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2000.02.27 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of the Prodigal son's parable

The Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of the Prodigal son’s Parable

I am the Good Shepherd, for I laid down My life for My sheep and I have been shep-herding them. Amen, amen, amen.

The good shepherd is the one who gets into the sheepfold through the door. The gate-keeper opens to him and the sheep listens to his voice and he calls them by their name, and when he takes them out, he goes in front of them and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. Amen. I am the One Who shepherd Israel, and Israel is the one who lets himself be shep-herded by Me knowing My voice. When I was speaking in the midst of Israel about My shep-herding over the sheep given to Me by the Father, the Jewish people were taking stones into their hands and throwing them into Me, for they said that I was blaspheming God, but I was speaking the truth and saying that they were not of My sheep, for My sheep listened to My voice and came after Me. However, they were saying that I had a demon and that I was out of My mind.

I come to shepherd those who listen to the voice of My word, for I am the Shepherd of Israel. I have come to always refresh the water and to exhort to My spring with My voice of Shepherd. I stay near the spring and make a pasture of it for those who come and make it into living water for those who seek life. Whoever drinks of this water has eternal life. Amen. And the eternal life is in all who deny their own lives and take Mine, and I call them by their name and get out with them to the pasture, and they follow Me wherever I go, for it is written into the Scriptures: «These are those who are clean and follow the Lamb wherever He goes, for they were redeemed from among the people, as the first fruits of God and of the Lamb, and in their mouth there was no lie found, because they have been blameless».

I come down on the earth as a Shepherd. Let all those who want Me to be their Shepherd come to Me, for those who established themselves as shepherds do not shepherd, because they do not enter the fold through the door but rather they jump over it and they butcher and do not shepherd; they eat and drink and do not shepherd and do not teach the sheep to follow Me for they are engaged in another work, other than shepherding. However, I come to become the rest and light of the man’s heart, tired of running and waiting, for the man is wondering about with-out master and without father on the earth. The man is the son prodigal of life. He took his life from Me and then he went with it into pleasures and debauchery and into death. He took it and spent it, and every man wanders away hungry, and his wondering away is great and he falls un-der it. However, I come with the spring of life giving and calling out everywhere to be heard by every man who wanders away without a shepherd and I say: He who drinks of this water has eternal life. He who takes Me from this spring denies himself and takes Me as his life and comes back to the Father after having a life wandered away without any price. (See the se-lection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.)

Today the parable of the prodigal son is being read in churches; the son who took his life away from God’s hands and went with it and spent it, and then, being hungry under a foreign slavery, he had pondered on going back to his Father as a slave; as a slave and not as a son, for this is right, because the son is the worthy son and stays as a son before the Father.

There are only prodigal sons of life and they call God their Father, and there are no longer shepherds to teach the man what humility is, and I, the Lord, am ready to run before the one who tries to come back as a slave into My house, not as a master, not as a worthy son, but as a hum-bled son before Me, so that I may rejoice over his coming back. If he comes haughtily and if he comes for his own rights and if he comes to pose as master and heir, then I do not rejoice over his coming back. However, if he comes ashamed of his squandered life and humiliated because of his defeat, then I see him even he is far away and I come into his way to welcome him, and I do not let him come alone. I get out because of his humility and work according to the righteous-ness; I do not let him come alone, for I am the Righteous One and I come into the way of the one who humbles and I come out for his humility, and in this way I am righteous, for I said in the Scriptures: «Which of you men, if you had a hundred sheep, and lost one of them, would not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one that was lost, until he found it? When he has found it he carries it on his shoulders, rejoicing with his friends. For there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, then over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance».

I, as a good Shepherd, know of the man’s haughtiness and prepared My way with justice even two thousand years ago, when I was working by the word to tame the proud hearts, which were used to justice after the law and according to justice. I did not want to be judged by the Jewish people, who’s God I was, coming from the Father. I was exhorting them to repentance and they judged Me denouncing Me for injustice, and they thought that was right. I was appeas-ing them to humility and forgiveness and they took Me and crucified Me so that they might no longer hear Me, for the Israel people was sinful. Not only Gentiles were under sin. Israel’s sin was even greater, because he was sinning, knowing what sin was. However, I came from heaven to exhort him to repentance, and I could not do it because he pretended to be right. I came to be his forgiving Shepherd, but he was haughty and struck My hands and then he took Me out from him. Then I ran before those who were humiliating themselves through My sacrifice and resurrec-tion, and I was taking them in Me and making them faithful by grace, and I made a people out of Gentiles for Me, and they are called those who are redeemed from among the people, the first fruits of God and of the Lamb, and there is no lie into their mouth, because they are righteous. Amen.

Oh, only the righteous one works out the lie, and then he uses it because he needs it to cover his sin, as the people of Israel has been doing and that has been hiding putting Me as a wall between him and the rest of the nations; Me, the One Who was condemned by the law; Me, the One, Who fulfills and not violates the law. Behold, only the righteous one works out the lie, and those, who choose life in return for their life, My eternal life in them, are those who are chosen from among the people, the first fruits of God, and there is no lie in their mouths, because they are blameless. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, there is no longer a man not to work out the lie and there is no longer a man without reproach. There are on earth only people squandering of life and they call God their Father, and there are no longer teachers to teach the man what humility is, because there is no righteous man. Then I said: «Here I have come!» and I have come, for it is better for the man to be shepherded by Me then by man, for the man who does not show to the man what to do, so that he may see, that one cannot be called a teacher over the man. Oh, there are no longer teachers anywhere, there are no longer, and I, the Lord, am ready to run before the one who comes back humiliated to Me, to make him like one of My slaves, and I to be Master and Teacher over all. Amen.

It is better for the man to be called My slave than My son, for the son loses his humility and plays the Father and he gets spoiled and thus becomes unworthy of the Father, but the slave is humble and loves his Master and does not rises over Him or pretends to be heir and teacher, but rather he remains a humble servant, allowing Me to be Shepherd before My kingdom and in front of My kingdom. Amen. That is why I have come. I have come to be Shepherd. And be-hold, I am the Shepherd of the sheep, and the wolves howl and the dogs bark, for they have nothing to tear down and they have nothing to bark at, and they nip at Me and they nip at the sheep, but the sheep are with their Shepherd, for it is written: «There will be one flock and one Shepherd», the flock of the Lord, the flock, which is shepherded by the Lord, a flock with a Shepherd. Amen.

I came from the Father to shepherd the sheep; I came to bring them together and to graze them. I call out the trumpet, for this is written that I should do. This word is the trumpet that I call out, and I call out to be heard, and it is heard, (See the selection topic: „The apoca-lyptic trumpets ”, r.n.) but those that are Jews in their hearts and mind call Me „the demon”, and say that I am the one who blasphemes, and call Me „the man”, for they are crucifying Jews. Oh, it is not the man, for I said that the man cannot be shepherd; he cannot be teacher, for I am the Teacher, not the man. But where should the man have wisdom from so that he may understand by it, if he is righteous every moment and does not shake to humiliate and then to remain in hu-mility? The man cannot be shepherd, for the Shepherd is the One Who is crucified for the life of the sheep. I am everywhere with the crucified to have mercy on the sheep. There is no place on the earth that I may not be crucified every moment by every man. I stay crucified everywhere and the man is doing his will everywhere. Nowhere can I come down from the cross to dine with the man in a day of rest, for the man is taught to be free, and I, crucified. The man takes off My eyes with his sacrifices for Me, but I want mercy; for I am the sacrifice and not the man’s sacri-fice is sacrifice. The man goes to Jerusalem instead of doing My will upon him wherever he is, so that I may come to him and rejoice over him. But he goes to Jerusalem and he goes there in vain,

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