The Life of Saint Virginia by Disciples Disciples (if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud txt) 📖

- Author: Disciples Disciples
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The Life of Saint Virginia
The Life of Saint Virginia
It was on the 27th of May 1923, the feast day of all saints. On that morning Virginia's mother was getting ready to go to church, but she couldn't go because she had to give birth to the little baby girl Virginia.
It was the last year of the ancient church, of the ancient feasts, because the communism epoch removed the Christian feasts as the scripture foresaw. The Christians of that time were mourning the removal of the saints' feasts, seeing in that the scriptures fulfilment: "even the times they will dare to change" (Dan 7:25). The parents of Virginia, Nicolae and Andreiana, were poor Christians and they raised their two children very hard, Virginia being the smallest one. In 1924, when Virginia was one year old, she fell sick of a very strange illness that was eating her stomach from inside. But by this suffering, of the little child Virginia, The Lord wanted to show that she was a chosen vessel. Her parents were crying and praying to God for the child's healing. Her suffering in that year meant a big secret, because later, God was going to announce through her, the wound suffered by the church at that time. Her poor parents were praying masses for her healing in church, because their only hope was God. They kept near the house a goat for milk and, because Virginia fell sick, they used the milk of the goat only for her, because they did not have anything else.
The days of fasting were holy for the entire family, but on the other days, Virginia was fed with the milk from the goat. The sickness of the child was very advanced; the parents were weeping looking at the child whose skin and nails turned blue, and they lost the hope that the child would live.
Besides this hard pain, she had another one, because a big dog of the city doctor killed the goat whose milk Virginia was fed from. Virginia's father went and wept at the Doctor's door. The Doctor was filled with kindness for these poor Christians and went to see the child who was about to die, and then he brought medicine for her healing.
God searched the pain and sorrow of this house and He held out His hand to heal and create a new womb for Virginia, so she was brought to life again. Gradually, the child was healed. The heavens suffered in her body, it suffered for the church of Jesus Christ, because God had planned to work through His Word and bring through Virginia, healing for the church's wound. Virginia was then going to show that she is a church blessed of God, in which the lamb of God lived and talked with the Christian people who where born through this work of the Holly Spirit.
When Virginia was four, her father died and the life of this family became very hard. The mother and the two children left their only hope and help to God. They went on all the holidays to the Holly Church, their only comfort. Virginia was now nine years old. Her elder sister, Maria, was doing her daily work in the house, and Virginia thought to go in the village to pray at the doors so she can gather the cows to graze them, to earn some food. Her mother Andreiana was lying in bed suffering of pellagra. Some open hearted people, gave to the child Virginia their cows to graze them, and in the evening after she received some food as payment for her work, she would come home to give the food she received to her mother and to her sister. Virginia had only one little dress and she was very careful when she was running after the cows, not to hang her dress in the thorns of the bushes around. On the working days she used to wear the dress inside out, and in the evening before each holiday, she washed her dress to wear it the second day at church. Everyday she went with the cows to graze, and very often she cried. The kids of the village always made fun of her and laughed at her and treated her as a poor and stupid child, and they threw rocks at her. Every day she waited for the evening to come so she can go and give the food earned to her mother. In the glade she went with the cows, there was an apple tree, but his fruit were sour and no one ate them. Virginia ate the apples from that tree, and in the evening she would take them home, but her mother and sister couldn't eat them because to them the apples were very sour. She was amazed, but sad, and she didn't understand why the apples were sweet for her. She was happy that she had the apples to eat because this way she could keep all the food earned for her mother and sister.
The whole day she would cry and say: «Mother of God, who are in heaven, make my mother healthy again, because we are little and we do not have a father. Please don't let us remain without my mother».
One day, she saw a big white light, and the mother of God holding the little baby Jesus in her arms, and she said: «Look! There is the mother of God with the little baby Jesus, just like she is in our icon at home!» Then she heard: «Virginia, I am the mother of God and your mother, too. Don't cry any more because my son Jesus Christ will make your mother healthy again so she can take care of you.» Virginia started to cry. To cry for the joy and hope she had for her mother's healing. In the evening when she went home, she told everything to her mother, who understood that the child had a heavenly vision.
The second day, she went again with the cows, and in the evening she saw the heavenly light again and a beam of light from heaven to earth through which came down a saint with a beard, surrounded by beams of light, and holding in his hand a bright cross. He called her by her name:
«Virginia, I am the Son of the mother of God and I have come to heal your mother. Don't cry! I'm always going to come in your path from now on and I will never leave you, but look, I ask you for something for your mother's healing. Give me your hair to have from you.» But Virginia, knowing that it's a big sin to cut her hair, responded to God:
«God, my mother told me that it's a big sin to cut my hair, ask me for something else, maybe I can give it to you.»
«Give me a hand so I can have it from you.»
«God, if I am left with only one hand, I can not brush my hair by myself, I can not dress by myself, I can not wash, I can not work, ask me for something else.»
«Then give me a leg to have it from you.»
«Oh God, ask me again, maybe there is something else that I can give you, because I can't run after the cows with only one leg, and I will do pain to other people having to carry me around. Ask me something else, don't leave! I want you to heal my mother.»
«Oh, what can I ask from you? I will ask for an eye so it can be My help through you, so I can look with My eye through your eye, because I want you to be for Me a tent on earth.»
Virginia was comforted because it didn't seem too hard with one eye, and putting her hand on her left eye, to see how she sees with one eye, she turned happily to tell God that He could take one eye from her for her mother's healing, but when she looked to the place where the light appeared, God had already started going up to heaven, and so she shouted:
«God, look, I’ll give you an eye! Come back to take it» And then God spoke from the clouds:
«Be good Virginia. I always will come to you. When you will be 14 years old, then I will take your eye. Go home now, because your mother has got out of bed .From now on, I will always be with you.»
Virginia, filled with happiness, didn't stay any longer with the cows and went with them to the houses from which she took them in the morning and while she was walking home with the food earned, she sees her mother coming to her. Virginia shouted:
«Mother, are you healthy again?»
«I have been made healthy, for a young saint with a bright cross in his hand, appeared near the bed and told me to get up and be cured for your weeping. He helped me to get up, and I came to meet you.» Virginia told her mother about her meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ in the glade where she was with the cows. Her mother started to understand that the child was filled with the gift of the Holly Spirit. A heavenly happiness came over their poor house. Virginia was growing and the Lord Jesus Christ made from her a ship of the Holly Spirit so afterwards to start through her a big heavenly Christian Work for the preparation of Christian people who were going to listen and obey the Lord's commandment. When she was 14 years old, the Lord fulfilled His word and took the sight of Virginia's left eye, and later this eye was covered by whiteness. Her talks with the Lord Jesus Christ, with the Mother of God, with the saints and archangels of the heavens, became a continuous heavenly work on earth that she spread to all that heard and came to the village where this blessed work arose.
When she was 32 years old, in the spring of 1955, before the beginning of the Great Lent, Virginia received heavenly word to start fasting for forty days, time in which she could only receive Holly Bread and Holly Water, but she responded:
«God, I will not be able to fast so long.»
«You will be able to Virginia, because The Holy Spirit will shine over you, so after this I can bring over you a big heavenly gift, a heavenly work like it has never been on earth and about which is written in that Book descended from heaven, because I want to prepare my pathway to the second coming, and to illuminate a nation, and to distinguish it from other nations, and to clean it of all the temptations of the body and of the spirit, so it can work holiness on earth by fear of God.»
Virginia had a spirit full of humility for those who came from heaven, and she, in her simplicity, imagined that God will give her a gift to save themselves from poorness, and she said:
«God, help me with the holy heaven, help me to obey you and help me to accomplish the time of fasting». In this time, she had near her a Christian sister with the name of Elena from the village of Valea Lungã, who, although she was married, she lived a pure life with her husband, because she had the gift of prophecy. This Christian virgin stood all the time of fasting near Virginia, and talked with the Christians that came. Virginia went through this fasting time with a lot of difficulty, because, sometimes those that were around her and her mother Andreiana, had very little hope that she will survive until the end of
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