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1995.12.04 - The Word of Got at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord's Mother

The Word of God[1] at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother

                                                                          (Translated by I.A.)



It is a holy feast in Israel, and the Lord comes. The Lord comes from His glory, He comes with His glory. Amen.


Sons, sons, I come for Israel, as I found celebration in it. I come to keep My people watching. I come to help it stay awake. I come to help it keep vigil and stand in wisdom. Let all the people stay in wisdom, let it stay ready for the coming of the Bridegroom.


Peace to you, Israel people! The evil spirit has nowhere to give you from, what I, the Lord, your God, give you. I give you peace; I proclaim peace onto you! This is the key that I open your spirit with, My people, so that I may come into your midst and lay out a supper of word and to eat with you, My people. I came and I told you this: «I do no longer go into the world, and all My richness I give to you». Peace to you, as he, who has this power given by Me, can manage by it; he can manage through bad weather. Oh, it is bad of the man when he cannot go on, but I give it to you, so that you may go on. Peace to you My people! Receive son, so that you may have; receive and be rich in My peace, as it is your power. You should nourish yourself from My peace with faith, love, wisdom, eternal life and with a watching spirit to meet with Me, for I look upon you to see how you stay and wait for Me, My loved people. You should wait for Me, and wait for Me if you know. Do you see what the wise son wants to say? That one, either that he watches or sleeps, is prepared and ready to fire up the lamp and stand for meeting with Me. Amen.


Today is a day of welcome. I celebrate the feast of meeting with Israel, when My mother Virgin was a little child, and entering into those of My Father, she was welcomed by the servant of the temple, because she was promised to God, and this little child grew up in the Spirit of the Lord and fed on Him, and she was a virgin candle in the spirit and body; she was an unquenched candle until the light of the candle became a baby within her, and a Man was born among the people.


Oh, Israel, what a big work the candle is! (Candle - vigil lamp, r.n.) The candle is watchfulness; it is the light into the darkness; it is the earnest of the light not conceived by the dark minds of those who do not watch. Oh, Israel, I want to have a lighted watch in you. I want you to be a wise virgin, My people, as I gave you wisdom, and you should have it if I gave it to you, and not go and buy from those that sell it. No son. You should have it from Me, and I have always told you to have a heavenly kingdom open before Me, a kingdom waiting for Me. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God[2]”, r.n.) Did you see what I said, what the kingdom of heaven looks like? I spoke about the ten virgins who went out to meet Me, taking their candles with them, and I said that half of them were foolish and only half of them were wise. The foolish ones took only the candles with them, but the wise ones took also oil in their vessels, (Normally in the lamp is used only pure oil, cold pressed oil - untdelemn in Romanian, not refined, not pass through the fire, light of the candle represents wisdom born of love for God proved by fulfilling the word, as the flame of the oil lamp is born, r.n.) to have so that their candles may not go out. This means watchfulness and wisdom. Those who took oil into their vessels were prepared for waking, even if they were about to slumber waiting for their Bridegroom, as during the time of their waiting, they all slumbered and slept. But when there was a cry at midnight: «Behold! The Bridegroom is coming!», they arose and trimmed their candles. The foolish ones saw that their oil was finished, that their candles were going out. The wise ones had vessels prepared with oil. If they had not been wise, they would have given of their oil to the others, who did no longer have, who did not prepare, and when they were asked for the oil, they responded with wisdom: «No so; what if there is not enough for us and for you? You go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves. We have. Take for yourselves; take from those who sell». And no sooner had the foolish ones left to those who sell than the Bridegroom came, and those that were ready came in at the same time with the Bridegroom to the wedding, and the door was closed after them. And when they that went to those who sell came started to cry at the door: «Lord, open to us!», but only the voice of the Lord came out saying: «I don’t know you».


Oh, Israel, do you understand what it means for a man not to be known by God? The man says out of his habit: „God knows; God knows my heart; the Lord knows what he will do with me; the Lord knows my trouble”, and here is what I told the virgins that did not watch, that were unwise and without oil; I told them: «Truly I speak to you that I do not know you».


Israel, Israel, you should be careful, and you should have, so that you may not go to those who sell. I gave you, so that you may have. Do no longer go to those who sell. (The church from the world, r.n.). Come son; you have it as a gift. Those who sell have for those who buy. You have it as a gift. You have if you watch. You have if you take from Me. You have if you received from Me; if you received, son. Oh, watch, so that you may have!


Do you see Israel, what watchfulness means? To watch does not mean not to sleep any longer; no, son. To watch means to be careful to have oil for the time when I will wake you up with the cry that says: «Behold! The Bridegroom is coming!». Then, even if you wake up, if you do not have oil in your vessels for candles, you wake up in vain. (Love of God in your soul, r.n.). You cannot go to those who sell then; you are not able to come back from your way, as those who sell, have nothing to give you. Their goods are their goods; it is not for you; it is no longer good for the candle, for you candle. (For your soul, r.n.). You have pure oil in your candle. (Love of God, r.n.). You have because I gave it to you. How about going to buy from man? I have also had into My people some, who went to buy from those who sell, but such sons did not stay with Me, but rather they stayed more on the road, more with those who sell. Who are those who sell? Those who sell are those that buy God’s gift on the money, as they say. Only those sell, and if they do so, have nothing to sell, as My gift is not received with money. Only they know that they buy, those who buy to have. That is why I told the foolish virgin: «I do not know you».


Israel, Israel, not even as a gift can you give to those that do not have oil today, as the wise virgins did not give of their oil. Leave My gift into My hand, as I give only to those that I know. You, Israel, do not know those that I know. Let Me take this care, as behold, I have no longer someone to give. No one really knows Me any longer. I do no longer know well anyone, son. You have seen what I answered to those five foolish virgins: «I do no longer know you». Oh, My people, the door that leads to the wedding rooms is in My hand, son. I am the door, but he, who did not enter through Me, does not know what the door it. The door enters at the same time with Me, and then it is not seen anymore. It is seen something else, if it is still seen, but not the door, rather something else is still seen, as those who sell are not a door to God. They have something else to work; they work something else, and the man does no longer know what is on the earth and what is worked on the earth. Where should the man know from? Who should tell the man? What fruits shall the man eat? As the fruit tree is no longer a tree with fruits. There are only wild fruit trees; only gnashing of teeth everywhere; only fruit tree with sour and foreign fruits; only raw fruits; only wild fruit trees everywhere. In vain does the man want to wake up and buy the truth for money.


The man has been saying for a long time that he is not made by God. He said that he is older than God; this is what the man said, sons. Oh, what shall you buy any longer, My people, from those that sell? Here is what the man sells. The man sells lies. Who else knows what oil (untdelemn in Romanian, r.n.) means, and what it means to buy oil? The man says that he is older than the earth. The man says that there is no God, if he says that he is older than the earth. No one, no one knows what oil means. The oil is not bought; this heavenly gift cannot be bought. The man says that the oil is the one, which is put into the cooking pot. The man has no longer a spirit of wisdom. The man is fool, as this is written into the Scriptures: «The fool says into his heart that there is no God».  Every wise man on the earth knows so, and says so, that he is older than the earth and the heaven. The man multiplied the time from his own reading. Not even Lucifer did what the man who fell down from heaven did, who fell down from that godly knowledge. The man fell down and crushed into a bottomless deep, as he counted millions and billions of years over time. But the time means this: the heaven and the earth; that is all, sons. The eternity was before the Lord’s creating the heaven and the earth, and after the heaven and the earth come to an end, there will be eternity again and redemption over all that it had been carried by time and redeemed for eternity. The man walked to overthrow God and the creation from God; he walked to know and he collapsed falling down into the deep, and it remained the man’s lie upon the man; however, the man took everything out

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