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1998.05.06 - The Word of God at the feast of the great saint martyr Gheorghe

The Word of God[1] at the feast of the great saint martyr Gheorghe[2] (Saint George, r.n.)



My people, My people, you should always stay on the way of My love with you. You should always stay on the way of My coming to you, for you are My way from heaven to earth. And if I did not have you as My way, on what way should I come on My coming from now? My people, you are My sign before My coming, as I made you a sign on the earth, and you are nothing else but My sign, in My image before My coming in word and image. My people, you are My image. What is this word about? Oh, you carry Me in you, and you show Me to the people; you give to those who want to receive My image, as you do. What is My image? My image is My life in man, in his thought, in his heart, in his soul, in his body and in his work. My image is the love of man, the love of God. Amen. My people, you are the one who understood the mystery of My image, and that is why you live in it and you are included in it, and the one who is included in it does no longer need faith in Me, for that one is an accomplished man in Me and lives in Me and he is a son of God, being a son of resurrection. Amen.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I become a feast with the saints into your midst, My people. I become Jerusalem that came from heaven on the earth to you, for it is written: «I saw the holy citadel, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready like a bride beautifully adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the Throne saying: “Behold God’s dwelling place is now with people, and He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning, or crying, or pain any more, as the first things have passed away. Amen». I am coming down to you with My bride made ready for Me. She dressed on the earth for Me and she came into heaven at her Bridegroom, dressed like bride, and she is bride with Me in heaven, and she is coming down with Me on the earth. And I am her dwelling, and I am coming with her in Me, and I am with you and dwell with you and you are My people, for it is written: «Behold, God’s dwelling place is now with the people and God Himself will be with them and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them». Amen. I am coming down with My bride, and I am coming down with My saints, for they are My bride in heaven, the one from Me, for she lives in Me, as it is written: «God is not the God of the dead but of the living, for all live in Him». Amen.


I come down with My bride from heaven at My bride on the earth. I come down to you, people Jerusalem on the Romanian land, and I work as in the beginning, for I start with the beginning, as the Romanian land was the beginning of the earth, and I work the same way in the end at the making of new heaven and of new earth, which will be for the righteous ones. I have a heavenly feast of saints within My coming, as the heaven is celebrating at you and with you, My people. The feast is not as on the earth at you, as in the churches on the earth, My people. In the churches on the earth there is only a feast of dust, of flesh, only like that of the man, and not like that of God. I cannot celebrate with My saints in the churches on the earth, for My saints have loved the heaven on the earth, but the people in the churches on the earth love the earth, and they do not love the heaven; they do not like My image in them, and I am well pleased with those that are humble and gentle within their hearts, like Me, for «the man, being honored, did not understand and joined with the animals, with those without mind, and became like them», and he has not taken after Me, as it is written about the man who is gentle and humble in his heart, but rather he has chosen his honor from the earth.


My people, there is no feast of saints with you as on the earth. The heaven and its saints celebrate with you. The people also celebrate the saints, but they do it as on the earth, not as with you, and as with Me and you, My people. You are a good people and you know from Me what the Christian should do and be like within celebrations of saints. You are the people, who is taught by God, as it is written: «And they will be taught by God». You are a fulfilled prophecy, as I come from heaven to you and I teach you and fulfill the Scriptures with you, for I do no longer find a man on the earth who wants to give himself over to Me, in order to fulfill My Scriptures with him, the Scriptures of My coming, the Scriptures of the resurrection of the dead, the Scriptures of the new heaven and new earth, the Scriptures of eternity, My people.            (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead[3]”, r.n.)


I have told you, Jerusalem of My coming that I will come to you and reveal you the Scripture of My new people, who has a new name from Me, a name of Romanian, for this is the new name of God’s people. Behold, I give a new heart to those who believe in My coming in word over the earth, as told you, Romanian Israel, to become an example of the kingdom of the heavens on the earth, so that the people may learn from you the mystery of resurrection, the mystery of the sons of God, who are the sons of resurrection, and the mystery of My image in man.


I have told you, Romanian Israel, that you are the true Romanian people, that you are the Christian people of the Romanians. No one else is Christian, but the one who loves My image in him. My image is My life in man; it is My will in the man that I am well pleased with. I have told you, Romanian Israel, that you are My true Romania between heaven and earth, and the whole Romania and the entire people, which wants to be Romanian people, will be born of you, for the name of Romanian is the new name of the people chosen by God, and which the Scriptures write about: «I will give them a new name and a new heart».


Behold, I reveal to you, Romanian Israel, the Scripture, which says this: «To him who overcomes I will give of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name, which no one knows but only he who receives it. And I will write on it the name of God and the name of the citadel of God, of the New Jerusalem, which is coming down from heaven, from God and My new name». Amen. And the one who does not believe in this Scripture, which I reveal today, to be known and believed, for him it will remain the testimony against his unbelief into the word of this Scripture revealed for the whole world. Amen.


I am with the saints, martyrs that came from heaven for the opening of this Scripture. I am with the martyr Gheorghe, (Saint George, r.n.) the victory bearer, who accompanied the Romanian waivodes in their fight of victory for the salvation of the Romanian people, the people chosen by God in the end, for it is written: «To the one who overcomes I will give of the hidden manna, and I will give him a little white stone, a new heart and a new name, of New Jerusalem, and My new name», the name of the Romanian. Amen. But why this name? Here is why: The Romanian people in Romania are the people that overcame for Me. It has been stricken and crucified as I was, it, and the land under it. The evil spirit opposing to Me knows of the mystery of this land of the beginning of the earth; it knows from the first created man; it knows the place where I build the first created man; it knows from the man that I created. Since then and until today My adversary has been striking into this land and in whatever is on it, for this land and everything that is on it is Mine more than anything on the earth. The man on this earth, the true man, wanted Me; he had Me with him on this earth and My adversary has seen Me with My work always in man, and he has always been striking Me and My man from this earth. The man of My earth has not wished anyone’s evil on the earth; he has not gone wrong to anyone, as I have always been breathing with the spirit of My will over the Romanian people faithful to Me. But the thief has been coming from everywhere to defeat the Romanian and to take the land from under him, to defeat the Romanian people, but the Romanian people has overcome with Me and not without Me. I was its seal, and this seal has been working on it like a shield, because this people was born under My seal that I put on it before its birth through My first called apostle, Andrew, the apostle of John the Baptizer, the first one who came under the seal of the apostleship, a disciple with a spirit of a prophet, for it is written into the Scripture: «He who believes in the prophets, will have the reward of a prophet, and will do the work of a prophet». This apostle prophet overcame for the birth from above of the Romanian people, and then the Romanian people has prevailed over My adversary and his, for he has stayed under My seal. And why do I say that he overcame? If he had not overcome within Me, I would have not had you today as Christian, Romanian Israel, people of My word, for you are of your parents a son of the waivodes faithful to Christ in the Romanian people.


The martyr Gheorghe, bearer of victory, as the Christians of his time called him, fought for the Romanian people, for he sees from heaven and from near Me, whom I have as people from the Father for My second coming on the earth. He helped the Romanian waivodes to be the bearers of victory, as he was. He struck with his sword, not made by a human hand, the Romanian people’s enemy, and this nation is the bearer of victory,

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