people of the time of the coming of My word on earth after two thousand years since My appearance in a body among the people for thirty years, and for the unbelievers for three years and a half. Amen.


Oh, My people, I strengthen at the manger those that bring My word to you. I want to give you power of spirit, of soul and of body, for I have always given to you so that you may work for Me, because I, without you, those in the body, even if you are so little, can do nothing on earth. I cannot on earth with the heaven for the earth is full of debauchery and the flesh lusts against the spirit, for the man lusts from earth and not from heaven, and the antichrist keeps on enticing the man with his hidden face, and even if he wrote his name on it, still the man would no longer flee from him, because the man is sick after all the things from hell and I have no doctor on earth to take the hell away from the earth and then to put the man back into Paradise. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[3]”, r.n.)


I would take you and I would pass with you from place to place over the earth so that I may appear more with the sign of My coming, with My life lived by the man. (See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man”, r.n.) I would go with you to speak to the death and to the hell to close their mouth and to give their dead back, but I, the Lord, have mercy on you and I give you to strengthen your spirit and your body to be able to do for Me and then, even more and more to give you heavenly reinforcements so that you may do for the world, because the world has come to its end even since I judged it and its ruler by My coming in the flesh among the people two thousand years ago. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.)


The proud man from the world says that you have a spirit of pride but if I did miracles with you that nobody has heard of, what would the man say, the man who does so many miracles by which to pull the man away from the path in which I dwell with those of Mine? And he does no longer speak of himself that he is proud and rather he tells to himself that he is righteous and smart and he says that he has Me as his God, the One humble on earth and in heaven. I would do near you and from you great signs, seen and heard by the eyes and by the ears of those on earth, but after I worked those beyond the nature among people, the people in the midst of which I appeared and which crucified Me on the cross like evil doers, took Me away. The miracles that I am doing today with you are far greater than everything that was heard about God on earth, sons in the time of this end. I did not speak with anyone among the people as I have spoken with you. I did not speak with Adam either, or with Cain, or with Noah, or with Moses, or with David, or with Zachariah, or with John, the Baptizer, or with the apostles, the way I speak with you and as much as I have been speaking with you, because it has never been such a great miracle since the age is and it shall not longer be another kingdom but Mine in man in a perfect manner, soon, soon, and then the heaven on earth, and I, in the midst of gods, the true God and greatly glorified among the people for their judgment, and when I will appear within My whole glory, everything will be shaken.


My word is written into the Scriptures, which says: «But immediately after the oppression of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars[4] will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken; and then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky. Then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and much glory, and everything will be shaken», (Matt. 24:29-30), as it is written. Then, from the four winds, from the margins of the heavens to the other margins, My angels will gather My elected ones in the day when no one expects this. Oh, I, the Lord, want to have what to gather, My people, and I want to announce Myself, for that is why I speak on earth. I speak so that I may announce My coming and to prepare you always, always, and to shine with you upon the earth, seven times brighter than the sun, and to get out to the people from among you, as the Bridegroom gets out of His chambers, because I have My tabernacle in you and among you, and the saints have much to wait for this time of My coming back among the people, and they look at it and at you and persevere before the Father for Me and for you, so that the Lamb of the Father and the little flock from the end of the coming of the Father’s Son for the victory of His saints, may be able to overcome. Amen.


Holy Jerusalem, the saints look at you, little son, and you should be a faithful and wise servant, so that through you I may be able to give food in due time to those who take Me from you as food and to spread Myself with My table into your mist, for I am merciful, My people, and you are My servant, the little child who shares the things of the Father, and blessed is that servant whom his Lord will find doing so when He comes, for He will set him over all that He has. And behold, the Lord does not delay in His coming and He comes to bring together all His chosen ones from the four winds, and the unfaithful servant who says that I am slow in coming and who begins to eat and drink and be drunken and begins to beat those that do not want to do what he does, then the Lord of that servant will come in an hour when he does not know and He will cut him in two and his portion will be with the unfaithful, because he did not watch for the coming of his Lord. (Luke 12:45-46)


Oh, My people, the church from the world is only hypocrisy through those who rule over it. What shall we really do, to wake it up to make it come to life, as I have given to the one of today mentioned in a spirit of church by the order of the holy fathers? How shall we really do it?


Here is Mary, the Egyptian. Her prayer to My mother, the Virgin, took her and raised her from the dead, because she believed in God and then she woke up and loved Him with much resurrection in her heart full of remorse and pain after the healing of My wounds made by her. She is hurt for the world and her spirit cries in heaven after the man lost in riots, and she kneels before the Father praying for Me, the Father’s Lamb, to overcome the world with My little flock, with you, My people of today, in which I stay as the word of resurrection over the world. And this holy woman is praying to the Father and says this:


― I will teach those without a law Your paths, Lord, and those who are unfaithful will come back to You, as I came back and I followed Your Son Who was not overcome by sin, and Who helped me by the intersession of His Mother at my prayer with much pain in it. Make an unheard miracle and take the spirit of debauchery away from the earth, which burns in the body of the man as an inextinguishable fire, a consuming fire in such a way that it may remain nothing from man. However, You, the One Who made the man again at the end through Your beloved Son, through Whom You built the man in His image and after His likeness, giving him birth from the Virgin among the people and bearing a human body on earth, and make, as a great Father in heaven and on earth, make through Your beloved Son Who was crucified for the sins of the people, make the light of Your divinity shine on earth and on man, the mystery of Your Son in His coming full of mystery, His word which raises the dead within their body and within their spirit, Father of the saints.


However, after I have renounced sin, I did not want to see the world in which the sin burns and every man in it, and I have received the gift of repentance and its tear full of love for Your Son Who died on the cross because of the sins of the human kind. My body, soul and spirit has been hurting me all the life of my body for the passion of Your Son in the time of His cross, and He gave me angels to help to my fight for the love of Your Son and of His saints who had been fighting like me to renounce the devil and to give themselves to God, the One Who built them on earth.


I have been longing so much to speak from You over those who carry on their little and fragile back the heavy way of the coming of Your Son on earth, for You are such a great God and they are very, very fragile, very much aggrieved, wanting so much for their rest after many hardships, for You are their burden, which is hard to carry, and You have a people who has been waiting powers and comforts and powers again from them, and You know their burden and cry with the saints for their mercy, and within the most perfect mystery You, Father, give them grace so that they may be able to do what You have to do in this time by Your most beloved Son, Who has been well pleased with them for His coming, Father Sabaoth. My heavenly body is knelt with love before You, and I ask You much heaven for them, much victory in them upon the devil that keeps the world in its darkness.

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