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2003.01.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the Lord's Baptism (Epiphany)

            The Word of God[1] at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany)[2]



I breathe with a spirit of Epiphany over My manger of the word descending. I breathe with a strong spirit and as much as from heaven to earth. I breathe with all the angelic hosts to strengthen My gates and to enter victoriously into Jerusalem, in you, My little and tiny people and gentle one, to comfort you with a spirit of Epiphany, and to strengthen your power and your steps on the way of My coming to you as word on earth. Amen.


Oh, Sons who are the gates of My entrance into Jerusalem, to make it grow and to adorn it for My day of coming to My bride, to My people of today and tomorrow! Oh, children astounded by pains, by pains from everywhere! I, the Almighty God, have power in you, and I strengthen with it your little bodies and hearts and your standing before My word to receive it and to put it into the book. I embrace you within a spirit of Epiphany and I breathe upon you with powers and angels, for I have to make a word into the book in My day of celebration, the day of Epiphany of two thousand years ago since I, as an obedient Son to the Father and to the man, bowed in order to be baptized in Jordan by John, My godfather.


I told you with power that I see your love as an inextinguishable fire and its fire will burn your little hearts, suffering in them for Me, because I cannot comprise in the fire of My love in you for the man many and more people on the earth for the man to do My will, sons bearing of God and of His word over the earth, when it comes to you to put in into its book. I told you to be strong in your hearts and to keep away from weaknesses and pains and arrows and to stand by Me so that I may be able to put My word upon you for My people, to have it as My son. I pour out My glory through you on My people, and without you I do not do anything, for I am an obedient Son to any order established by My Father upon you to serve His plan who prepares the glory of My coming. (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.)


Strengthen your little hearts, for My word is coming down on earth with a spirit of Epiphany upon My people, and then with speaking in languages of Holy Spirit, as they are carried in the mystery of the baptism which I, the Lord, confirmed on the earth through John, who was baptizing with water and through Me, the One baptized by him in the water and that carry in My being of the Son of the Father Sabaoth the baptism with the Holy Spirit, the Mystery that contains in it the One Who is baptized with John’s baptism, with the baptism of repentance, for this is what He was calling at Jordan: «Repent, repent, repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has come near». Amen.


But what is that, the kingdom of the heavens? This means God with the man, and here I am into your midst, Jerusalem, and here I am as I speak to you so that I may be able that by My speaking upon you to open the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf and the mind of those that are stiff-necked, for them to understand what God with the man means, the kingdom of the heavens. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God[3]”, r.n.)


I strengthen My word into your midst, My people, for I have strengthened My entrance gates into Jerusalem with the Holy Spirit. Any storm, any pain and any trouble, which comes against you, will be smashed against the gates, not against you, Jerusalem, and you will be protected, but the gates are in sufferance and in pain, for this work, by which I give you birth and I grow and protect you in order to have you as My people, is great and heavy to carry. The kingdom of the heavens and its word comes in through the gates to you, and I always teach you to be watchmen with great watch inside you, My people, for I am a watchman outside of you. Amen.


There is no man on earth to understand what the kingdom of the heavens is. He knows and dreams that it is high, into the sky and it is not seen on the earth. The man does not lose his time to understand better this mystery, by which John was crying with all his soul two thousand years ago at Jordan, saying: «Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! I baptize you in water to repentance and the One Who is coming after me will baptized you in the Holy Spirit and with fire, and here He is, This is Him: He is the Lamb of God, Who lifts up on His shoulders the sin of the world».


Oh, Jerusalem, oh, My little people, I made a cross of the sins of the world and I took it on My shoulders to carry it, but the man, having seen Me so painful, in pains for two thousand years, did not want and does not want to take away the cross of his sins from My shoulders. Each man heaps up sins upon sins on My cross, pain upon pain, but he has not got any comfort for My heavy cross from the man to give Me.


Oh, Jerusalem, My cross from the end of the time is heavier and heavier, the one from My coming to you, little son. I share it with those who carry it and bring it from earth into heaven and from heaven on to the earth for the man so see it. I go with it into My back to the Father and I have under it those that I carry it with, and then I come back with it on the earth for the man to hear My crying under the cross and My mercy for those with whom I carry My heavy cross from the end of the time. The sins of the world are under My heavy cross, and I make word out of it for the man to hear Me, and when I become word, I am hard to bear with him from heaven to earth, as heavy as My heavy cross, and it hurts Me in those with whom I carry the cross of My coming to you, people led by God through the darkness of the world nowadays, which does not know what is and how is and where is the kingdom of the heavens. It means God with the people; I with John at Jordan, coming to the people to lift up their sins and to take them on My shoulders and to give them of My life, of My mouth, as I have already done so, since I came out of the water of Jordan, of the water of baptism, and I walked on the earth speaking and working signs and miracles, and word from the word of the Father, Who gives life to the people through His beloved Son, for the Father above the water of the Jordan spoke the word and said: «This is My beloved Son, with Whom I am well pleased», and the Holy Spirit descending as a dove, confirmed the fulfillment of My Father’s word, Who was above Me and at the same time in Me, speaking the word from heaven to confess Me, Who I was, and for the people that were gathered at Jordan for John’s baptism to hear. Amen.


Soon, soon, there will flow crowds upon crowds here, at the river of the word of life, to the Jordan of life, and they will drink of its water, for the water on the earth will go dry and it will completely run dry, in such a way that the miracle of My word may be seen into your midst, Romanian Jerusalem, a people always baptized from heaven with the water of the river of life, with the word, which makes the sons who love the mystery of God’s sons on the earth, and of the midst of whom I speak and confirm the kingdom of the heavens showing it to every man who wants to hear and see and to believe the mystery of the kingdom of the heavens on earth, God, the word with the man, for I spoke about the spirit and the truth, which the true worshippers of God will receive. Amen. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan[4]”, r.n.)


Oh, sons of the people, you look in vain to the place where I was crucified by the people of that time. It is in vain that you go there to boast that you were there; in vain, oh, sons of the people, for here is the Lamb of God, coming as word in the midst of the Romanian people in which He has His dwelling and kingdom now, in the end of the time. Bow and be baptized in the water of the river of life, for My teaching is waited by many nations, but hearing they do not hear, and seeing they do not see, and understanding they do not understand, for they are stiff-necked, so that they may not come back to their wicked paths so that I may receive them. Oh, sons of the people, I show you with My forefinger the mystery of the kingdom of the heavens, God with the man on the earth, His word in the midst of the nations of the earth on the Romanian land.


In a spirit of Epiphany I speak from above, I, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, the One born of the Virgin and the One baptized in Jordan by John, and I speak through the sons of My word in this time: the water from the Epiphany, of the fountains of My gardens of the New Jerusalem, is sanctified and blessed with the power, the coming and the work of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, with all the heavenly powers, with all the visible and invisible glory of the Godly Trinity, and is shared for the forgiveness of those who repent for the kingdom of the heavens, which is coming and here is how it has come, for the time is coming and it has already come in order to put the kingdom of Israel back to its place, the kingdom of the heavens, the new making of the world, the man in the image and likeness of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, a new man, born of this word, which flows like the river of My mouth over My people and over the earth. Amen.


I embrace you to My bosom, for you are very tender. I embrace you to My bosom that is hurt after you, sons from the gates, for I, the Lord, the One confirmed as the Son of the Father in a day of Epiphany two thousand years ago at Jordan, I embrace you in the spirit of the heavenly powers and I have been breathing with great power

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