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1991.04.20 - The word of God to His chosen Irineu


                              The word of God[1] to His chosen Irineu[2]

                                                  (Translated by I.A.)



The sweetest word: peace to you! Peace to you, faithful child to My work of this time! Peace to you from the God of those faithful, for the Lord is the God of those faithful and is working with the faithful. Behold the wish from heaven of remembrance of the Lord’s resurrection as well: Christ is Risen! Christ is the beginning of the resurrection and afterwards each one according to his own group. (See selection topic: “Resurrection of the dead[3]”, r.n.)


Christ is Risen! But how many understand this secret in order to live according to the truth of this resurrection? The world makes out of this a remembrance, out of this holiday a celebration of feasting and of freedom and not of devotion and not of heavenly glorification and it does not come up with joy from earth to heaven. The same was in the time of My body, My loved child, for the world was gathering from everywhere at the Passover celebration from Jerusalem, to bring a praying sacrifice to God. Yah! As the Spirit of God was not in them, for if those who were gathering together had the Spirit of God, they would have known that I was the Lamb of God, Who came to lift up the sin of the world. Did you see Peter’s testimony when I asked My disciples: «How about you? Who do you say I am?» And Peter said: «You are the Christ.» But the Lord discovered the work of the godly spirit and said: «Blessed are you Simon; for flesh and blood did not reveal it to you», rather the Lord had worked all the time, for afterwards He said to them: «Do not tell anyone that I am the Christ.» Behold, the Lord did not seek in the passing of this world in His time, and rather worked with a bunch of disciples, as He could not reach the time to be perfected by death and then by resurrection, as it was written in the book of the prophecies. And when the time came, He went up to Jerusalem to let Himself be given for passion and to show then His glory.


Oh, My loved one, I have come down from heaven, carried a body and humbled Myself to the cross to be an example of love for those who believe in Me. I was an obedient servant of My Father and I bent down in front of all in order to do well to everybody. I came down from heaven and washed the feet of My disciples and I did nothing for Me. I comforted the pains of everybody; I healed the sufferings of those that are faithful and gave food to the hungry multitudes, and afterwards I went on for passion and for the full accomplishment of the mystery for which I came incarnated; and I worked out nothing but love in all the time of My body. And when I went up to My Father, I said this: «Father, protect now those that you gave Me from the world as I now come to You! They are not from the world as I am not from the world as well. The world does not love them, as the world loves only what belongs to it.» The same is now too; the world cannot love those that are with God, those that do not come from what belongs to God’s law. But the faithful, who do not suffer shame, disdain and judgment from those in the world, oh, they have not come out from what belongs to the world yet; they still have a double-minded heart. So are many from My people whom I nourished and taught from heaven all the time, and the Christian cannot cut from what belongs to him and be only with Me in order to make him powerful over the one in My people.


I have these little children through whom I work and through whom that which says is seen: «Whoever does not leave parents, brothers, fallow lands, houses and world for My name, that one cannot be My disciple», and the one who leaves everything from Me, that one is My disciple. Oh, these little children have not looked back anymore. They cut from themselves and here, they will be blessed and will be put over many things they who listen to My words and fulfill them. That is why I stuck you to them, and woe, My child, woe to those who only dare think to put a crossbar between you and these that I help Myself with them and through whom I make a bound with you for the accomplishment of My thing in these days! I say so because My work with you is still intercepted by the hypocrites who say that they are also with My work and if there is only a little bit of dough from them, they seek to spoil that kneading from heaven. Keep away from the dough of those hypocrites, for they do not work in My vineyard. Keep away from the friends, as I protect you from enemies. But I want you to understand what I say, for he who is not with the work of My plan that one is not with you according to the truth. Keep away from the gabbler as he has two tongues. And keep away from the flattering man, for his greasy word is ambiguous. I am all the time with a strong protection upon you and companies of strong angels are working around you, for I want have you, My loved child, and I want strongly to have you and I want to have you like a straight edge in the middle of a stubborn and unfaithful people.


The apostles from Galilee took the Holy Spirit. And why did they take Him? Because they believed in their Teacher; that is why they took and knew that they took and went and brought forth fruit and made uncountable miracles, and multitudes from the earth followed them, as in My name they were taking out demons and were speaking into new languages and were doing great miracles. But today, the spirit of the world, this kind of evil spirit, with what it can be exterminated? With what My love? For this kind of evil spirit from this time comes out only with an unheard of faith, worked out with fasting and living prayer, according to the spirit and truth, and behold, this power is not seen that is worked out from My church anymore, for there is no life with Me; it is not. For the priest eats meat all the time, like anyone who is wondered away; he is eating ceaselessly, from the one at the head of the church to the weakest one. The priest does not want to be like Me, and behold, I see this deception today, as the man is getting rid even of the smallest tasks, and he is putting his neck to carry a mountain in his back, for he goes to become a priest and one like that does not know what he is doing. And if the priests knew what kind of time is this and if they understood what it meant to stay between man and God, if they could understand; I tell you as well son; I tell you that the priest of today would take a bag on his shoulder and would go beyond the largest wilderness to escape the hell, for the priest of today does not work God’s righteousness, and it is written: «Woe to you because you strain out a gnat and swallow a camel to show your righteousness before the people, but on the inside you are filthy. Woe, for you go beyond the limit of your fathers, who shed the prophets’ blood, for behold, you confirm yourself that you are the sons of those.»


Oh, My loved one, be with Me son, for the priest of today makes from My Body and Blood members of the immoral and lawless ones. It would be easier for one like this to take a loaf of bread and go into the wilderness, as it is not only he, but he also turns the one who is siding with him into a child of hell. Believe Me so that you may be full of the Holy Spirit to see with the spirit, that truly, truly I say to you, for before the priest was not leaving his holy garment and was going from village to village and he was honest with a holy honor and primacy, My child, and he was grazing the flock according to the whole guide. But look also today! Look with Me that you do no longer know whether the priest who drinks and smokes is a priest anymore, who not only walks clothed like the world and leaves his holy garment, but more awfulness goes up to heaven, for he goes and does like everybody and I do no longer distinguish him from the world.


I cannot stand it anymore, My child. I cannot stand son, and I want to make a good cleaning. I want to clean all the dry wood; I want to arise Myself and cut the fruit trees that do not bring forth fruit. Why should they occupy a place in vain? I come and I want to let all that I find healthy, but help Me as I want to make with you a beginning of a new work. Do not hurry; do not put Me under a bushel. Take Me out and make Me shine with you by what you are working! Stay in the good power for this kind of darkness and fog cannot be cleared off but only with the good power. 


Do not give Me to those that do not walk in the way with Me. Tell and show them the way, and see if they walk in it; join them to Me, and if they do not want, I will not give up for them and I will come back inside Me. I want you to know that I speak the truth; I do not give up My kingdom because of those who do not open for Me according to the truth, for those that are with Me follow My steps and I am well pleased with them. I came completely into the world and completely I gave Myself as an example for cutting and sacrificing and I cannot overlook this. Place Me with your love, with your faith and with your word; place Me in man so that I can be seen in him, and then work with My Body and Blood themselves upon that one, for I am clean, My obedient child, and work. It is not hard with Me. It is hard only when you are not with Me, for I am not feeble at all.


Let Me in all things, but all of your things, be in Me. Nothing without Me: neither your deed and nor your speech, love and look. Nothing without Me, My love, for I take ten steps to one of yours and we go and work and overcome. Seek My kingdom always and I will work for you all other things, but never be without Me anywhere. You have seen that some believers give as alms with their own hand everything that they want to have in heaven. The same is on earth; what we want to receive from around us, let

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