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1997.08.02 - The Word of God on the feast of the saint prophet Elijah

                        The Word of God[1] on the feast of the saint prophet Elijah[2]



I come down in haste to you, My people. I come with My trumpet, Verginica. I come down on the path of your book, Verginica, My trumpet that I, the Lord, sound before My appearance. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets[3]”, r.n.)


We come down with a council of holy prophets and we celebrate a supper of new word, a word with a trumpet sounding over Israel. The spirit of the prophet Elijah works by this working of word, before My great and glorified day. We celebrate Elijah with greatness, the prophet written about in the Scriptures, that he will come to prepare My second coming, and we celebrate with him all the prophets, who prophesied about this time of Mine, that I am the fulfillment of My word spoken by the prophets. (See the selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah[4]”, r.n.)


Elijah, the prophet goes over the earth to urge the people to repentance, but the people are of stone at any kind of My calling, as in the time of Noah. Oh, the spirit of the prophets cries to Me for the fulfillment of the Scriptures for My coming. But what is the prophet? The prophet is a man of God, who speaks the word of God over the people, but they do not fulfill God’s commandments. A prophet means a man, who rises against the lawless ones, to save God’s truth and the right man that moans under the people’s iniquities. My word through the prophets is a double-edged sword, which pierces into the flesh of the giants, to weaken their wicked power and to save those who are oppressed, who cry with repentance to God.


There was once a man in Israel, who I woke up My spirit in, to save Israel through him that was crying to Me with repentance. This made a double-edged sword for himself and hid it under his cloak and went to the king of Moab, who was oppressing Israel, and he entered into the porch of the king, and I was protecting from all sides the one who rose to be My judge over Israel. And while the king was sleeping, he took out his sword with this left hand from his right hip and thrust it into the fat belly of the enemy king and did not draw it out any more; even the haft went in after the blade into the fat belly of wicked king, and the sword remained in the flesh of the fat king, and I saved My people from the enemies who oppressed him.


My word is a double-edged sword, and he who takes it will be caught by it, for it is a double-edged sword. When Elijah, My prophet, delivered the word to the house of king, Ahab, his word thrust like sword there where it was sent, as Elijah was My prophet, was My word.


What is the prophet? It is My word; it is a man born of My word upon him. He gives birth to My word among the people; he gives Me birth as word on the earth. The same were with you, Verginica. (See The Life of Saint Virginia[5], r.n.) My word have created and formed you, and then you gave Me birth as word on the earth, and a people was born out of My word in you, and the book of this people was written like the book of Israel; and as My prophets were not loved then, the same is now. Behold, I sent Elijah, My prophet, and he goes everywhere all over the earth to turn the people back to Me, but those who took hold of the keys of the kingdom of heavens stand against Me. And you, Verginica, call out, so that your calling may be heard. Amen.


− I, the Lord, sound the trumpet over Israel, as You came down in haste to Your people. I am the watchman of Israel, and the watchman announces those inside when he sees the enemies coming.


I look and what restlessness is over the bishops from the worldly church! Your people goes with You and preaches You on the earth, as that is why You become word, and the bishops of the church from the world have been filled with fear and unrest, Lord. We come to the people of Your word to strengthen it in hope, in faith, in Your peace and in steadfastness, Lord. The bishops prepare themselves to come into Your little garden and push Your bishop, by whom You founded the little garden of Your word; they push him to curse Your little garden and Your word, which has always sanctified it, but I will go before them as Your angel went before Balaam, who was going to curse Israel, and I will advise Your bishop to a word of blessing, for the bishops push him forward as their savior, to save them from under the burden of Your word upon them. We come down in haste to take care of everything of Your garden, and we will wake the people up, who will come to our help, to discover the lying of the bishops, who want to say that it is not them, but Your bishop who wants to strike in Your little garden, in Your church founded by Your word, Lord.


Elijah, Your prophet works for You and for Your people, and I, as a watchman, I announce Your citadel, Your people, to stay in the spirit of Your peace, for You are the One, Who protects Your work and Your going as a word over the earth, as You come on the earth as word. Amen.

− Oh, Verginica, I come down into My book, and I seal the little garden with a new word of blessing, and I will let My watchmen in the garden know, for I sent My angels to overcome against the lying of the bishops, who fight against My word and not against its sons; they fight against Me, not against My people. But this is their hour and the authority of darkness in them, as they did not want to be Mine; they did not love My ways, and stood up to fight against Me. But I come down in haste and make a new word and become a strong God for My people. Amen, amen, amen.




I am the Word. I am the Lord. Amen, amen, amen. I am Who I am, the One Who was in the beginning as it is written: «In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and without Him was not anything made that has been made».


Oh, little garden of the word, I am the word upon you, and you wear My name that I chose you with love to speak from you on the earth. Oh, little garden, oh, little garden, oh, little garden, oh, My dwelling! I refresh My spirit when I speak upon you. I made you My support, and I comfort My pain with My word upon you, as the heavenly pain for the man is a heavy pain. Oh, little garden, I cry in you in the word, I pray in you to My Father, I pray in you for the man to come back to the Father, but the spirit of antichrist gets angry with you, watchmen. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[6]”, r.n.) Oh, little garden, the saints come down in you with the heavenly word. My Spirit becomes word in you, but the man opposing to Me and to you, plot hostility and unbelief, for he is restless when hearing about you, My little garden. But I am the Lord and I cannot compare Myself to the mind of the faithless man, and I leave him in his peace, and I work in you with My peace, so that My peace may be at the hand of the one who wants to take from it. Amen.


I become word, and a celebration of My coming. I become peace and joy over all who are nourished by My hand, which flows over you, My little garden. I become a word of hope and victory for all who take from the supper of My word, to be alive with their life and mind, and with their watchfulness and heart. I become hope over you, My people nourished from the little garden of My word. You should stay forever for supper with Me; you should stay with faith and hope; you should stay steadfastly, as the people of today are against Me more than two thousand years ago, when I appeared in the flesh among the people. Many people of today became giants and took hold of the keys of My kingdom and threw Me out of My kingdom, so that it might be theirs and not Mine, and they are hostile to you, My faithful people. But I am the Lord, and I have always spoken upon you and I teach you to be a faithful, holy and obedient child, as those that are faithful will be like the stars forever. Amen.


Oh, little garden of My word, the rulers of the church took counsel together against you, but I am the Lord and I come and seal you with fresh word, for it is not you, but I, who am guilty before the rulers of the church. I made you to be and to stay before Me, and in you I have sons, who are called with My new name and are anointed by Me with a fresh anointment; by Me, as there were no longer anointed people on the earth to anoint those who walk in My ways. Those from the earth anoint with their oil those who walk on empty ways, but I anoint with My oil My anointed ones that walk on My ways.


Oh, My loved people, My loved people, I carried you and carry you among the people with My word which is calling out upon the people to come back to Me. I carried you and carry you upon the earth to give to the people the spirit of comforting, for the people are without consolation, and I will always go with you from place to place, for the spirit and the power of Elijah is working upon you, little one. But the rulers of the church from the world were upset and settled to mock the witness bishop of My clean church. They push him by threatening to come and strike the little garden of My word, but you, My people, pray and sing your song of victory, as for those, who do not love you, their hour and the darkness dominion, has come upon them, for they refused to be Mine, and rose to fight against Me. But I strengthening Myself upon you, for I am your mighty God and that was why they are afraid of you, those that were afraid. This way the people were afraid of My people Israel, for I was their mighty God and I was the defender of Israel that was calling Me out in a spirit of repentance to save it. I have always blessed you and I have sent you to pour out on earth from My blessing and I have always accompanied you in a sunny time and with peace and heavenly signs, so that the multitudes may see that I am your God, Who testifies about

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