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1997.12.12 - The Word of God six years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem

The Word of God[1] at six years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem[2]



I come with a spirit of celebration from heaven on earth and I become fresh word over the little garden of My word.


It is a feast in heaven and upon you, My little garden. The heaven celebrates you and the saints and angels embrace you within a spirit of heavenly feast for the celebration of your day of the sealing with the Holy Spirit and with the heavenly power on you. Amen. I put the work of the Holy Spirit over you, and a heavenly power and a strong enclosure, and also saints and angels and heavenly working powers, and I made you My feast on the earth, oh, little garden of My word, and I called you the Holy of Holies, which I, the Lord, enter into, I, the Great Bishop, I with the tens of thousands of saints and angels. My Word is king over you, and the king comes out of you like a bridegroom to love his bride. I become word of love in you and I write the book of love between the Bridegroom and bride. Peace to you, My little garden with anointed sons! Oh, it is very hard of those, who touch this anointment from heaven with a spirit of unbelief and with a deed of unbelief.


Oh, little children of the body of My bride! Little children, My bride! Oh, My people, I have no one to anoint on the earth. There is no man of God on the earth, to have a way to anoint, and by anointment to make My saints for the heavenly ones. Sons, I do no longer have any little place where to bow down My labor and head. In the time of the apostles, it was not as it is now. The churches were churches, not as it is today. The churches from that time meant holiness, and the sin was put away from the churches; it was brought into view by those with the Holy Spirit and it was taken out from the churches.


It is bad without God’s word. It is bad without a prophet among the people. The prophet of God is the word of God, which brings the evil into view, for there where the evil hides, the wrath of God comes visibly; the heavenly justice, fire and brimstone over the evil worked out by the people. My word is the word of justice, and those with a false life fight against My word; they fight against Me, and My word is fire and brimstone for those who do not love the Lord fulfilling the right law of the holiness on the earth.


Oh, saints from heaven and little angels, work out over My garden; work on it a work of new heaven and new earth, and prepare its visible glory. Work from all sides and renew the power of the little manger-garden of My word. Enclose it from all sides with the heavenly fire of the Holy Spirit and with the light, which does not grow dim, as I, its Lord and its Bishop, am its light and I become light over the earth from it; I become Light from Light. Amen. I came as word from heaven on the earth, and the people do not know what this work means. I have come, and no one waited for Me to come, and it will also be the same when I will come visibly on the clouds of the glory, as that time has come and I am ready to let My body be seen, as it is written into the Scriptures, (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) but it will not be as it is now, for then I will be kept with My glory by My way that I work with My word today, and I glorify Myself over the little garden of My word, and I will pour out of My mouth a word of mourning, fire and brimstone, over the crows which sleep watching for the sleep of not watching.


And you, anointed sons, come in under My glory, which is protection, enclosure and joy for you. May your comings in and out be blessed, the comings in and out, and work from under My glory to be always clothed and not naked. Teach Israel, teach the sons of My people to be clothed and not naked, as My glory is the garment, which I gave to My people, the one, which prepares My coming. I cannot prepare My coming without a prepared people. I cannot make My coming with a visible glory without a house built of living stones. The house has to be seen and well-built and well adorned, as the heavenly gifts will be to surpass with a visible brightness everything that shines over the people without the power of shining. The brightness, which falls at any breeze of wind, is not brightness, and it is a lie instead, which the people wrote brightness on. Behold the churches of today, which are called so, out of people’s habit. Behold the buildings of today, which are called Christ’s churches, are adorned by the hand of the lying people, as a false life and a living lie, which deceives the face of the eternal and living truth. The church dwellings belong to the people, they do not belong to God, as I, the Lord, cannot bow My head in them. There is only world in them, a world without God, a world which does not come together there for God, but rather gathers together for people, for human glory and not for godly glory. (See the selection topic: „The true church[3]”, r.n.)


Oh, only if the people with a clean heart would wake up, to have power to call the lie, lie! Oh, only if My time with the people on the earth would come! Oh, only if the great day of the Son of God would come; the One, Who the heaven and the earth were made through! Oh, My longing is great, and behold, I made a house on the earth for Myself. My strong hand worked and I have a church after My will, and I have a path to it and with it, I have a way to the earth. I have been waiting for seven thousand years for the time of this faithful people, which believes that the Father sent Me as word on the earth.


Oh, faithful people, may your faith never perish! May your faith increase and fill the earth with faith! May your faith pass into the endless age! Amen, amen, amen.


Behold, I come. Come under My glory, you faithful sons, sons anointed in the little garden. Teach the sons of My people to be clothed and not naked. Let everyone look at your clothing and let everyone that looks at you know what it means for a man to be clothed and not naked. Prepare My people, to be faithful for My coming. Prepare the garment of My glory for My people.


Oh, people, faithful to My coming, I prepare you to prepare My coming. I prepare you, son, and do not be idle; do no longer be idle with your preparation. Prepare the adornments of your faith and polish your garment and your footwear and whiten the whiteness of My holiness, for I am Light from the Light, and the Light is drawn to the Light. Learn from those that are put over you to teach you; learn what it means your glory from Me; learn, My people, as you have My word as teacher above you. Lift up your eyes and learn to have the heaven in you. Look up and learn from those from above; learn the work of the saints and of the angels on the earth. Do not look only sideways. Look also in the sky for you have to receive the heaven as adornment over you. If you look only sideways, you cannot receive those from above, for they are from above and not from the sides. I prepare you with a heavenly teaching, but you should not get lost on the sides, but rather get lost in those from above, so that I may find you in them when I will let Myself be discovered in you and over you and out of your midst over many multitudes. A man, who went to steal and to have, also took with him his child, in order to teach him to have, when he does not have. And when the man reached to take and to have, he worked stealthily, for he worked as on earth; and he looked in front of him and in his back, on the left and on the right, and then he prepared to take and to have. But the little child told him that he forgot to look up, and those from heaven came down and worked for the birth from above of the man’s heart, and the man learned to look with those from heaven over his deeds.


Oh, son Israel, I prepare you and you should not be idle in your preparation. Look up now! Amen. And look on the sides only with the eyes from above, with your birth from above, the one from heaven, not with the one from man’s birth. I have been waiting for seven thousand years for your time on the earth among the people. I have been waiting for seven ages to be My faithful people, for I called you, son, to be with the heaven on the earth, and I chose you from the one that I chose you, and I made you from the chosen one, the faithful one, to have a way of coming. I do not lie to you that I come and I do not come. If the Scriptures of My second coming are false, then this word is also false. But the Scriptures are truth, and I come and become truth, for I am the word of the truth, the word of the Scriptures. Amen. I made a dwelling for you and for Me. I made a little garden with anointed sons in it. I made a manger for the birth of My word over those who are faithful on the earth, and the place of the glory of My word is called the Holy of Holies on the earth, for the sons of My church, for those that are faithful of the Romanian people, for it is My new people, newly chosen in the end, as I chose Israel according to the flesh from the beginning. I promised Abraham that I will multiply him like the stars of the sky by the seed of My promises, and I will multiply him like the stars of the sky by those born of the heaven[4]. As the stars of the sky cover everywhere from above the earth that is under them, the same I will multiply the nation promised to Abraham; I promised that I will multiply him all over the earth. Amen. That is why I chose the Romanian people out of the nations, for I had to keep My promise made by the word. The nation of Israel, according to the flesh, hardened its heart by unholiness and then by unbelief, and the nations, which did not hear of the work of the heaven on the earth, were born of the

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