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1995.01.19 - The Word of Got at the Feast of Epiphany

                                    The Word of God[1] at the Feast of Epiphany

                                                                          (Translated by I.A.)



Behold a heavenly travel from heaven to earth and from earth to heaven. I come from heaven to you and you search for heaven from earth, and we meet and celebrate the feast of heavenly word and heavenly baptism in My name.


Oh, heavenly people; do you see Israel why I have asked you to stand in agreement with the heaven; why I have asked you to be from heaven? Oh, I have not spoken to anyone by now as I have spoken with you, as long as I have spoken with you for forty years, as I came down to you into God’s trumpet. (See selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets[2]”, r.n.). I came down to you as it was written into the Scriptures. I came down to speak with you the same way Abraham was speaking with God’s angels that wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. I have done likewise with you Israel, My promised child to Abraham. I started to destroy the lawlessness on the earth and I stopped to speak to you on My journey, as I stopped to speak with Abraham. Do you believe that it was not possible for Abraham not to believe? He also could have done like you, but he did not. He believed that I was the One Who was speaking with him. He knew the descent of the Holy Trinity and said: «Lord, if I found favor in Your sight please do not go away from Your servant». And Abraham laid the table before God, and it was written justice and righteousness in his right. And Abraham could have said that it was not I, but he had faith and therefore, he was called the father of the faithful.


Behold a heavenly travel. The Son of God is coming near to the pool of His word, as He came near to Jordan, and John came into His way to start the baptism of the repentance into His name and with Him. My Son, I let Myself be marked by the John’s baptism to complete the mystery of the water baptism, and at My baptism into Jordan, I was baptized with water and with the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit covered Me within His bodily image, by a dove’s image, Israel, a baptism with water and with the Holy Spirit. John baptized Me with water and the Father baptized Me with the Holy Spirit in a visible way, so that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit might be by Jordan. Amen.


Here I am with open heavens above the manger of My word, above the pool of the new Siloam, above the river of life, Jerusalem as the Jordan of life flows from heaven. The river of life flows from heaven upon the mouth of the spring of My word, and I, the Lord, proclaim a word of heavenly Epiphany: the water of the river of life and the water of the springs from the garden of the river of life are blessed and sanctified by the Holy Spirit into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.)


This is what I told John by the Jordan two thousand years ago: «Allow it now, for this is the fitting way for us to fulfill all righteousness». And now I baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire, as it was the prophecy from John, the Baptizer. And how comes with the Holy Spirit and fire? You should know to answer, Jerusalem, child fed on the Holy Spirit. What does it mean with the Holy Spirit and with fire?


It means wheat and chaff. The wheat is baptized with the Holy Spirit and the chaff is baptized with fire. What is the wheat and what is the chaff, sons? Oh, it is good for man to be wheat and not chaff, as the whole world is chaff and it does not know what the baptism with the Holy Spirit and the baptism with fire are. These two mysteries are one at one end and other at the other end. The baptism with the Holy Spirit is for those who believe and fulfill the law of the holy heaven, where the Holy Spirit comes from. And the baptism with fire is for those who separated from the will of the heaven and from the Lord’s law, and they are baptized with fire as it is written: «They will be saved, but as through fire». And again, it is written: «His winnowing fork is in His hand and He will thoroughly cleanse His threshing floor. He will gather His wheat into the barn, but the chaff He will burn up with unquenchable fire». This is what John said: «His threshing floor and His wheat», as not all the threshing floor and not all the wheat belong to the Lord, because some do only by nature the things of the threshing floor and wheat, but not by their faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as it is written: «I am the Light of the world»; and it is written again: «Be sons of the day, as the light was called day». The day comes from Me, as it was done from Me, as I am the day. The day does not come from the Sun. The Sun covers the mystery of the day, but the day is from itself, from Me, sons, from the light, as My name is Light and Word. You, who have remained with Me in My trials, I gave My word to breathe over My people and over the world.


Israel, I have got within you sons born from above, out of word and faith and of the Holy Spirit. These let themselves be born and sealed by My word to get in front of you with Me and to give you from My word. I look for you, son, I look for you, Israel, and I call you to come so that I may speak upon you. I call you to believe My word, as this is what it means to come. If you come and if you do not believe, you should no longer come, as this it does not mean to come. You should no longer come this way. So it was then when many disciples followed Me and see what happened then! The Jews quarreled about My words: «I am the bread which comes down from heaven that anyone may eat of it and not die». If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. Many disciples who were hearing this, said: «This is a hard saying! Who can listen to it?», as My disciples also murmured against Me if they did not let themselves be My wheat, and then I told them: «Why does this cause you stumble? Only if you saw Me ascending where I was before!» Behold Israel, My word was Spirit, and they were flesh. And it is written into My word that the Spirit is the One, Which gives life, and the flesh is useless. There were among those some who believed, and that is why I told them: «No one can come to Me, unless it is given to him by My Father». But those from the flesh did not understand, and then many from them withdrew and did no longer followed Me, and I was left only with the twelve, who understood the words of the eternal life from Me, and they believed that I was the Son of the living God.


You see Israel, why I have reminded you My work of that time? For you to see that then it was also the same. Many came to listen to My word, but it was hard for many, hard to fulfill if they cared about their flesh, and behold, the flesh is useless. Now is the same with My work of the word. There have come many a bodies to hear, and coming they did not come, and hearing they did not hear and did not fulfill the words of life. And here is what I say to you today Israel: if you come and do not believe, you should no longer come; do no longer come this way. If you come and do not want to fulfill My word, you should no longer come. Why do you believe that I was hardly speaking two thousand years ago? I did so, to sort out the wheat from the chaff. I did so, so that those who did not believe may leave; those that were a body without faith, that is without spirit. I do likewise today, and I will bring the words of mystery even harder to believe for those who did not want to leave their bodies. This is what I will do, so that I may remain with My threshing floor and with My wheat, to be able to work, as we can no longer work as by now. If you come and do not believe, do no longer come, and I will fulfill this word of Mine. He, who believes, fulfills My word without any other kind of speech. He, who believes, understands. He, who does not believe, does not understand My words. Jerusalem, do you not see, son, that these words are Mine? I tell you as I said two thousand years ago; and this is what I told those of then: «If you do not believe in Me, believe in these words of God». And I tell you today: if you do not believe that I am the One, Who speaks upon you, at least believe these godly words, as they are from God and not from man. The human words are nothing else then these, Israel. Oh, in vain I speak to you in many ways, as you will not be able to defend yourself before Me. If you come and do not believe, you should no longer come, and if you come you should also believe; you should come and be obedient to My order, and you should not come otherwise and stay otherwise; you should no longer come otherwise. Mind that you do no longer come and scream at Me. It is enough, Christian! I close the door for those who scream at Me and walk at My order to judge from the earth.


Jerusalem, look at the order that My work had into the world two thousand years ago. When it was to proclaim the man’s salvation by My crucifixion and My resurrection, I worked first to proclaim the news of repentance, and he, who would come to repentance and in faith and holiness, was baptized with water and then with the Holy Spirit. He, who chooses to work repentance receives after that the baptism with water and after that the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Israel, you came to Me at this time. You heard that I came and speak on the earth, and you came to hear Me, and I taught you to repent of all your wicked deeds, and you did not do so. Those of the time of John, who came at the baptism of repentance, were asking John: «What shall we do?» The multitudes came to him and he answered them: «You offspring of vipers; who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore, bring forth fruit worthy of repentance, and do not think to yourselves: ‘We have Abraham for our father’, for I tell you that God is able to raise up children

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